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Is thi8 the threshold of winter? Amusement are eoininr In thiok. Ca you iiiiike niucli [ndian summer out of this? This icy covering is a liarvest for the blacksmiths. The fair held by the ladtes of tlie Episcopal church, commenpes this eveniiij;, at Fireman's Hall. There is an ordinance compeHmr people to keep their walks clear of snow mul ice, and it ought to be enforced. Got. Al:er has commUsioned Herbert A. Williams of Dexter, and John W. Patchin, of Manchester, as notary publics. The pamphlets containing tlie Board of Supervisores proecedincs ure now ready for distribution at the County Clerk's office. Old winter stuck his liead into these parta lastFriday nlght. Saturday thc first sleighs of the season were out, and Sunday we liad ablizzan] tbatWM a tenor. Last evening's thunder storm pcared some of the more tiinid and superstitious people, and convinccil everybody tliat it was horribly out of place, this time of year. The new pumps of water worlu have a capacity of 1}.L mllllon gallons of water a day. They are of the Knowlea' compound condensing dúplex pump'mg engines. Harry Clark feil and put hls knee out of joint yesterday. As tliis la tlie fourth or fifth time he hu met with this misfortune, it has got to be quite a serious matter. E. E. KelloL, the barnlng of wkoea house was told about week before last, received $2,625 insurance last Saturday, just a week and a day after beinf rêpoited to the company." The third sermon for young men under the auspices of the Hubart Guild will be given on Sunday evenine next In Sr. Andrew's church by the Kt. Rev. K. K. Welles, Bishop of the diocese of Wisconsin. Ye local received a letter fiom his old friend Bd. ('. Hoyt, of Seneca Fallí, Y., a few dayj since, on the envelop of of which wus prliitcd a request t rum over and read the other side." bn't tliat asking a good deal of a fellow? There is a rumnr afloat- a ruinar, mind you- that since Editor Woodniff, of tlie Ypsilanti Seiitinel fell by local time at the rink and broke his arm, tlmt he ha experienoed a cliange tit kwart on timo and is now an advocate of ttaailard time - something a little Blower, you know. Messrs. Goodliue & Biruie held an "official" test of the water works lust Saturday, to which a portion of the eouncil were Invited and taken about in carríales. The test was said to linve been very satisfaciory, lufficiently so to be approved by the council, and hydrant rents have commenced. The Knights Templar of this city are oift with handsome invitations for a series of eight card and dancing socials, tobe given at their rooms in the masonic temple on the following dates : Dec. 15'h and 29th, Jan. 8th, 19th and 29th, Keb. 9th and l'Jth, and March 5th. These (ootala are to hold from 8 to 12 o'olock and it is hoped will be very enjoyable all'airs. The Toledo, Aun Arbor St Vorlhern Mkifalfan B. K. Co., now lias i;9 mMes of road with bonds out for S'-,7S0,0OO or $20,000 per mile. The rirst mortgage 6 per cent. bonds sell at 92,'á, due 1924. In 1884 the statement shows earnings of $340,000 with opcrating expenses, $144 - 000; interest charges $75,000, leaving a surplus of $20,000. Thus far this year the business of the road has been ahead of last year. The boiler put in at the water works was thoujrht to be too sraall when first put in, and the draft in the chimney not sufficient, and t was feared for a time that a delay would be necessary to cbange both; but the difflculty was entirely obviatcd by putting one of Davison's smoke consumers on the boiler which remedied the draft end gave the boiler tnfficieDt power, so tliat uo change or delay was necessary. Mrs. O. B. Church, while walking on Catharine st., near the olu Baptist ehurch Thursday, stepped on theedge of a plank that had been nalled over a hole in the walk, and her foot süppinfc she sprained her ankle. Otben have Rerioualy bumped their toes on this Mme board, and it is a nuisance that should be removed. If people can't take suffleient time to take out decayed planks from a walk and repair their walks in a proper marnier, they should be compelled to build anew. The statement In respect to the death of Simon Price last week was not exactly correct. He was not in an apple tree, but was standing upon the second or third step-ladder, sawinfr the lower limb of a tree. Death wa the renult of appoplexy and was instantaneous, lite being extinct before the body rearhed the earth. Mr. Price carne to Hlcbtffan in USTO. Saving hlred his (joods hauled from Detroit bere, hiinself wife and brother walked from that city to Ann Albor. With tbc exception of a few ycars in .lackson Co., Mr. Price never bal lived at any olher place since that date. Last Monday Phil. Stimpson's horse got up a little speed to shake off the Ice sllverg coming j down from the north, while delivering goods on Millcr avenue, when all at once the rehfcle F'liil wal riding n tipped over. It was a tremondous tip, and the ¦L;L-, butter, potatoe, flour, apples, kerosene, molaawa and ¦ugar all leemed to pile oatopofPhll, raaking it a serious question with him for a time wh ether he was alive or not. But after callini; a couple of men to look hun over, he took. tbelr aspurance thiit he was not dead, and lifter being helpcd up, and failing to discover any bruliei or huns, went about gathering up the debrll with a terrible hut unexprewed sentiment -welliiiK up to hls lips. There are nuvr O saloons in tbc city The most popular jfimc at Ypsllanti ís poker. Tlie Salvaüon anny Önd it hard sledding in Ann Arboruow. Christmas comes on Friday Ihis ycar - two weeks froin next Fridaj. 1'ittsiicUr.s townsliip treasurer will rcccive taxes at the county treasurer's office üec. 19th and 22d. Jacob Hagen, of Ann Arbor township, was the first town treasurcr to pay over state aud county taxes to the county treasurer. Rev. J. T. Sunderland, formerly of this city, is the editor of a uew monthly uiiigaziue, The Unitaria, soon to be publisheU in Chicago. Rogers Matthews one of the old settlers of Ann Arbor, father of Henry and Thos. Matthews, died last Monday at an advanced age. He had been feeble for some time. Upon the trial of Mis. Margaret JenkIM, for keeping a disreputable house in the 5th ward, last Wednesday, p. m., the jury disagreed. The arrest was made at i li.' instance of the citizens league. Last evening's paper announced that tbe "oftensive partisanship " of Harris Ball, Dexter's efficiënt republican postmaster, had proved the rock oa which he foundered, and a new man, Marcus Cook, appointed in his place. The change is in the strict interest of civil service reform - and the democratie party. Prof. C. E. Green was allowed $375.00 by the council for his services during the summer In superintending tbe water works construction, which added to tlie $200 previously paid him makes $575.00. It looks some as though professors as well as studenU were "furnished prolitable summer employment." The jail conimittee of the supervisors were In the city yesterday looking after their new building. It is expected that Sheriff Walsh will move therein about Jan. lat. Hutzel & Co., who put in the boilers for heating purposes, found it inadequate, and are to replace it with a larger one as soon as possible. The justice courts, the circuit court, the bauks, the railroads, (the saloons), all run by standard time. Kow, if the supervisors would set the court house town clock by standard time, it wouldn't be two weeks before everybody would set their watelies by standard time and not oiily all confusion be avoided, bul oveiybdy be convenicneed thereby. It was very cute (perhaps) in the lellows who were holding the hose at the St. James corner during the alleged test Saturday, to aocidentally(?) fthower a lady riedestrian who happened to ba Crossing the street, but if 'they were oblijred to lay for the new plush cloak that was riuiied thereby, thcy might posslbly fail to pereeive anything funny about it. The animal meeting of the Washtenaw County Afrricultural and Horticultiiral Society will be held on Tuesday Dec. löth, it 11 a. m., in the court house, for Üie electton of offleers and sucli other business as may come before the meeting. There will also be act ion taken in relation to dropping out the life members. It is desirable that svery one interested in the success of the society be present. The following, in reference to the late Mis. I. L. Grinnell, formerly of thi city, s taken trom the Oberlin (Ohiu) Xewi. of iK-c. 4iii, iaat i "Died at Detroit, Mich., Nov. 6lh, J88S In ler 41ki year. Mr. I. L. Grinnel, formerly MUs Kilen Park, of Uberlla, Ohlo. Mish Eltoo iaik was an oM ittuüeat. and a niiuH'i of the ñrst church choir, and known and ved by a wide circle of friends who will 1 h sorrow t learnlnfc of her death. she envés a liusband and two brluht boy of 8 and II years, also a mother and sisters to nouru bar loss. she was a brtght and beau tuul girl, an aifectlonule and devoted wife and a lovhig mother. her remains were brouKhl to tliiK place saturday evenlnv and tiuried in Westwood cemetery Habbain tuoruliiK at 10 o'clock, I.. M. l'ouuds offlciatlug." Friday morning last at about 6:15 o'clock n tiic was discoered in the rear ;)ut of M. M. Green'3 livery barn on Imiiu th st. An alarm was given and the ;lie liremen were promptly on hand. The reservoir at the water works being about halt full the steamer was attached to a hydiant and soon had a stream on the Üre. Two hoíe were also attached and threw fine streams very quickly flooding the building aud extinguishing the ñames. The horses, carriages and nearly all the contents were gotten out, but the building was badly burned, the roof and top story lirinjr destroyed. Mr. Green had recently bought the property and had just expended some $500 in repairs, so the loss makes it quite a serious one, but beforu the smoke had died out he had lumber on hand to repair the building asrain. The loss is placed at about $C0O with insurance coveiin about half.