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.ludiré Joslyn went to Corunna Monday, to hold oourl in place of Jiidge Newton. Jas. Kitson and son Harry leave tliis c íi lo-morrow for Florida, to spciul the winter. Mi. and Mrs. B. L. D'Ouire are to spend the coming holidays wlth frlendl in Grand Reptds. Chas, Meyera aocldenttlly broke one of his knee caps Satarday, wliicli is very painful for him. (lisa Alice Ilunt lcavcs Aun Arbor tomorrow for New York, to be absent two or three weeks. (.ei. Haviland, tlie genial, pleasant Qeorge, baa been In town several days, froni Crrand Bapldf. Un. Addir l);ivis, of St. Thomas, Olit., is visiting her párente, Mr. a mi Mrs.Thos. Hayleyj on E. Liberty t. William J. Suiith, son of John Smith of Ann Arbor town, is expected home this treek (rom Asaumption college, Sandwlcl Ont. A rece ptlou wat tendered Bishop Wells of Wisconsin at the resiilence of Mrs. Kathbone, on División It, Saturday evening last. Henry L. and Lyraan D. James, of Williamsbargi Maw., are la the city, and were callen at the CouMBB office this a. mi. Miiinii' RoyM, ((nind-dattgbter of Mrs. Z Burd, k'aveson Frlday for Terre Haute, lud., to remain durinj; (Im; holidays. Mis. Lulu Downs, of Iowa, is expected home by her mother, SIrs. Goodrich of State st., in a few days for a stay of a few weeks. Miss Emma Backs, of Flat Rock, is the ¦ruest of Miss Emma Waesch, and leaves Saturday for Brookly n, Mich., to visit iclations. üpon the invitation of Prof. J. B. Steerc and wilt', the id M. E. cllUTCh choir had a pleasant time at their residence last evt'iiing. Mis. E. A. Keith and childien, of Big Rapldki and Miss Mamie Beardsley, of Howi-11, are visiting relatives In the city tli is week. WlHW.Watti teft Baturday for St. Louis Mo., to run a swell society rink, for which Will pets the handton s:ilaty ot ifl,800 per jrear. Deaeon Loren Mills, of thii city celebiiittd his 81at birtlulay Tuesday, at Horace Carpenter's that gentleiniiu also belng in li is 81st year, Wm. Martin, of Bay City, a son of Ben. F. Martin, formerly of this place, is in the city wlth liis bride, the gucst of his unele Olivcr M. Hartln. Mi-. II. A. Harwood was called to the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Tower, near,Sallne, becausc of lUe latter'sserious illness f rom typhoid fever Friday. L. D. Munster, captain of the Detroit bicycle club, was In town yesterday. He [g the man who recently beat the American blcyde records by ridiug260 miles in ¦24 beun on the road. This is within four mi les of tlie vVoild's record, and he is conlidetitof beatiiiR that next spring. He has i wlry, wcll kuit frame of great endurance, and althougli 5 feet 10 inches in lieijlit, be rides :i 57 inch wheel. He ig on his way to New Orleans as agent for llie SingiM" machine.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News