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C. H. NULLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 'o. i South Main St., Ann Arhor. The oMost asPTicy in the city. Establlslieil over a qiiarter of n eentury aeo. Represen the foïlowing tirst-cl;ts oompaolus, wltli over 360,000,000 Capital anti AueU. HOME INS. QO., "f New York. l )N Tl NKSTAli INS. CO.. if New York. NIÁGARA INS. i;o.. of New York. Q1RARD INS. 00., ol Phlladelphln. OlilKNT INS. CO., of Hartfonl. VIERi ! I. UNION, ol London. L1VKRPOOL.LONDON anU GLOBE. V ASHINUTON FIRE and MAltINE, of Boston. Rutel Lo vv is the Lowest, LMe Liberally Adjnstvd and nromntly Pald. (V II. MU.LKX WORTÏÏT Of Confidence. AVFR'C Snrsaparilla is a medicine that. I tri O duriag uearly 40 years, in hII part oí the workl, has proved lts efücaey as tlie best blood alterativo known to modi'ul sciouco. SArtSAPARILLA tKotoT genuine Honduras Sarsaparilla) is lts base, and itó powers aro euuaneed by the extracta of Yellow Doek and Stillinirin, the Iodldes of Potauium and Iron, and other potent iugmlicnts. IQ your ijlnod vttiated by aerangementi Iw of the cliíestivc and asalmilatory funetions? is it taintod liv Scrofula? or does t contain the pubou of Jlercury or Contaious Dlneatsef TLJC l:"li'-! l'livsiiians of the Untted I nt Ststei, wbö know the eomposition Of AYER'8 ÖAltSAPARILLA, 8UV that nothiiuj else so )(ood for the piirifiention of the blood is wilhin the range of pharrrmoy. flii # ly the use of this remcdy U lt Ulil"! p&Mible for a pervm who h:n corrupted blood to att:tin sound health and prevent trantmlafion oC the di'siruclive taint lo poBterity. TUnDnilPUI V UVrtivi;renovation inUnUUunLl otthsgystem must iuchido not only tlie removal of corruption from the blood, but itl enrichment and the strenjithenins of the vit:il orans. DtTI IADI C witnesses, all over the tiLLIADLC. World, testifv that this work sbetter m.'coinplishedbyAYER's SAitSAr.iKiLi.x th;m by auy other remeuy. Ci nnn t'la'' '9 comiptod throughdlsDLUUU case is made pure, and blood weakened througb. diminution of the red éorpueetai is made sirong, hy AYF.R'sSARSAPARn-LA. miniruill" tne "lou" nmI building rUKIrYlllCI up the systim require time In serious cases, b'ut benefit will be derived from the use of Ayïr'8 Sarsaparilla. mora speedily thau from :invthinL clse. urnirliir for which like effects are MLUIUInC. falsely claine-d. Is abun(Unt in the raarket.undermany names, but the onlv preparation that has stood the test of time, nnd proved worthy of the world's confidence, U Ayer's Sarsqparilla, PREPARED BT Dr. J . C. Ayer t Co., Lowell, Ma. öold by all Druggiats: Price fl; Six bottlea for $5. in.'a'IJottle. - i i - CMAQTIMP Sufficient to ttop ín five O IT! fi II I il U minutes (he smarting, stinging pain of ioo bunu or s cal ds. It will stop the pain at won as mmm„ m _ applied PnilPUIIUP Abundante to aire a score UUUUntrlÜ of colds and the coughinj that often leads the way to Constimption. It wiu, rosrrnrilt case a Cough in 15 : h m m minutes. v P U n U I M P More than enotifh to %vr U II U l I 11 tl dozen children Choking with Crout. One minute alter the fint dose th hardeit attack m m of Croup will be relieTed. Ui U C C 7 1 M P ?lty to relieve the oppre II II L L L 1 11 U ilon & wheeziag of tho most severe case of Asthma. Tho direct cures of Asthma by this medicine are proofi that Dr, Thomas' Eclectríc Oil has mmmmmmm no IU1 O Asthma CUie, In the above cases Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil can be relied upon. lt bas givcn relief to thousands. Keep it in your house. There is hardly a week I I the yeu it will not bc useíul. OANDËË" For siile 1 tlie trad bj K. & 3. CUMMIXG8 &C0., Delroit. ¦ flTTim Snl in cents ]ost:iiii and ¦ II I li'lll will mail yourz-r aroyiil.viilQ ItI H I "lle. K.unple box of "'x'1 11 I II I niai win put yoa in the way vt ü a (ifniakloK more nionty h! oiu-i.than anything else in Amnrica. Both fflZM of all ages can Uve at home and work In ¦pare time. or all the time. Capital not requlred. We will Btnrt you. Immens pa] ure for those who start at once. BTIHtOK CO., Portland, Maine. EVERY LIVE MERCHA.NT IW i Kliolt. Should advertise in THE COURIER.


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