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Rhcumatism It is an establlshed act that Hood'i 8arsaparllla bas proTen an lnTiluable remedy in many serere cases o( rtaeumatlim, efteotIng remarkable cures ty it powerful actlou In correcting the artülty of the blood, whlch Is the cause of the disease, and purlfylng and enriohing the Tltal duid. It i certainly fair to aiium that what Hood's Sarsaparilla bas done for others It will do for you. Therefore, lf jrou suffer the pains and aches of rbenmatlsm, gir this potent remedy tair trUL A Poaltlve Care. " I was troubled verj much witb rheuiuatlsm In my hip, ankles, and wristt. I could hardly walk, and was oonflned to mr bed a good deal of the time. Belng recommended to try Hood's KarsaparUla, I took four bottles and am pertectly well. I cheerfully recommend Hood's SarsaparllU as one of the best blood purlflers In the world." W. F. Wood, Bloomlngton, 111. For Twenty Years I hare been afflicted with rheumatlsm. Befor 1883 1 found no relief, but grw worse. I then began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and It dld me more gond tlian all the otber medicine I eTer had." H. T., Shlrley. Mass. " I suffered from what the dortors called muscular rheumatlsm. I took Hood's Saraparllla and am entlrely eured." J. V. A. Pboutfoot, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. We sh&ll be glad to send, tree of charge, to all who may deslre, s book containing many addltional statements of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drugglits. 1 ; ti for. Made only by C. I. HOOD CO., JUwell, Mass. IOO Doses On' Dollar.


Ann Arbor Courier
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