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Lots of ducks iip at Xorth Lako. Lima ê to have a Cliristnms tree. Houth Lyon has the Salvation Army. Saline township gives u woodchuck scalp bounty. Lewis Freer of [.ui i iü viaiting frii'lids n New York state. The Saline pfflrtofflec lms befen removed ') Xo. 6 Union block. .Taoob 8t. Clair has sturtcd a hoop fa - ory at Wliitmore Lnke. XeUon Davenporl and Lulu Off, both of York, were in irried Nov. 2.-)th. South Lyon n'ow lias sevcn new buildnifs with French pinte fronts. Cbu. A. Klliottanil Miss Anna E. Sherman, of Saleni, were tied leoently. The Clifton house at W Luke hm li eady announced a New Year Unmv IJ 'C. lst Geo. Crane su,to'i(hI J. B. Milt-s as xproa-iafitMit at Ami Arl)ir Tlie Tliaiiksgivini; eollectlon for tlie )oor at Ypsilanti auiöunted to $127.81. In Saline and Pitt-tiold townships 130 coplea of Grant'i Hernoira liave been mM, Win. C. Clirk and Ml Cirrle L. Smith, both of Dectar, wrre marricii Nnv. 26th. The Presbytcrian society ladies of SnLpe re to Imld h fair, ((imineucin: Dcc. 22d. Th Sunday School hour at WUitmore ,i(kc has beon chanircd from I to 3 'Vlock . in. Six hmidred husliels of cfim f rom 4JU icrw is Wht I'. II. Room ot 1'utsilcUt report. Duacon Evans, one of Ypsiliinti'.s oldest colored n'sidci:t8 dietj recently, af ed "0 yeitM. Betnaid ('imin-ikey and Miss .Inno Todd. both of Northlleld, rnariictl in Ann Arlor recently. Where difi you eat your turkey ? - Snuth .yon Exeelsior. I11 our inouth, of course, where you s'pusc ': Adam Stang. Fallne's but herhitsa ontiBct to furnUh live tona of btcf to the county poor buso. The fatujers of and D.'xtcr townships are selllnjc off 11 lari lot of lieir beep tbU fall Tlie Presbytertaii yoig fuik of Saline are to eive 111 entertainment at their chlirch Friday eveiiinf. A ml re w Suiith, 011c of VV tliümiw'.-. old jioneeif, died ut liis home near Leland iMtlon, Wednesday last. The Merker Bros. of ShariHi, lui.sktid ",87H bus. of com this aeiison, lifO bus. of Wlllclt .in llunK 1 in irm 'I.T' The Xorth Lakér, beIde beinjr much ntercsted 11 tbelr lyceum, hare entered learlily uto llie wood business. At the recent meetlnr of caitle breecicn; Bid in Laosiog, W. E. I5yden,of Delhi was elected wcretary of the state issociu3 on. The attendance on divine worghip in all mr cbarohea is Increnslny. We siucerely ïope it will be permanent. - Dexter Leader. A. Alber nowcarries the mail at Saline ¦)eLween the post offlee and the depot, takns; tbe place held by Kussell Mills forttie jast 13 years. Ami now comes the caution : " Look out for your seed oorn, for the tob Is damp and will mold if kept too close, and freeze if exposed too mucli. Ed. Buckman, one-half mile soulh of Saline, sayst the Ohserver, has thresbed 1,085 busbels of white outs frora 14 acre. 78 bushels to the acre. On the l.")th, lGth and 17th there will be a meetinj; of the ministers of tbis district of the M. E. church in this villaje.- Manchester Enterprise. Arms & öinitii ni'iir rt'uitli ijyon raiseu 75,000 celery heads, 1,000 cabbage he;vds, 800 bushels of pntatocs and otlier rooU, oS of live aere? of nuick land. The Green Oak lynx nimio llie Webster farmers a surprise visit a sliort time sílice, no formal reception was tendered hint howevur.- South Lyon ExoeWor. The South Lyon LVkutl wants the girU of thut place t start ap nu anli-iium-chfcwiiif; society, llmv would it do tor the boys to inaugúrate an uuti-swcariiiR society? Two younr yontlemfii of Ypsilanti report 23 of thiiryoung lady friends i;sbeIng erigaged. Th8e y.ewig frentleinen must be of very contidinjj naturM ld learn so much. If wild {fceso go south at tlic approach of cold weather, a they have been dong for a few days accordlutf to report, they are not fnch geese as most people ei cdit tUem witli beiiig? At Ktony Creok rccently Mrs. HedntT, motherof Mrs. Kranklin' Hinckley. of Ypsilanti, and Norman Uedner. of Stony Creek, died at tho age of 80 years. She had resided at tliat [)lacc 50 years. A good, practical farmer recominnnds that the kOgt aiul not the cattle be turned intn the or-IihiiIh to eat the fruit left on the ground, a9 the latter are liable to kill themselves by eating too large Quantitiee of thetu. B, G. Lovojoy, onr poultry dealer shipped 21 tons ÍÍ7S 1 bs. of dressed poultry to Boston, the past montli. And 17 tons have been shipped by express. Uis largest days shipment was 4-4,047 ll. - Manchester Thoí. Ilufflips, of Scio, had a liorm; stolen rtunday nlght, Nor. 22, and Thurs day last lie found bltn liere in possession of deputy sheritl' Kearuey, to whom he paid -.i reward of #96. G. W. Sprout found the hor.-e running at large and took it up turuing i over to Kearuey. - Pinckney Dispatch. The villaffe bonril are taking mensures tohavc the walkcluaied of snow and ice this winter. It will be a good thing if it can be done but it bas never yet been done by all purties owning walks liere or elsewhere, and the general enforcement of ucli an ordfnanoe will meet with many difiiculties. - CheUea Bobo. who attach importance to the belief that the last three days of a montli or of a season indicate the churacter of the weather for the siuceodiiiLC period, are eiectinganiild wiuttr, orat least :i pleaRant December. Tlie last three days of imrailiiT were mild and piensan:, and theietore this inonth must bc, they say. - Ypilantian. The Wyamlotte Herald, after nuoting what the CODBUB said in reterence to the ieiii]crance habit of Clielsea's business men, adds: "Chelsea is a prosperous Washtenaw county town. Whetber its prosperity istiie result of theatern morality of the business men orof the wtmlth ol the lurrouodlng country, doei not matter. It is iutereHtlng to know Ihat there ia one place wbere the store keepers never feel the uecesslty of ' makinu a sneak ' to et the cobwebs out of thelt throats," Forty to GO bushels or' apalea re daily delivered at l$arr ifc Son's eider mili. The Hrm has cmiineiiccd maktng jelly, and the probabilltirs ar; tliey will bc kopt bnay for abnut k iimnlh lónfèr.- Kit line Observir. Why Bhoiildu't Tecumscli put in ;i bid for the New Haven doek fcotory? - Flerftld. Slii' KÏimild Vp all Iiava a rhunce to show hour hand. - Adrián Record. Now that tliis tliing ia wonnil op t will probably run for soine time. - Pres Pres. Why diitn'l Manchester Ptrikc for it ?- TCntorprisc. fefeOuim it'woiiMn'l g6 (M liel-, probably. Last Kriday wliilc. at work nfl UiC tirm of 'I'. A. Sa.vre, jti.t south of tUe corporatiuii, Geoige Luim du{ up a boni, once carried on Ene head al' a móosé or au antetelope, that me i.suicd U-tween t aud 5 fcot, weighed 10 pininds iud cclUnil.ed .-even antleif. Iliis iinitnal must have beau m uihiiliitiiiit nf Onkland Ciiunty inany yenr.s ai;0 - South Lyon Excelsior. A peculiar incident of firu Ir.ipjieuod at the iKHideiui' of S. II. Mahnr, this village, on Tuesday evnin;líit Mist Cairie, uiter leuving her loom th a l:gh!cd lamp, bad occasion to jiiter it abMit an liour lster, to liml the lace winl'nv dianinjfí completely demidisbed by lire. Nothiur elu injured. - Saline Óbserver. ïliat was all-tircd mean, anyway, asn't it 't On Salurday lasl, wliilc Wp, Hanke of Bridgewatflr, was sawinj pickutü in hi saw mili, he had hls lefl hiind bdly ent wlth a circular saw. Years ago be had the hand e.ut uud onc or two tlugere were taken ofl', whieh lenvc tbc hand in a pretty had shaie, but Dr. Kapp d i f - I the hand and .Mi. Haiike tliiuk thut he will be téotto to ilocDiir-iiletahle work with it yet. - Koterpriw. At the recular incetiuí; of Luciiis Tuvlor Post, So.274 . A. K., held Wednesday evening, rhe following Post otticers were elected for the ensuiiifi yer: Cora., A. D. Jackson; S. V ('., Dan" Case; .l.. C, A. M. Sloan; C. M ., Morris Vincent; Mrfcevht, H. S. Hookoi; chap.. Hev. A. B. Uiget; O. 1)., H. A.Taylor; O. O., Chestcr ÓaninN. lustalUtion t lic lirst meetuj; in Jitnuary. - Milaa Leatier. The Stockbrklice rtun says: So uianv waruiüK'1 have l)oen ning out over Uie land a;ainst Bobemiaii oat Im.-iness, that about the tirst (Ung au ut-iii of that business does befoie workingB section is to make a list of Uio-c lunneis wbo do not take papers, and then mnkespecial afiortg to seil to non-readers. These re always more susceptible to swindlers than the posted class. Tlie moral is, take a paper and read it yourselt or have it read to you. Rev. W. M. Campbell, pMbl of the Dexter M. K. church, was calleit to Kalnirtuw) Oo.) Mov. 23, to ttDtl che funeral of hig son-in-law's father, Mr. JMpti Sklnner, who was an emïy pioneer of Wasbtenaw Co., hiiving sttled near Ann Arbor in 1832, and moved frotn tbete to Kulamazoo Co. in 1n3:,. and uuUllui in the town of Cooper, wliere, heereoUid the lirst bulUtlov, plowed the tM furrow and plunted the lirst orchaid on the west sid; of Kalamazoo river in that town, where he 11 ved for rifty years, respected and honored by bis fellow townsinen, and died Nov. 21, 1885, ut the ripe oíd age of 85 yeurs. Tue aSèctionate esteem in whlch he was held was mliratod by the rich profusión of flowers and evergreens which gave h8 torab the appearanoe of an invitiug evergreen bower, ratherthun n grave