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l satting fii-e to u nmttii'ss, the three little children of Mrs l'atiiok PíteBerald, liviug at Providonce, R. I., wre suffocated 011 tln DOth ult. The dwelling of A. Graysou, a prominent citizen, residing three miles west of Márquez, Tex., was buruod on the lst, and Grayson'a wife and dauhter pefished in the ñames. By the fall of a derrick on the Ut in an ron-works at Wheeling, W. Va., one man was killed and three others faUklly injured. Another man was killed by the parting of a cable in a blast-furnace. At Lancaster, O, on tbe lst the dothing of Ella EngHsh caught fire froin a grate and she was burned to death. Donald Stuakt, aged twelve years, son of Dr. George A. Stuart, of Scbenectady, Ji. V., took poisou ou the lst, after being admoulsbed for some boylüh fault, and died in tan minutes. Josei-h HoSDOWiTCH, teller of the Farmei1 National Bank of Manstield, O., ab sconded to Canada on the lst, taking with hún $3,000 of the bank's f muis. At the State Creek Irou Mines, near Olympia, Ky., an explosión 011 the Lst wounded oight men, four of tin-in fatally. The eyes of one of the victims were blown out. The h ii in ml report of the PostroasterGeneral, issued on tbe lst, shows that tlm tutal revenue of the Post-oflice Departmeni during the last fiscal year was ¦ r;,."ni, ¦(:., and the total oxpundi tures $49,002,188, leaving a cash dofieieney of $7,041,346, due to the decrease of revenues and the increase of expenditures. The number of post-offiees is 51,263, and of money-order offices ,Xm. Tu County Clerk of Westchaster County, N. Y., absconded on the lst, but took no public funds. Ue owes various persons $50,000. At Enfleld, Me., on the lst Ed Whitney shot his wife twice, but uot fatally. He then shot himself through the heart, dying instantly. They had been married only three weeks and she had left Hún Ajut at Elmira, N. Y., on the lst convicted Mrs. Eusibia Pitzgerald of robbing the grare of General Irvine. Tui: coinage executed at the mints duriug November was t4,53,95Ó, of which $2,5)10,001) was in standard silver dollars. Tur: fint snow-storm in the South this season feil on the :id ajong the liue of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, in VirKiniu. Two HKOTifHitH named Laclair were drowuad while skating on the 2d near Anoka, Minn. ÏWELVt pickpockets who went to Indianapolis dHring Vice-President Hendricks' funeral were arrested on the 2d for robbing persons and houses. Bikdsam.'s planing-mills at Bay City, Mich., were destroyed by Rre on tbe 8d, the loss reaohing ldO,(WO. Aiwictes of the 2d say tuat tha Apaches had niunlered flve more white in Ariiona, and tho settlers were panic-st.riken. Tuk St. Louis fast exjiress train on the Brie Itoad was wrwkcd on the !M neaf Boio Station, K. Y., and flre breaking out, two were consumed. The engineer was killt-iland the passonger-s badly shaken up. Tuk strikinR glaaa-worken of Pittsbf rgh, aftara year of idleness, comproiiiiseil on tlit Sd on a redición of ten per eest. ia rage. A BOT named Adams, aged thirteen years, was frozen to death in the raountains of Cainbria County, Pa., a few days ago. Tin: internal revenue statistics for the year ended May 1, 1885, show that during the year 1!).'J1H,63O bairels of beer were, sold in the United States, on increase of 359,804 b&rreli ovur the previous year. FOEBST flrus south of Little Rock, Ark., were raging on the 2d, and had destroyed largo tráete of valuable timber and sereral farm-liouses. Tuk two Best boys, sous of the man who killed seven persons and always escaped iniinsliinent, were acquitted at Lancaster, Ky., on the -d. of the minder of a colored man. : Tuk public-debt statement issued an the M makes the following exhibit: Total debt (including interest of $11,853,088), $1,272,631,700; cash in Treasury, $488,657,10:3; debt, less amount in Treasury, $1,452,B44,768. Increase during Novenber, $4,887,r.i-i. Decrease si nee June 30, LSí4. $98,958,482. Jam f.s Green' HüOH, a popcorn vender in Chicago, was on the 2d venteneed to imprisonment for twenty-five years for assaulting two little girls named Lawrence. Tin: Commlssioner of Indian Affairs submitted his annual report on the 2d for the fiscal year ended June 30. He looks to agricultura as the chief means availablu for civilizing the red man. There are at pressent in the United States, exclusive of Alaska, 260,000 Indians, 72,000 being civilteed. A COLLIBIOM between Baltimore & Ohio freight trains on the 2d near Washington, Pa., caused the deatb of Conductor Rider and Engineer Snyder, while four other persons were badly injured. Marshall Clbments was hanged at 3apruuclio. Col., on the 3d for the mnrder of his brother and sister-in-la w, Thomas and Su sie Clements. It was reported on tbe 3d that Northern Chnvenne Indians whi-h in a filarvinfr dition. A nkw cornet was obsarred on the night of the 3d at Harrard College observator? , Boston, by Mr. Wendell. The wheat erop of California this year is estimated at 1,300,000 tons, the largest kuown in the history of the State. A PiKE on the 3d in the Welch clock factory at Forestville, Conn., did damage to the e.-rtent of $100,000. A steam tug exploded at New York on the 3d, the crew of siz men being killed. The glass in the Windows for squares uruund was shattered. As advance of one dollar per ton on pig metal and fifty cents on ore was reported on the thinl frpm Pittsburgh, on account of tha steadily-increasing demand. News reached Washington on the 3d that a fllibustering expedition was fitting out at Kcv West, Fia., with a riew to a descent on Cuba. The revenue collected from leading postofllces for the flre months ended Decmber 1,1885, was: New York, $93,953; Chicago, $58,369; Philadelphia, $34,202; Boston, $53,538; St. Louis, $11,800; Cincinnati, $30, IW. Chables A. Rat, a New York City egineer, shot his wife on the 'M, ínflicting a fatal wound, and thon shot hiioself in the head and died soon af terward. Further Indian depredations were reported in Arizona on the 3d, and several more persons had been killed. Tus Supervising Architect of the Treasury, in his annual report on the 3d, says there are now in course of conutruction eighty buildings, calling for a total ezpenditure of $8,511,400. The expoiHliturcs ter the year on this account aggregatad uearly $2,500,000. Adv ie es were received in Chicago on the 3d stating that the Bteam-barge R. C. Brittain was wrecked on Lake Michigan during a recent gale, and that the crew of fourteen men were drowned. Eiqiit hundred Scandinavians departed from Chicago on the 3d for rUits to their old homes. EuüiTEEX postmasters belonging in the sulmi -bs of Chicago met a few days ago to voice their grievances. They resolved to ¦ 11 a National Convention of postmasters of the third and fourth grades, to be held February 15 next. According to the recent public-debt statement the total sum is now $1,845,927,The Barnum wire-works at Detroit, valued at ti?7,000 and employing two hundred me, were wholly destroyed by flre on tho3d. Tui: busiuees failures for the svon days Budedon Aa nh wtn 2V4 in tlio United and 36 In Canada, a total ¦¦( 3H9, as the previous week and '10 foi ' '" ' "" rscïiL telegrama on the 4th to Bradatrat't reported a fairly satisfactory conditlon of general trade. AC various leading trado centers business was uneven, yet dealers appeared to be confldent of tlie tuturo. It was discovcrud on the 4tb that the accounts ol JkmM Stitt, city trea8urer of Wabash, Ind., were short to the eztent of 3T.,000. The annual report of Land Commissionor Sparks, issued nu the 4th, says that thepublic liijuls have ben wasted in the past under detective laws, aud suggests the ropeal of the pre-emption system, of commuted homesteads, of the Timber-culture law, and of all general provisión authorizing sales of land for cash, and restricting the sale to the actual settler, becauso they offer covers for fraudulent transactiuns. A smai.i., f ai ut cornet in the constellation Taurus was discovered on the 4th by Prof. Barnard, of the Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Tiikke dwelling houses were wrecked at Pittsburgh on the 4th by an explosión of natural gas, hich was used for fuel in the buildings. Two females were fatally burned. The Secretary of War in his annual report, issued on the 4th, says thore wore duriug the year 674 couvictious for desertion from the army, and urges the creation of the office of "Assistant Secretary of War.' The expenditures for the signal service were 7i,000. Skvi'xihoii robbed Bentel & Co. 's bank at Freodom, Pa., on the 4th, blowing open the safe and securing $12,000 in cash and securitics. Flames followed the explosión, by which several thousaod dollars in money were burned. Citizens who flocked to the scène wore kept at bay by a fusilado from revolvers. The boiler of a locomotivo exploded on the 4th near Barnesville, Ga., killing tho eugiueer and fatally scaliling the fireman. TnE First Baptist Cliurcu at Macon, Ga., valued at $35,0U0, was wholly destroyed by fire on the 4th. Nine gas wells at Findlay, O., yield a daily aggregate of eight million cubic feet. Six more wells are being bored. A ihíkuicank swepl over portions of Missouri, Nebraska and Colorado on the 4th, wrecking buildings and causing the death of several persons. Tuk Marshal of Washington Territory recently escorted back over the border of British Columbia a party of twenty-five Chinauion who had been stnuggled in. Tuk first blizzard of the season was reported on the 4th from points in Montana, Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Wiscousin, Michigan and Illinois, the snow-fall áveraging about five inches. The snow was driven by high winds, resulting in thnt threatened to retard railwny travel. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The Supremo Court of Ohio rendered a decisión on the lst doclaring the Cincinnati and Cleveland Election Registry law to be unconstitutional. The funeral of Vice-President Hendricks took place at Indianapolis on the lst. The ceremonies were impressive and the attendance very large. James T. Am. ex, one of the pioneers of Nebraska, who for many years had been superintonding the planting of trees along the Union Pacific track, dropped dead in the yard of his residence at Omaha a few days ago, of apoplexy. The Philadolphia Civil-Sorvice Iteform League met ou the lst and instructed its Kxecutive Committeeto prepare a bilí for introduction in Cougress making it a misdemeanor for a member of Congress to solicit the appointiuent of any one to a public office. The Farmers' National Congress assembied at Indiiiiiapolis on the 2d, sixty delegates being present, repi-esenting eleven States. The address of the President, ïlobert Beverly, of Virginia, demands the creation of a SeTetary of Agriculture as a Government department. The President on the 2d appointed Albert A. Wilsoh, of Washington, to be Marshal of the District of Columbia. A call for a National Convention of "anti-saloon Republicans," to be held in Toledo, O., in May, 18jt, was issued on the !M at Maukattuu, Kan. The Virginia Legislatura met in regular biennial sessiun at Richmond on the 2d. Govekn'oi! Kisk, ol' Wis'-unsin, bas decided uot to cali an extra session of the Legislatura tho present winter. Chaui.otte Wicklifke (colored), who claimed to have handed Washington a cup of waler at the battle of Yorktown, died at Louisville, Ky., on tho 'Jd. aged 117. Of her seventy-Hve surviving children and grandchildren the oldest is nearly 100 years old. Tin: will of the late President Hendrlckl was probated at Indianapolis on the 3d. It is dated August 8, 186, and gives the testator's entire property, valued at 1100,000, to his wife, Eliza C. Hendricks. Govkkxoh Martin, of Kansas, has called a special session of the Legislatura to meet Januarr 19. Geokoe Kemp, a veterau soldier, who at one time captured a battle-flag, and later made his escape from Libby Prison, committed suicide at Erie, Pa., on the3d, owing to domestic troubles. The Farmers' Congress, in session at Indianapolis on the 3d, passed a resolation asking Congress to creato the Cabinet offkw of Secretary of Agriculture. Robert Bayerly, of Virginia, was re-elected President. Wilham R. Grace, Mayor of New York, on tbe 3d began a libel suit against the World for $50,000 damages. The complaint alleges various assaults on the Mayor'a cbaracter and reputation during the last six moiitbs. The official canvass of the vote of the late election for Governor of Virginia was completed at Richmond on the 3d. Fitzhugh Lee (Dem.) received 152,544 votes, and John S. Wise (Rep.) 136,510. Hon. William Aldrich, of Chicago, who represented the First Illinois District in Congress f rom 1876 to 1882, as a Republtcan, died suddenly on the 3d, aged sixty-five years. Tue subscriptions tothe Grant monument fund at New York amounted on the 8d to a little over Í 101,000. Wii.i.iam H. Vanderbilt on the Uh presented to his son George all the property owned by him on Staten Mand, N. Y., valued at $1,000,000. Henhy B. Horton, the inventor of the calender clock and the audiphone, died at Ithaca, N. Y., on the 4th, aged sixty-six years. At the oaucus of Republican United States Senators at Washington on the 4th the Presidency of the Senate was tendered to General John A. Logan by unanimous vote, but he declined to accept. Samuel J. Tilden on the 4th forwarded to Speaker Carlisle a letter suggesting the neces8ity of providiug for the twelve seaport cities before any reduction in the revenues takes place. FOREIGN. Oificial statistics show a marked decline in Canada's foreign trade. Tm: uew Cabinetof Spain on the lst aocepted the Pope's settlenient of the Carolines question. Tue electors of Great Britain had up to the lst returned to Parliament 191 Liberáis, 175Tories mul K Parnellites. The excitement among French Canadians over the haiiKiiig of Riel continued unabated on the lst. Zohii.i.a, the Spanish agitator, left Franc on the lst for .Spain for the purpose of fomentiug a lisin in favor of a Republic. Up to the end of November 8,810 immigrants airived at Toronto, Can., of whom 1,819 went to the Western States. The arrivals last yenr for the same period were 12,600, 3,100 güiBg West. DisrATCBES of the lst from Monterey, Mex., ropiesi-nted that a battle was imminent at Villa Garcia between the forces of Rodriquez, the Revolutionist, and General Zuequeta. Heavy firing had been hcard in the mouutains north of Monterev MONTREAL on the 2d reporté th smal! pox epidemie as ended, tho deaths '.inving, dwindled down to three on the day the report was made. TUero have boen 3,51ï deaths irom the disease sinee tbo epidemie broke out. The attack the rebels on the city of. Lima, Peru, proved successful on the ad, and the Government was in the hands of ( 'cores, the leader of the Revolutionists. Owinq to the decrease of cholera, instructions havo boen giren to discontinuo the services of most of the sanitary inspectora of the Marine Hospital Serrice attached to the United States Consulates in Europe. The United States Consul at Samoa on the 2d reported tliat in that región the ocean had thrown up an island two miles long and two hundred and flfty feet high, directly in the track of vessels bound to or from California. Clarknce Whistler, the wrostler, is reported dead at Melbourne, Australia. Anvicrs of the M state that Mandalay, the capital of Burmah, had boon plundered by the Daeoits. Riot reigned at Mandalay, the capital of Bunnah, on the -tt Li. The Dakoits were murdering and robbing, and residents wero fleeiugfor thoir lives. An earthquake which ravaged four populous towns of Algeria on the 4th killed thirty-two persons, aniong theni several Europeans. Aksenic suffleientto kill twenty mon was placed in soup servod on the 4th at the Metropolitan club-house at Montroal, by wbicli five bank officials carne near losing their lire. LATER NEWS. TanouonouT the Northwest the thermomBter rangcd from flve to fifteen degreos below zero on the morning of thf 6th. The Treasury Department at Washington an the 5th estimated the expenses for tho coming fiscal year at $339,589,552.34, and the reverme at $315, 000,000, making a deflcieney f $84,589,552.34. Additional earthquake shocks took placo on the 5th at Bon Sada, in Algoria, by rliii'h sevonty-one houses were destroyed and two persons killed. The total number of failures reported to Bradatrttt'a sinc.e January 1, 18S5, is 10,333 agaiust 10,407 during the corresponding portion of 1884- a decrease of 134. The total in a corresponding portion of 1883 was 9,062; in 1882, 7,296, and in 1881, 5,605. A u ale on tbe Paciiic near Panama on the 5tu wrecked fourteen sailing vessels aud submerged the Isthinus Railway. At twenty-six leading clearing-bouses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 5tu aggregated $1,071,874,388, against $1,000,105,548 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1884, theincreasoamounts to 24.0 per cent. Dliuxg a storm on the 5th Lake Michigan rose higher than at any time in sixteen years. Much damage was done to Miipping in Chicago, and the lake shore drive was badly washed out. Tn e wrecking of a Texas Pacific train on the 5th near Gonlon, Tex., caused injuries to twenty-oiglit passengere. Tui: Repulilican Senatorial caucus at Washington on the 5th nominated John Shornian, of Ohio, for President. The Democratie Senators nominated Isham O. Hariis, of Tennessee. The Republicana of the House ngreed upon Thomas B. Reed, of Maine, for Speaker, and the Democrats renominated John G. Carlisle, of Kentucky. Tin; galo early on the evening of the 5th sunk a flat-boat at Metropolis, 111., causing the death of six of hor crow. She carried three thousand barrels of potatoes. Fike on the ftth in Chicago destroyed Cribben & Sexton's stove warehouse, the loss being $300,000, and Conrad Soipp's building, pocupied by various manufacturers; loss, $200,000. TnE annual report of the United States Treasurer, issued on the 5th, says the duty paid on cirtulation by the National banks for the fiscal year was $2,794,584. The small notes were decreasing at the rate of about $88,000,000 per annum. Troops were hurried into Utah on tbe fith on account of fears of a Mormon outbreak. Tui: greatest wind-storru in the history of Omaha was experienced on the 5th. The rate or tuo wiiki was nearly sixty milos por hour, and the weather was extremoly cold and the blast was cutting. Hundreds of signs and chimneys were blown down and miles of foaces laid low. At least flftj houses went partially or wholly '- -roofod


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