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A!f A.RBOR COMMAMDKKV, NO II IllPets tlrst Tuesilay of eacli inonili. W, Q. Doty, E. U.! W. A. Tolchard. Reaordar. WashtïmaW Chavtkk, No. B, II A. M.- MU flrit Mondar n.uti monlh. Isaac Haudy, H. P.; Z. Kouth. SeereUny. BUSINESS CARDS. BE AL ESTAÏW INSURANGE AGENGY. OF J. Q. A. SESSIONS. ATTORXEY AND NOTAKY PUBLIC Re! EsUte solcl or rentad and NDta oolItoted on reaaonable ifiiu-. Noue but old ii flrst.-Mns Insurance , OompaalB rpprese.ited- wiih lnurno : li of I10UU0.U0O. Riitt-8 as lOWMÍWrOtbM tumraaoecorapnny and losten pntmptly pairt. , Offloe in National Bunk Black, Mxin street, Ann Arbor, Mica. W. H. JACK.SOX, ]DIISII aWllTIIXIWUTL ! OFFICK : Orer Bach & Abcl's Dry Good Store. Kiitrancc next to NhUoiihI Bank. WILMAH 1IERZ, Hue, Bign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER!: raporlnu, Glzinu, lldliift, and Cslclminlne, aiifl work of every'descrlollou dono in the bent tyle, and warrantcd to pn atlsfactuin. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington 3t„ Ann Arbor. W. W. X A C. Xli'IIOLi., Booms Over Ann Arbor Savliijfs Qank, Masonlo Temple Bloc. GAS or VITALIZED AIR A'lmioUtiretl for ibe painleM "ctr .u i'"ii 't teeth. JOSEPII BEURi, The Practical TAILOR AND Ol'TTER, Of Ihe late irm 01 WINANS I.KKHV. hi lucuUKl hi of hil-ineH at NO. 7 HTTRON STREET, WITIl A IVr.L I.1SK OK Suitings and Trouserings, And would itr to h! nld aiid '¦'"'- that If they want a GOOU FIT aud a NUBB1 Hl at REA8ONABLS 1'lilCKrt, culi on h'.m ud ihej wlll b ure to eet one. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,OQO,OOO. 8ccsrity eld for Ika profecüon of the pollcy CHRISTÏAN MACK Bprwente the followine flrt-I.'8"I5$5?1O1 hich one. tbe Btna. luía ulonc paid $5.,0U(),UOOIlre lew in nixty-dve yeare : iBtna.of Hartford 9,1!2,64( Frankliii óf Hhiladelpliia 3,1 18,71 Oermania, N. Y 2,100.725) Oerman American, NV 4,0i;V."',s Londnn Asgurance, Lnndou... 1.416,788 Michigan F. & M., D.-trnit. . . 28T;oe N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,698,679 National, Hartford U774.505 PUoenix, Brooklyn 90M,m Loski librrally adjusted and promptly piid. Polii lsued it the lowest ratcs of premium. Il91tf LUMBER! LUMBEE! lïïmbeu: ir yo contémplate bulldtnjt, ciill al FERDON Lriiu Iiii! Corner Fourtli and Depot Sts., and pp our figures for nll kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and ¦utnittM AERY LOW PRICES JV-Give ut a cali and we will make it lo your Uterclt. as our large and wcll gradid stoi-k lullj utains our aiaertton Telephone ConneUions with OSce. T.J. KBECK Supt JAMES TOLBERT, Prof W. TREMAIN, .inni Insurance IgbnciI OFFICE, Oier Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HÜKON AND fcoUKTH STS., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edlnburpr. ICapiul, ?13,000,000, Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine IuKnruiu ¦ (o.. Cut AucU 600,iJO0. Sprlurfleld Ins. Co. of Massachusetts, CMta Assett tl,8O0,00O. HowarJ Ins. Company if 'ew York Ca A bou tl, 000,000. iffrleultural Ins. Co., Watertown, '.T. Cah Ametê tl.aOO.WO. luaw Uhacally Adjiutorl aud ITumptly l'nkl. SJÜJiSCUIBE FOR The Ann Arbor Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News