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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN QÜAMTY AND PRICE MAKE THE HRIYE. Uooil uioncy and {jood Cloaktí are changing hands licrc daily and ut a rapk paco, becausc of the conlidence. We art dctermiticd to inereasc the trade oí even past scason. Think of buyiug a PIusl Cloak with as much confidcncc as a yan of muslin. That ts what trude is coming to Misses' Cloake, such au assortment as no othcr house has (is that o any account) ? Can't afford to givc any more particulars, it would fill the paper It is an education to Wander througli the Cloak tanglc and listen to the story. 2.") Black and Brown NewniarkeU trimmcd witli Astrachan $11.00, last week $15.00. 20 Boucle Newmarkets, Extra quality, handsomely trimmed, $9.00 last week $14.00. 20 Mattelesse Newmarkets trimmed with Astrachan f 10.00, last week $14.00. 15 l'hiin Beiver tailor mude Newmarkets 12.00, last week 16.00. In Plush Cloaks we undersell thetn all Ilow do we do it f We give you reliable goods. We give you a perfect fit. We give you stylish garments. We guarantee all we seü. Plush Cloaks from $12.00 to $60.00 These are illustrations of the great Stocks with which we are equipped for the Winter Trade, and they speak of our idea of cheapness with trustwortniness. Queer tutnble. American Black, Gros Graln Silks of several kinds, down trom 20 to 50 cents. They were low before. Prices Last Week : Priceê This Week : 75c 60c. $1.50. $1.20. 1.75. 1.50. .".O. il.OO. The strictly fashionable Dress Goods are Homespuns. We sell tho 54 inch, best quality for $1.00. Last week 1.25. Also the thick rough goods, If you haven't seen thera here, you scarcely will see them in Aon Arbor, as a Store that. ha but IMU Trade ean't touch tJtem. The cheapest Dres9 Goods in the store s our Colored Tricots at 50 cents, valucd at 65 and 70 cents. The next ís our 80 cent Cashmere at 60 cents. The next is probably our $1.00 Ladics' Cloth at 75 cents. The cheapest collcction of Blankcts in he county is herc. We piek out the cheapest of them all. Two yards and a ïalf in width, five pounds of wool - no .here's half a pound of cotton warp in it, nul yct the nap so covers the bianket you will look in vain for the cotton warp except In the border. This bianket will cost you $5.00 a pair. We have blankets at a dollar a pair, and they are the best value you eau get for the tnoney. If you are going to buy a bianket, buy one big enough. The most extravagant bianket s the stingy one that Iets you take cold n the night. This five dollar hlankct stands for what we are aftcr. There is bianket wisloin In it. There's housekeeping wisdom. Phere's economical wisdom. There's every sort of wisdom a blankct can hold. All this is said with the idea that you are eading, are wise. Horse blankets cheaper than ever. The only place you will find a strictly allWool Horse Bianket, 80 cents a pound. BACH & ABEL. aÈ ourv. tp Fajmous FINE KID BUTTON- COM. SEKSE OR OPKUA LASTS, FLEXIBLE SOLES, NICELY TRIMMED AND STAYED. THE BE3T SHOE EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY AT LES3 lilAN FOUR DOLLARS. ALLS1ZES AND WIDTHS. EVERY PAIR WARRAXTED. nnnnoüFFTVQ cash shoe house, UüfülJJlU D,7 MAIN An.Arbc New Coufectionery, 28 E. Huron street wiiere you will lind none but the purest conlections. The ñnest candies in Ann Arbor are to be found at 28 E. Hurou atreet, opposite he Hamlltou Hlock. Ice Cream Candies, Taffles, Carinéis taliau Creams, at 28 E. Huron street. l'ry them. AH druggists must register under the lew law by Dec. 18th. Ah tbere, Ypsilantl! Oive ear while I pour out the torrent of news tbat bas been accunulntlng during the week pust. Flrstly, It h all about our uncommoa couuoll who last Monday nlgut voted out of the city tumis the expenses oí flve natrlotlc aldermen to attend tic funeral of vlce-prestdent Hemtricks at adlanapolison Tuesday. One would thluk tlmt in view of tbe witter work debt the )urse strlngti of tbe neople sbould be more cliwely guarded. Water work. Yes they i;vi' Hinrtril. Tbepamplnc began Monday. A Knowles conipound dúplex pump la pourii(i in 11 1 ton and a half gallon of swamp drainage lnto tbe pipes every day. wblcn uame amount Is let out at the "blow on"' to cleau them. The above frotu was generated(?) by the Ann Arbor correspondent of the Ypsllantian. As Ann Arbor has no water works debt - and as the money to pay the tiri-t year's hydrant rental bas been set aside for that purpose - and as there is about $8,000 in the city treasury, the pure jall of.such a statement is aslonishing. Catarrh It a constltutlonal discaso, caused by scrofulous talnt in the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla, belng a constltuttonal remedy, purlües tho blood, builds up the whole syMem, and perniancntly cures catarrh. Thousands of pcople who suflered sevprely witli this disagreeable dlsease, testify with pleasure that catarrb Can be cured by takinc Hood's Sarsaparilla. Mrs. Alfrcd ('minlnishani, Kallon Avenue, Prortdencc, K. 1., ays: "I liave uflered with catarrh in my hcacl for ye;m, and paid out humlrrds of dollars for nipdkliips, but hava bentofora rocpivod only temporary relief. I bcgan to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, and now my catarrh is nearly curcii, tho weaknes of my lxidy Is all gone, niy appetite Is good- In fact, I teel like another persoii. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medicino I hare erer taken, and the only one which uid me permanent good. 1 cordlally reeommDd It." A gentleman In Worcester, Mass., who wa Cured UI catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparilla, says : " I would uot take any moneycd conslderatlon for the rooií one bottle dll me." If you ara a sutleror, do not put off taking a simple remedy UU your bronchlal tubes or liings are aüectcd, and consumpthin bas gauied a bold uponyou. Be wl In tinu' 1 That now from the BOM, ringing noiee In tbe ears, pain in tbs liead, inflammatlon of tho throat, cough, and nervous prostratlon will be cured ü jou talco Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all drugfriiti. f' : I for $S. Prepared b7 C. I. BOOO ft CO., Apothectrlei, Lowtll, Mms. IOO Dosai One Dollar


Ann Arbor Courier
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