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C. H. MiLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Establlshed iver a quarter of a ceotury ago. Representing he iollowing flrst-class companies, wlth ver $0,000.000 CapitHl and Asets. [OME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. MA (AHA. INS. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Phlladelptala. IRIENT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Loudon. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of 1 ti is ti ui. Rate IOw as tlie Lowest. Loases Liberally Adjnstod aud promptly l'ald. C. . MILLEK. JONG'S]EVIL Was the name formerty eiren to Scroful because of tupentltion Uiat it could be cured by a klng's touch. The world U wiser now, and knows that ¦. SCROFULA can only be rared by a thorongh purlfication of the blood. If thls is neelected, the disrase perpetúate IU talnt throueh peneration alter peneration. Among lts earller aymptomatle developments are Kczcma, Cutaneona Eruptlons. Tumors, Bolls, Carbuncle, fcryslpelas, Purulent Úlcera, Nerroua and I'hyslcal CoUapae, etc. If allowed to continue, Rheumatism, Serofulous Catarrh, Kidney and Liver Diaeases, Tubercular Conaumptlon, tnd vaiïOus other dangeroua or iotal maladles, are produced by lt. . - - Ayer 8 Sarsaparilla Is the only powerui and aiways reliable blood'purifying medicine. It is o eïcctiial an altênttire that it eradlcates from the sTstm Hereditary Scrofula, and the kiniiri'il poUoni of contagious dbeuM and mercury. At the game time lt enriches and vltallzes the blood, restoring healthful actlon to the vital orean aud ri-juvenatijigtheentireiyatem. Thiagreut Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the eenulne Honduras Sarsaparilla, wlth leüoxa Doek, 8tüUngía, the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other ingredients of ereat potency, carefully and scientiflcilly conipouDded. lts formula is generally known to the medical profesaion, and the b-st pbysicians constantly preicribe AYElt'8 Sá'ksapabilla as an Absolute Cure For all diieases caosed by the vltlatlon of the blood. It U concentrated to the hlghest practicable degree, far beyond ny other preparation for whlch llke effecti are claimed, and 13 therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood porlfylng medicino, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FREFAKXD BY Dr. J. C. Aer & Co., Lomall, Mass. [Amalytlcal Chemlats.] Sold by all Druggisti: Price $1; Siz boules for $5. BILIOUSNESS Bilious symptoms Invarlably arise from indigestión, such as furredtongue, vomitina of bile, g-iddiness, sick headache, irregular bowels. The liver secretes the bile and acts llke a filter or sleve, to clean se impurities of the blood. By Irregu-j larity in its action or suspensions of its functions, the bile is liable to overflow into the blood, causing J aundlce, sallow complexión, yellow eyes, bilious diarrhoBa, a languld, weary feellng and many other d i stressing symptoms. Billousness may oe properly termed an afTection of the liver, and can be thor ough ly cured by the grand regulator of the liver and blllary organs, BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. It acts upon the stomach, bowels and Hvr, maklng nealthy bile and pare blood, and opens the culverts and slulceways for the outlet of disease. Sold everywhere and guaranteed to care. THEBEST" Huljte Overshoes TO WEAIt OVEU YOl'K TVOOI. BOOTS, are thoio now made bf the"CanJee"Kubbr Co., cxprcssly for Michigan trade forthu scason oflS85and6. EVERY PAIR WAKRANTHD aguiiit n ing apart lu cithcr ole or upper and gnurauteed to give Batbfactton iu tviry respect. Mado fnr Reputation, giviug the wearcr more for bis moncy he can get In ay other makc ofgoods. Of BEST BOOT STOCK, andnotot ordinary overshoe stock. The boIcb made tho same as Rnbber Boot Soles baviug a thick ñole and then a tap eole upon that. Thls tap solo is thickened in the middle, and i DOUBLÉ TIIICK. ON TUK 1SAI.I.. Thls is the great wearlng point. The Doublé Thick Bali and tbc Boot Stock upper, give a Bhoe whlch wiil poiUivebj outiviar arty ether shoe lu the market even of tho very best brand. NO HICHFM H PRICE. Thousands of dollars saved to WoolBoot wearors thls siason. Don't bo :ifrld of the quaüty. THE WARHAWT SECURES YOU. Cali for tho 'Caríate Dovlle Tuk llnll 'joodt.'' Warrant ttumpul on cvtry ltoe. For sule to the trnde by K. & J. CUMMINUS & CO., Detroit. 1 ri TTim Hnd 10 cent ponUKe. iind we llll i III will mail ynnfree aroyal, valIX ItI M I ualile, .-¦iini'l" box of gomls il U 1 L tliat wU1 piit yu ln L1'e wtty of ruukiDg more monty at once ! than anytblnu else In America. Buth saxes 1 of all ukm en flve at home and work I" spnre time. or uil the time. Capital not rei qulred. We wlll start yoa. Immense pnv I ure for those wlio tart at onoe. Stinson fe Co., Portland. Malne. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN NV KlUUt. Should advertise in THE COURIER.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News