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Twiï! Ufe Art I jiatiun. '.': , ...oif ...

Twiï! Ufe Art I jiatiun. '.': , ...oif ... image
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Twiï! Ufe Art I jiatiun. '.': , ...oif the ni' " '¦ il .i'monU, ai! ' i ' Hly r-ultant i 'i ¦¦ . ¦ ¦ each othor ei ' ;;¦ ü ¦ ¦¦ '¦ mucliliiery 0 N ¦ ! Breath, Soiir 8t : ¦ .¦¦.'¦ ')¦ , Heodaohea, 1 ¦ .' mi Ui rijtiiiinila. Kiu... . ;. . . ¦ '.;ie'.miuti3m, Neur ¦' .. ,::'] rl iu Skin Ii:-'-r -wnptomj anii i ! íi. -.-i HDgvDieat oí Ul .- ¦ 'h I . A Th.'i iiative ,- i :. for cure. Tli' ; ¦ ;.m-4 lie malntaim .i-: Miflicient lo 'i mi i . ¦ 'ri uovtlveMM, Biid ;n ilip s:iin" ... tiie llver, kúlneys and itonuirii i n ithnulntod nnd n'n BU ' ni ;. Ayer's Pilis Ac'(iiii.!i lli i w' wiirk bctter tlmii :i y o '.i Hoinc. 'l'h.'y are ¦du-chiii - ti I ilion i - t Mi!'l. )n thelr pmvath iK-íiun. I .i-. 'io not K"pe tho juticiii, mul i" ii ' ii tuce h costive resetieii, t!f r!l" '¦! i! 'iihcr ciithartics. "Witliiil . II v powtwn ciinl nroperties, dlúrotic, hepatn uiul tonic, of toe nighest nif']i' Inul kulu diuI Absolutely Cure I All di-fifi'x rilinn from disorder of tho 't;,r' 'i iti'l 'ivin'ihititrv orann. The pni '. i i i:s Vtr.LS to correct lh i i indient ion "f 'ostlvenes.s, bvpi . ; r, cu which nejfloi o i' t'i i c inl ouW inpvitably fnduo. Ailir--."i' ¦ in theaction oí the bov.ols - I, ...-..,,.¦, „. .vil ;i oonstlpation - uro bemti llj cuntrolled by Ara's Plu. hi - liuiiilHtlon of íl!;t'M!i' ii i i .',;..! v loncontinucl il ; . ¦' i.r two oí Ayki'.'s Pim ti Iuih i. willdo more ron.! i lii'.n . ¦ ciso. Leading PhycJ ms Concede That Av! , . .t of all cathart:. !,;ionerí, of til . lotomarllT prcscrÜH tlipin, A- Ür. J. C. . , . .' Ka. [Al!.,, ¦ For TUIE ANN ÁRBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANS ARBOH. MICHIGAN. Transaots General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $60,000. Oreanized uuder the General Banking Law ol hla State, tbe etockholdor are indhidnallj Hable ir ao additional amouut equat to the stock held by hem, Ihoreby creating a ouarantee Fund for the nui'lit of Üeposltors of $100,)00.00. Tkreo per cent. iuterett Ib ullowed on all Savingd e{Ksit8 of one dollar aüd upwardn, according to [te rules of the Ilauk ni.d Interest compouuded cml-annually. Muney to Loan on uuincnmbered eal estáte and other good securlty. DIUECTORS : CHRISTIAN MACK, Wm. 1). HAHRIMAN, W. W. WINES, DANIEL HISOOCK, WILLIAM DEOBEL, WIL1.AKU B. SMITH. DAVID RINSKY. OFFICSBS: C. MACK, PrcH. W. w. WIH Es, , xc-Pre. j. A. HISCOCK. f.'ashier. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Speciiil attoutiou glven to Collection oí Rents and Uanangement ofi Real Estáte Interest: For Non-Resldents. Entlre Satlsfacttou to Owners Guurauteod. A. DeFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE! I ara agent for a Une of Oíd and Stannch American and fereigs Tire Insurance Comp's ,owest líales, Honorable Adjustments, and Loüses I'romptly Pnid. A.. DEFOBEST.


Ann Arbor Courier
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