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MIKO.llt' Illlit l'O.tV anv ílBbor Oomicawdbkt, So. 18 raeeUj flryt I Tuesday .f eaoli in mtli, W. G. Doty. K. c; W. A. Tolohard, Beoordw. WASHTKNAW t'H.UM'EIt, N'o. 6, R A. M.- Manta flrm Momlay -u-li montb. Isaac Hancly, H. P.; Z. Kmith, Seorelary. - t BUSINESS CARDS. ,' BËAL E&TAÏTT INSURANGÏ AGEN6Y, - J. Q, A. SESSIONS, ATTOKXKY AND XOl'.VUY PUBLIC I Real KstHte sold (ir rentad mul rert.-i j irted on reaaonablfl t vdne bui old and Brt-ola tnturanoi Campantes reprewnted-wlth Imuraooe oap1UI of $10,UOO,t0. Rate a low aa au -ether Offle In Nailon! Bank Blook, Matn street, Ann Arbor, Mich. W. II. ÍACK8OW, DUHUlJNriWPHIIISMTIl. OJ'FKJK : Over Kach & AbcI's Dry (Jood Slurf. Eñtranoe nexi tn NatlonRl Bank. WIIJJAÜI I1KKZ, Houso, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! PaperiiiK, GU7.ii l', QMIob, nd ('alcimintni;, and work of everv èecriotfon done in bert style.and mmotod 10 fl ¦ lÖltiCtlOB. Shop, No. 4 W. Whington St., Anr, Arbor. ( W. W. A. A. C. MCHOI.S Rooms Over Ann Arteor garlnfl üank, Masonic Tcüiplc Bleek. GA.S or VITALIZED AIR ViraiolBtered ter He paialwa ti icBonul teelh. JOSEPII BF.KÍS1 .'. fka rniitical TAILOR AND (JUTTER, Oí the latí? ftrm o. W'INASS A BBftKY. h.ta loc ït' á hJa place of bn?ineM Kt NO. 1 HURON STREET, wrni a ii i.i. O Suitings and Trouserings, And wuulil n to bi "ld Meada nd thatir they want n. ! Kil nd a SOBBK Hl at RB&SUNABLH PKK 1, cali on hlra uil ihej wil! be f ure to jft t one. CET TKE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security haM fur Hu protecllon of the policy CHRISTÍAN MkCK Bcprpsentê the Mlowloc irM-cia compante, ol which oiie, the Mum, hita alone i id td&JtoOJODO tn loíni'8 In nlitj'-llve yani! Etna. of Bartford $ 9,19-2 ƒ.11 Kranklin ot Philadelphia S,l 18,713 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,085,98 London Aunranoe, London... 1,416,788 Michimn W. & M., Detroit... 287,808 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartfoid 1,774,606 Plioenix, Brookly n 8,769,086 Loss liberally adjusted and nromptly puid. Policies issued at the loweét ratcs ol premium. vaut LUMBERI LT7MBBK! LÏÏMBEU! lf yon contémplate building, cali at FERDON Luw Ïiiii! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and e out figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lamber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICES ïGive lts a cali and we will m;ike it to ynur interest, as our larife and mil (raded stock fully ustains our asscrtion. Tclephone Conncctions with Office. T.J. KEKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop oiNriirsr sao "!! PHILADELPHiA SINGEK - -r-: IiiHiifliiK Tuikt-r, K-ifflcr, HB'H' "' 4 Iil niiiiHi-t.Hi.c: Hnifï' jffl r.uiid umi ui outfit ot iwi'jvc - ft iJifc-.s, Wtrranltd 3 yean. #J Iw UH I O your own r ifv jEnfl Iiohhc beloï-p yttu ny BB F one f ent. -v" o" u j Iti' il[ f '"''"f i'tfii" diufê to inaJce L j _ifil M1 They ar tmiidm. tJlX C2íJSlBomíi' rtnrahlp, nti líghtTXÖiïS" vprniuiui r. Same ai other con- 1 paniet charce trom (49 to 950. Purrhmir frorn ut m;d Mire :IO. Senil lor circular and l o. A. WOOD 4 CO.. testimoníala, j IT N. Tenth nu, I'bllail'a, P. 1MILEwsIïivI'TYklPv iü Tiif loudent nntl "'Qfct JPpJk tS A iMri-riniclr h h r i 1 1 .RjSBPrAyjS r whlHiln Cui be heard froni o:te toH brrcentreaiM cartriügts. vp . ¦ yv i ., ijifï bU -rt :-m antfeverf ïcri ie: 5Í!' u:d Áie v ¦¦ ¦¦V "¦'.Ou. ;..¦.. Ot'S!' iiow, f "' Snd li'HtOl" Cll - TH IS PAPER Jsys ¦ III V I Hl lal! kowkll & Co-a Kewiipaper Advertlfllog Bureau (10 Spruco sSSi NEW YORK.


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