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Tlie articlo in the Jamiary HüEper'l tfag.iziue whicli is likely to Ijtt miwtwiiley read, thouah perhap tiot inwt popular á the lusl word of Gen. McQlellan to htr Oiintrymeii on "The Arrav aud füc Militia" Mr. Moncure D. Conway, nlm ha now jecouie au American again, bas a veritaili' pussion for huntini; down myths. o goonar did he beeorae settled down on iomc oil than he tttrlei South to look ip tlie truttis aboitl the Ruppqsitlbua 'Shakespeare pall-bearër," said lo he .mried in I're le'rïofcsbtiru, Va. Sur? enough, under Mr ( 'omvaj's keen investigiitioti lic vMnislii-'l into a mvth, iilid Mr. C unv.iy teïls In :he Jamiary Hnrpei's the siory of bis. sean-h and its S'itNf ictury resnlt in uotliing. The publisliers of the ( 'un enl annoiince ttni, t.v a leceiitsále, thfs leading VFestrrn weekly hpcomes thp property of W. Wigt., Esq., a Oliioajo eaptbc intni.-ted t(i Alvn F. Davi, E-( , :i )iibli8li("r of exjieilf-iiec and ivlilí :1o quaiiHanco :ind intcreHt-. The Iwo edi tors ut the C'urrent arte men arquainted witli its history and necd. Th recent irUele ofthe Journal Clerk of the -jtionai House of K prese nt.aivcs, the prcicnl ïi't iele of Judjie Tlioiiiun on civil service reform, :ind the prospectus of the Christnms nuuiliei, :vli show that we uiay ¦Xieet stlll iielter tilines of Ihe Cnncut clinn'it ifRS yèl aocótnülighed. U'ith the recent pinchase the dilU-rences so lonj! existinjr hetween tlie Current and the Western Xew.s Oompany comes to un end whlch will be prófltatile tot botli putiea. The December mimber of the Decorator and Furnisher, I onc ói toe mist elabórate of all the ChrlstiiiRS maa.iiit-s and one of the best in an nrtistic unl uráctipa] scnsc. that tiii.. pubüc.ith.n b is. 'ivcn us. [t has been tbc po'liey 61 the t)ëcóiator and Furyisher to notice, 11 llnstr.dions and descripttve artlcles, lln Vanou l:oojns throuhout tbc house, o Ibat it would only bè nccessary t look uver' the back nunibers or c ¦niiinc thosc rtial ;nc 3 el to come in order to get auy Vind ot iutonnation that may bc desired imon kut puru.ular fiiriijshinè'. tu tíi.c liccinbcr nuinber tiieyè Is a cinn.i pljite gliówinah upartnicht decorntei] In SflooVIsn sö'ld, and i snppleineiii giWiig tile -.ludio of J-" rank 1. Kirkpatii-k, the uiist. Thtn: isan ']- cgaiü ilu.iii. l'fir all Knli'iince Hal!, and ¦i'n ainmni t :ln Product' Ekc'haiigè, Ivillj -skctcFics ut new but1í!g, aö llTuVtrte] paper ou Chantilfv, ilcsi:Mi lor a kltchen, decoratiou "t city VioiifCí, Chrlaluiufl ilecorations, doigns ioi wbSV.yln, inantuls, etc A m.'igniticeiil icilini; Hini fr:e.e fipli a lléw ffiöokj.vïi !n ii.-i'. Aiiii'leson fiuiiif-hinpi counlry hou-cs, lincj a va-t uunibiT "I otUerpiccc iibli-li, 304 $2 K. Uil, Ht„ Niiv Y.rk city. The holiday ol WideAwake.ilwiiys are beautiful numbers, wortbs ol periHancnt binding. This ycar tvyo ''plastii: sketchei-," in tliree Üor-toneï, nunlilèdfor the magazine by the Messrs. Lmv, of the Chelea Art-Tile Work, make tlie Christmaa number an uri-trea.-uie; and [ó aecompanytbc-e utlique illustratious tbere is inuch iustruclive ossip nbout " liles" in Miss Harris' article, "Fire-PJace Storii s," which ha eibteeil pfctüre!", The magazine opens WltUi "Brotlier Bxuln," a hnmoroiiH poenij)y Ciristtna Róctetti, veith drawingu by (.'arrett. KÜZubeth Stuurt l'helps follows with the most 6hafm1nL of "Trotty " stories, illn-lratcd by St. .I0I111 Harper. Y. L. Sleiilcv, a western wrlter, haK a touchinjj; Qbi-lgtinnBStpr.y of miner's life, " 'Little ffaptain' ol Hnckekin Camp." 'Little Üeborah's work in the Secret Service" Is a story of the Revointlonary War, eliionlcling one of those acts of courage which women anl children iu all 'i1" have uniiertaken in time of war. Thefirst of Mrs. Sheiwooil'.- "Itoyal GÏrla and Rojal Court" is vcry enteitaining and iui 1 uctivc; it iieionbea the b. havior of eonie pushing American girls at the Hallan court, and the " letter" givll i said U be ü CÓpy of one actually seut to 1111 American minster. Three good Jmi inls open: "A. Girl and a Jeu el," "A Midshjpman at J-arge," and " Dilly and the Captain.'1 A series of historical stories, by E. á. Brooks, relative to popular bolidayí, is nlso beïun. The Cliautatiqua rendings are specially interestinjj - tor instance Klizabeth Hobins Pennell describes "A Roman Chrwt mas," w hlch Jose h Pen nel 1 Ilústrate. $3.00 11 year. 1). Lothrop & Co., Piiblisbers, Boston, Mass.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News