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A Safeguard. The fatal rupidity with wliich slteht Colds aiid Coughs frr(uently develop luto the gravest nialiulics of tlie throat and lungs, i a canitldcratlon whlch should fmpel every prudent person to keep at hand, as a household remedy, a bottle of AYKRS CHJ5BHY PKCTOKAL. Nothin? tes triste surtí iininediate relief and work so sure a cure in ull affections of tlii-i dan. That eminent phvsiclan. Prof. F. Sweetzrr, of the Maiue Medical School, Brunswick, Me., Mys: - "Medical aclenoe baa produeed no other anodyne eipectorant ao good a Atkr's C'aiaar Ï'KTORAL. 11 in invaluable for dUeairi of the throat ttii'l hiugs." The Ramo opinin I rxprcijerl br th well-kuovn Dr. L.J. Ajldtooa, of Chicago, 111., who pays :- "I hro nevrr fouud, in thirtvST yfr of eootinuoua itudy and practice of medicine, any preparation of o gremtvalueas Arxa'a CHimaT PÍeToaiL, for treutment of dieiea of th throat and hing. It uut only breaka up cold aufl curea ccvtre cougbf, but is more effaetWa tban anvttting lau in reilevln uveD th mort arioii bicncbial and puliuonary affectlout. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral ( Is not a ni'v iitolnunt for popular confldence, luit iiictliciiie which is to-day aavinfc the live of the thlrd generatlon who have come loto belng since lt wai lirst oft'ficd to the public. Therc is not a household In which thli Invaluablo remedy has once been Introducid wliirit Itl use lias ever been abandoiu'd, and there not a persoa who as ever glven tt a proper trial for any throat or hing disease susceptible of cure, who ha not been macra well bv it. I AYÉR'S CHEBBY TECTORAL has. In nuinberle!) Instanoea, eured obstinate cases of chronie Broocliltls, LarynsltU, and even acutí I'neumonla, and baa saved many patiënt in the earlier stages of Pulmonttry Consumption. It il medicine tlmt nly requlre to be taken In small doses, plJasunt to the taste, and I needcd in every hou.-e where there ar chlldrrn, ' thcVe i notliltiK o good as AYER'S C'HKRUY l'KCTORALfortreat. ment of Croup and AVIiooping 'ough. : These are all phin flirts, whi'h can b veritieil by anybodv, and should be remembereil bv everybody. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 3 PUi:PAI!EI I1Y Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mau. ' Sold by all UruggisU. ___ rp-rr -p AM ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANS ARBOR. MICHIGAN, ?ransacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $BO,OOO. Orgauized under tbe General Bankiu Law of hts State, the Btockholdore re indlviduAllr liable ór au addltiooal amouut equal to the stock beid b; hem, tbereby creating liaarantee Fund for ibe enefit of Deposito of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest Is llowed on all Ssving Deposita of one dollar and upwarde, accordin to the rules of the Bank aod interest compounded Beml-annu&ily. Mjney to Loan on unincumbercd real etate and ottaur good eecurity. DIBB0T0BS: CHKISTIAN MAUK. Wm. IJ. HARUIMAN, W. W. WINES. DANIEL HI8C0CK, WILLIAM DKDBEU WILI.AKU B. SMITH. DAVID KIN8EY. OFFICERS: C. MAUK, Pres. W. W. WINBS, . 'ce-Prca. c HISCOCK.Oaütaier. REAL ESTÁTE RENTSi Special attention given to Collecties of Heat: ui Ua&angement of! Seal Estite Znterests For Nou-ResldenU. Entlre Batisfaclion to Owners Ouaranteed. A. DeFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE! I aun agent for a line of Old and staunch Anisricis ::: Fcreiga Tira Insuri&ce Conp's Lowest Ratea, Honorable Adjustments, and I.oBne Promptly Pald. A. DeFORKST.


Ann Arbor Courier
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