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- - -- - - Bbort advortUemenU uot to cxceed tbree Unes, of Lost and Found, Houses for Sale or Unit, Wantl, et.'., buartod threu weeks for 25 cents, silirill.nis wanteil, free. WA NTl'.H - BiMik AKt:n'lsIf ynu want to U mouey, tiv OUT new Kwcllsh mul Germán magazine. Wlll ive H por oent Addres International rriuting Co., OlnoInnaU, oiiio. TORENT. Seoond Story Of No.868. Mala Street, over Star ilothlng. Iuqiilre of . i. Noble. 7T- w FOREST I1ILL h.MITKKY COMPAJCY. rpjlP annnal meeting ol the sinoklioldetn 1 ol Foreat Hill Cemelery Company for the on of offlcera mul the transactiou of mu-Ii other bustnea as may come bcfore the meeting wlll te huM Kt the office of tlie of siilii oompanj on Tnetday, the lh dy of Jiniuiiry. 1886 :it 10 o'clock A.M. s A.HBOR December 10, 1885. I iim ki, MA.N'N. secretary. WANTKD a live man to take charge for u in thla C.mnly-expertenced oanvasser praferred. Qood lnda lenl to rlght party. Mvingstonc l'uhlUhlng Co.. Detroit, Michigan. 7f;! WNTI'li Balea lady, nmsl. lmve good referenoe. Apply ni No. lli s. Main Mr.'ct, l'lty. io-JW. AOood Itoiiscand tWO Lotl for sale very oheapoD Detroit Street. AnplyloJohu j'lnnegan or Mattbews' Real Agency. 7'i-tiw. __ LOST- Tneaday ovcning, on Muln, Huron ot DIvlBlon streets, a brand uew for Klove. Reward wlll De pald on del I very at tho reuldence of Mrs. (Jlarlssa est, Wet Huron sireet. "a FOR BA.LK CHJBAP- A very haiulsome (urlanil" Ooal Stove, and a Parlor NVood Btove. Rafui Oate, Aun Arbor. Wi FOUND A WATC11- Wlilch owner may baye 1 provine l'roperty and paying obarges. Addreaa, gfytng ilesrriptlon of the watoh,C. o'Sullivaii. Post office. 71-i FOR K.KNT- (lood room for office on Main Street :i ) jer nxmth. Two story frame heuse on Fountaln Street, Srd ward, and one on Moscly Street, -il ward, and two story brlok Louse on Aun street, J8.00, tlü.OO and tU.OUper month. Enquire of J. C. A. ses- Altorney and Real Estáte Agent,Offlce In National Bank Block, Aun Arbor. 13-3 HOUSE nnd Lot near post office. Locality oonvenlent. W1U ie soid cheap. Apply to O. L. Matthews, Real Estáte Agency. Ann Arbor. 73-6 WANTED AGENTS- Energetic Men and Women to Cauvass for Dr. E. WOOduil's l'amlly rhysiclnn tlirongbout the East. see Circular' In tuis office. Address Marlan I.. Wbltney.lM Audersou Street, Stocklon California. -72 TT1OR SALE- A cholee Vacant building Lot. JC Also aqnanttty of honsehold furnlture and stuves. Rufus Cute, No. 6 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 372 FOTÍ, SALLES! A Home an.l Lot on Thompson Btreet , X. in, (oodlocation. Kinf NeigliborUood audu-HARGAIN. Seo W. W. WHEDON, or J. E. BEAL, THE BAKRY HOHB5TEAD For Sale or Rent wliole or In part, Centrally loeated, 'onvenlent to the Universlty, Public Schools, Markets nnd all parts of the CHy. Kor Abstract ol Tltle and other Information, apply to W. W. Wbedou, Anu Arbor or C. A, Barry, Jacksou Mich. AFlne 3J0 Acre farm good buildings, near Grass Lake to sell or trade for smaller farm. O. L. Matlliews, Real EsUte Agency, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 6- f1 1' RNITURE- Good bargnlns In bed room sint, bedding, etc, at the Couriek offlee. LOANING-Money to loan on flrst-class lïeal Kstate Mortgago at Current rates of Interest. Satiufactory arrangements made wttb oapltalUU desirlng such Investmentti. Kvery conveyance and transactlon In abslracts oí tilles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. F. KINU. Ann Arbor. FOR SALE OR RENT- Barry Homestead, No. 284th street Aiply tö W. W'. Whedon.Ann Arboror C. A. Harry, Jackaon, MJch,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News