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Consumption Cureil. An okl phyaician, retired from pnictice, ïaviiip had placed n his handt by an Eatl ndia niissionury the formula oí u simple vegetable reinedy for the speedy nul permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Jatarrh, Aslliinuaml all tlirout and Iuiir Affections, also a positivo amt radical cure 'or Xcrvous Deblllty :ind all Nervous 'omplaint, after liaving testcel its wonderful curativo powers in thousands of cases, lia feit it his duty to mike it know to his suffering fellows. Actuatcd by thls motive and a desire to relieve human suffuring, I wlll send free of charjre, to all who desire It, tliis recipe, in Gerinan, french or Euslisli, with full directions for preparing and using. Seat by mail by adIressing with stamp, naininz this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Towers Block, Rochester, N. Y. 1270-13-22. Hood's Sarsaparilla hascured ttiouaands of cases of rlieuraatisn. This is abundant reason for belief that it will cure you. Try it. __-__ A WORD OF INTEREST TO EVERY BODY. The COÜKIER office lias receired itliin the past few days a large in Toice of new type and printing material for its job departmeut. Upwards of $500 vrorth of new job type alone has been added, inaking it one of the flnest oquipped offices in the State. We are prepared to print in u neat and tast) marnier anything in the line of commercial .nork. Our morchants wlll here flnd a largc line of letter and note, hcads, bill hcads, enyelopes, business cards, individual cards, circulara and sfationcry of every description for their use, and at prlces that will compete with uny to be obtained in either Detroit or Chicago. Everything ueat and tasty, and warrantcd to gire satisfaction. We make a speciality of ilue work, and have a beautiful line of wedding stationcry. Party and dance iuvitatlons, programs for suppcrs and entertainment rotten up in the neatest style of the printer's art. In coarser work, such as dodgers, posters, house programs, niiction bilis, etc., etc., the ('01' KI KK office can please lf any one can. Haring presses especially adapted for this clas.s of printing, and excellent facilities for rapid turaing out of work, we can give better prices 1 lian offices not so prorided. Our book and nanmhlet. deitartnient was nerer In bei ter conditlon thanar present. Wilh new type, and erery conrenlence for publishing books and pamphlets, we are prepared M make estimates on any sort of a job, from a two-page circular to a (lreek text-book. OUR BOOX UINDERY. ín connection with the printint; oflice Ís a book blndery haring eyery facility for good and substantial work. Ye, ask you to bring your periodicals to us and examine our 50 cent binding. XII i-: UOOl 15J!YOUGH"" jpSmSSSÊ - Lamps are " 1 'k ''nff tube atljusting t o 1 G OODl of any Lamp ¦gSB I11ONt practical ever oíTcred to FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOÜLD HAVE ONE. MANUFAOTURED OV $fin$i$ld Manufacturina fo., ¦WAESE1T, CKIO. No Dropping Oil on the Flooror Tablo: No Faucot to Leak or get k nockedopen to waste Contenta or cause Explosious. No orks to Lose. Closes Perfectly AtrTight. Xo Leakage- No Evaporation- Absolutely Safe. A l'niverwal HoimehnUl NttCOftlity. CALiXi jMX3 EXE TÏIEM. For Sale in Ann Arbor by C. C. Warner, 8. J. Raamgartner. Henry Welsch. c. Kberboh. H. O. Horn. F. U. Schlelclier. Rlnsey Adeabolt. 1271-1284. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S liÍHiUKÜI AND - Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Ri-tall Tr ido. We ehall aleo keep a KUply uf SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Dellii Flour, Kyc Flour, Itiitlvu licul Flour, i din tli-al, Feed, Etc., At Wholesale and Retall. A general stock of &ROCERIES and PEOTISIuHS Constautly on hand, which will he sold on as reasonable terms as at any otbcr houoe In the city. Canhpald for BUTTEH, EGGS and COÜNTKY PRODUCE generally. Goodí delivered to any part of the ciiy withont extra charle. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Estáte of Henry Coiclazer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, H. At a serelon ofthe Probate Oonrt for the Connty ol Waiihtenaw, hulden at inu Probate Odlie. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuenday, the elphth day ol December, in the year one thounand eight hnndred and eightyflve. Present, Wllliam ). HHrriman,.Iud(re of Probate. In the matter of the eetate of Henry Colclazer, deecaeed. Ou rcadln? and tl lint: tlic etltion, duly vcrlfled, of H. H. Colcla.or. jirayini; that adminIvtratlon of said estáte may be granted to Willium W. Whedon, or some othnr bultable persou. Thereapon It Ie ordered, that Momliy, the 4th day of JaDuary noxt, at teu o'clqck in the forenoon, bc aï'KÏjined for the hearing of faid petttion and that the helrs at law of sitid deceael, and all othcr personê lnterested in sald estáte, are requirtd to ippev at a setsion ol naid court, then to bc holden at the Probate Office, In the City ol Ann Arbor, and show canse, lf any there bo, why the prayer of the petitloner shoald not be Rrantcd. And it is further ordered, that xaid petitioner Kive notlce to the persons intcreated in satd estáte, of the pendency of said petltion, and the hearlni; thoreof, by causinL' a copy ol tilín arder to be publlshed In the Ann Arbor Couner, a newspuper prlnted and circulatintín naid county, three succensive weeks previous to sald day of hearliiir. iA truc copy.) W1LLIAM D. HAKHIMAN, ludge of Probate. WM . Q. DOTY, ProbaU Ríltr. lïi.


Ann Arbor Courier
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