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Tiif. thst scsmonof the t'nri.vnmiii ('nnxronü waaopcnoJ iii WMshiiiKt'in ut twelye oclock noon on the 7th. The elootlon Ín tho Sánate for President pro tem. rrsulted as IoIIowb: Senator Sherman, the Republlcan cnuotm nomines, rocolved thlrty four voto, and Ben, ator Harrls. Dcmocrat, twpntynlne. Mr. Shormtm was theieupon escortod Ut the ehttir nud tooli the onth of otBoe. He thun thnnkéd the Senators for the honor on fenecí. piT-iiail a sincere desir that lic tnijrht "bo aillo to i-nfortíe tho rules witli ktn-lnoss and impartí! tv so hb to asoortalu If fmsRiblo the senspof the majorlty of tlic Sonate, kii.1 to (Tive lo the mlnority lts f uil constltutlonui rlírlit nnrt protecllon. The orortentiitls of Senators I.oiran (UU and Blair (N. H.) were presenteii and thoecrentlcinn apMtred :nil took Ihe oath. Coramitteefl were appoiutocl to notitv the President and the House of BaprG86ota tiros of tne ornalzatmn of the fnntc Twplvo o'olock noon was flxprt as tho liour of diiily ui"otin(r, uniosB otborwiRo orderod. Mr. Voorheen ar.nounood the death of V co-Prosldent Hondi'ickR, and otlüred, resolutions of refpoot to hll memory, whlch rcsolution wen iaid on the tnbte at Mr. Voorhee' recinc t. ro be called up at somo future day. Au Iminpdlate djournment mis ordored ont ot' respect to the memory of th6 late Vicc - President In the House thrpe hundred and twentv members answered to thelrnames. the only absentóos being Miller. N. V.; K. Hnndorson, N. C; Aikeo, 8. C; Craig, Texas, mid Uroxton, V John O. Ciulisle (Den) ) ai n" elooted Speaker, recelving one hundrod ititrl Heventy -sm-cn vnt-s to one hnndrod and nlKlit for Thomas B. Hoeil [Uepi. Mr. ('nrli]e rotuined thnnks to thp Houm lor th" honor thus cont'erred. aml exi)teod an earnest deslre to dlschargrc tlie obllmttona ristmif uport hlm fHithtiilly and ImpartiRiIy, snd itliout pieludloe to any inlurcst. The other Democratlo eaucus noniiiices mm tii(-n choson, as follow: John II Clarti Mo.) Clerk; John H. Leedom iO.) SQrm-unt ntAnn: Samuel Donelson iTenn ) Dooikecicr. and Lyeavffua Dalton, PotDter, The donth of the President havmjf been annouiiced by Mr. Holman, the House adiourncil lNtheSenato ontheSth, after the reading of the Presldoot'a messayc, bilis were iutroiini'iil: By Mr. Hom, to próvido for the d(9chargp of Presidentlal dutles in cese oí the romoval or inabUlty of the President and Vicc-rresident; also, to establish a uniform svtotn of tiankruptey, b' Mr Kdmunds, to lii the dav for the meeting ol Presidentlal eleotors; by Mr. Voorheus, lor the ailm sslon of Iduho as a Mte: bv Mr. Hawlcy, lo cstaWlsli an Interuatlonaleopyr.Kht; lv Mi lujcalls, to aiueod the ponsion laws; by Mr. Dolph, to repeal the tlmbeiotiUuro, pre emptlou and desrt-land acts, and tiy Mr. Teller, to ald in th establ:shmentot coinmon schools In the House tluioessrtfreof the President was read. orlitd prnteil and relorred to Oommittoe of the Wnole. aftnr which, out of respect to the memory of Consrressmati Kllwood. of lllmois, Ihi' House adjniirnml. Aiiokg the blllslntroduced In the Senate on Ibenth werf the tollowiinf: By Mr. 'ui lom, to roimbursc the severa! States for iuttirest paM on war loaiu; by Mr. Wilson, to prohlbit the mailing of newspapers contaminar lotterjr advertlsements and prescrlbinr a penalty tur ihc violatlon of the same; by Mr. Palmer, to prevent the introduction and dltfusonof uontaxlous and tnfoctious diw asi ¦¦; by Mr Plumo, to forlolt unenrned lnds irranted to the Atlantic mtd PaciSc Kailwny Corapany. Joint nvsoliitlons wero introduced by Mr. proposlni; Woman Siitfrae and Temperanoe Hmondinonts u th; ('onstitution, l.'i tolutlons were intrortucci tand aiefil tm, by Mi. Ihüe, ri'terrlna lo the allxyed actlon of s. S. Briurn. oí Miiino. In askiur inoniy of cci-talu partios for havlnjf secun-d ollioe l'orthom; By Mr. Vest, asking fot th l.oriilcacein the Kelley niRttor; by Mr. Wiisou ilowai, eallliifr for all reports Intherto made by the Government Dii-octors ol" the I'nion PHtinc Ualiway Company In the House tno scssion was entirely tuken uu witk a discussion of the revisión of the rulo, aft ir whicb tbe propoeed aiuendmeuta to th rules vort referred t a eonnnittre rnnqigting "f the SMker. Messrs. Hmidnll. Morrlsot) Keed and Hiseock. In order to irire tbe coinïnitter Mme lo sontlder tho vnrious proposilimiR relVrred to It, the Housn ailjournod to tho lStb. Bills werc Introduoed iu the .Soiinte on the Win: Ity Mr. Platt, to relieve coramcrriai traveleis from Hcense taxes; by Mr. WiUon (Inwin, to protect the Interes ts of the Tuilcd States in respeot to any luoumbrenoea on property wherein it bas n interest; by Mr. (corire, tocsUblish aifriciilturitl experiment stRtIon9 in uonnection with tl airrieultural colloites in the geveral States; by Mr PlumC to open to hornettend settlemcnt cortaln portions of Indian Territory; to improve the efficiency ot tho militin: by Mr Van Wyck to cstublish an additiouul land dlstilct ia the State oL Netraskit; by Mr. 'all, to repoul all Ihws and paits of laws prohltrtliifr pensions to wouuded soMu-rs anJoffleerR w.thout proo'' Of lovulty; jy Mr. EdmiiiuK to for tbe i Hblishment of a jKistiii te'.pfrraiih: by Mr Voorliee, to repoal the statute of hm tationN "tl the allowunrc of pension anoars A Inrire nmnber of Presi (tential nomlnntlons wére received. AdJourued to the Hth. . THe Ho.ise wi not in 84 -sion. 0OMES1IC. W. H. Yitks, a minister at Barkersrille, Pa., was fajally stoned ou the streeta of that place on the Stta by Elfler Kountz and otber leaders of an opposite religious faith. Majob Siukp, of Salt Lake City, announoed on the 8tu that no exciteinent existed thora, and that the property and personal saftfy of all citizens vrere perfectly socure. Winturop V. Gilman, an aged million' aire misor, who denied himself the plainest comforts of life, died at Frostburg, Md., a few daj-8 ago. The animal report of the Chief of the. Bureau of Engraving and Printing shows that there were furnished and delivered during the last fiscal year ,685,688 sheets of notes and securities of the face value of 8l,9l2,80; 19,777,077 sheets of internat revenue and customs stamps, containinj 455,5öi,00tj stamps, and drafts, checks, fertifi cates, lieenses, and other similar worl amounting to 788,006 sheet. The total ex penses of the bureau during the year were .-. 195. The 8team-barge Brittain, feared to have been lost with fourteen persons in the recent gale on Lake Michigan, was on the 9th reported safe. The barge was slightly damaged. A waoos containg Rev. H. T. Wilson and his two danghters was etruck by an engine near Bryan, Tex., on the 9th, and all were killed. An explosión early on the moi-ning of the 9th wrecked the Kansas City gas works anc seriously injured the engineer. The city was left in darkness. Two neorokb, Nelson Stewart and Ander son Davis, wei-e executed for burglary at Charlotte, N. C, on the 9th. Moonsuineks iu Alabama recently waylaid and raunlered Deputy Marshal W. D Kellet, near Valley Head. TnE annual report of the Attorney-Oeneial snys that during the year 1,658 civil suite and 11,977 criminal prosecutions were terminated in the various United States courts, lea ving 2,146 of the former class and 8,808 of the latter class pending. Judgmentn amounting to $677,383 were rendered, and $170,457 in fines were collected. A Heavt snow-storm on the 9th prevailed throughout Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois. Railroad trains were blockaded. Tiib Pomeroy Sons' woolen-raill at Pittsfleld, Mass., was destroyed by flre the other night, the loss reaching f 100,000. A N_ jro burglar was lynched by a mob At Kenton, Tenn., on the 9th. It was announced on the 9th that o vigorous effort would be made to get Con gress during the present session to adopt a system of savings banks in connecMo with ths Pot-omee DeDartment. Navigatio.n on the Mismssj[m Kiver was closed for the season on the 9th. Ak explosión of natural gas on the 9th wrncked the residence of Wesley Qreeo, in Canonsburg, Pa., flinging the four occu1'iint.s from tbeir beds into a yacant lot without serionfi injury. Tnr.KE wns intense anxiety throughout the speculative world on the 9th in regard to the cffects on the markets of the death of W. H. Vanderbilt. The New York and London stock-exchanges showed wild fluctuatiions, with a general decline of from one to three per cent. A Chicago company closed a contract on the 9th to supply the Frenen army with 2.200,000 pounds of cannod beef. It inrolves the slaughter of 85,000 cattle. At Northampton, Mass., Allen J. Adams was on the 9th found guilty of the murder of Mosos B. Dicktnson at Amherst, Mass., ten years ago, and sentonced to be hanged March 12. IÍWK. Tkz Blood ludían ín the Onadian Northwest hare itolen two hundrsd norse. I A special train left Regina on th 9th for Fort M"Lpod with a troop of mounted po lice. Sbvex men wero buriod by the oaving of a sowor at Akron, O., on the 9th, four of them being killed and the others fatally injured. In the winter quarters of a menagerie at Philadelphia a Nubian lion was killed a few daya ago by the elephant Bolívar. In portions of Central Illinoi.i the snow was eighteou Inc-hes dpep on the lOth. Advicks rcceis-od in Njw York on. the lOtb announood a largo mimber of wreek on the northoasteru coant in recent storm, and great Nufferlng by the crews. Several hvi's were lost. J. B. Hansix, the assignee of th lat Archbishop Paroell, at Cincinnati, confessed on the lOth that he had mlsappopriated $200,000 of the funds that feil into hit hands. At Pine Kun, Fa., the striking coalminers came into collision on the lOth with the men wbo now bold their places. Th riot lasted over two hours, and ten men were injured, 'one fatall y. A siïohkr of young smalte, each half au inch in length, feil on the lOth at Cumberland, Me., for a radius of a mil. Attounry-Oknbral Garland arge the building of a National penitentlory and the construction of a jail at each place where Federal courts ai1 held. Accordinq tohe figures of the National Agricultural Dapiirtment the average farm priee of corn is 83 cents, against SS cents in December a year ago. Wheat averages 7fe.7 cents, against 85 cents last year. Rye, barley, oats and potatoes ihow ao advanc of from 4 to 7 cents. Tuk worst gang of srangglera on the Texas border wag attacked near Eagle Pass on the Hit li by Sheriff Oglesby and two depnties, wuo killed the leader of the smugglers and thi-ee of bis followers. The others eccaped into Mexico. C. L. Auütin's gin-house and milt at KlHot, Miss., were destroyed by flp on the lUth, and two men perUhed in the flama. Tbc entire fauiily of Frederick Hausmeyer, six in number, at Tarentum, P., were ill on the lOth with trichiniaais, and the doctors thought that none woufd risco ver. Thb Secretary of the Interior on the llt requested the President to ask Congres for an appropriation of (12,500, out of whicb to aid Cheyenne Indians in Montana who were reported starving. Thb boiler in a foundry at Aiutin, Tx., exploded on the 1 1 th, killing two men, on of whom was Charles Jones, the proprfotor, and wonnding two others. Ik a dranken pansion Jumes Murray hot his wife three times at Williamsburg, L I , on the llth and tben shot himaelf. The Ad.jutant (Juneral of Texa received information ou the llth that twenty-five Mexican soldiers recently crossed ttM line and drove oLt a herd of cattle belonging to Ame.ricans. Sl'KOEO.v, n-ho returned on tb UtU to Fort Leavenworth from Oklahama, reported that the eutire región coreted bjr the boomers had been burned over, and the tenitory was clear of settlers. Ose K0XDMD convicta employed ia a mine at Coal Hill, Ark., were on a jtrike on the llth for more powder, and had taken pofwBgüion of the mine. The .sales of ooffee decreased at New York during tlio year as compared with last year 2,432,000 bags, or thirty-one per cent. A r.i.ocK of business houses was burned on the llth nt Navasota, Tex. Loei, $115,000. The house of a colorad woman named Sparks was burned at Chadbourne, N. C, on the llth, and two of her children, wuo "oro locked in daring their mother'i absence, perished in the fiamos. Tut total number of failures reported in the Cnitod States for the Beven days ended on the lith was 231, as against 247 the previous ht'VKii days. In the corresponding timo of 18t4 the failures amounted to 361 ; in 1883, 34; in 1882, 230; and in 1881, 109. The total immber in the country this year to date is 10.554, against 10,788 in a like portion of 1834. Tw.o MSN were killed and a boy mortallj injured by a fieight train near Altoona, Pa., a few evenings ago. Joitn Alexander (colored) was hanged at New Orlimns for wife-murder on the llth. A pashkn-(.i:i! coach and a box-car of train left the track a few days ago near Caldwell, O., and rolled down an embankment, the fonuer taking flre. A woman and her two children were fatally burned and other pasgengers were painfully hurt. Mns. El.iza Dessman, aged sixty, was 'nurned to death the other night by a flre breaking out in her residence at New York. An acre of the surf ace u ver the Harleigh mines at Haileton, Pa , enve-d in on the llth, causinggreat dnmage and throwing four hundred minéis and laborera out of employment. Special telegram on the llth to Bradtbttft from leading trade centen througbout the United States revealed a somewbat better trade generally West, Northwest and Southwest and South than was reported at the East. PERSONAL AND POLITIOAL. Wiiii.e converxing on business natten with Mr. Garrett in hiH residence in New York on the af ternoon of the 8th Williotn H. Vanderbilt was seized with paralysis of the brain, and, falling from hls chair, died instantly. Mr. Vanderbilt was born In New Brunswick, N. J., May 8, 1831, and had lived in New York since eighteen years of age. He died worth 1200,000,000, and leeves a wife and eight children. A GROUNDLE88 rumor of the death of Samuel J. Tilden was spread throughout the country on the 9th. The North American Union of Radicáis, with headquarters in Milwaukee, on theStb issued a memorial to Congress asking tht the Constitution be so amended M to abolish the ottice of President. The memorial proposes to vest the Executire power of tk Government in an Executive Council to be chosen by Congress. Samuel W. Patchïn, one of the bert known and wealthiegt men on th Kew York Stock Exchango, was instantly killed on the lOtb in Brooklyn by falling down stairs. The official canvass on the lOth of the vote of New York in the recent electioa gives the following Democratie pluralittea: For Governor, Hill, 11,134; LieutenantGovernor, Jones, 3,156; Secretary of State, Cook, 14,608; Comptroller, Chapin, 12,345; Treasurer, Fitzgerald, 11,539; AttorneyOeneral, O'Brien, 13,703; State Engifieer, Bweet, 12,249. Dr. E. C. Fraurlin, the leading homeopathie physioian of 8t. Louis, died is hit office on the lOth while sitting in bis chair, at the age of sixty-three years. A 8OLBMN requiem mass for the repose of the soul of King Alfonso was on the lOtfc celebrated in St. Matthew's Catholio Church at Washington. TitE New York Chamber of Commerce adopteri on the lOth a memorial asking Congress to repeal the silver dollar coinage act oí 1S78. A (ENF.iiAL order was issued on the lOth from the headquarters of the Grand Army of the Repnblic informing the members that Washington had boen selected as the site of the proposed Grand Amiy monument to General Grant. Tiie funeral and burial of the late Will iam H. Vanderbilt occurred in New York on the llth. The funeral, which took place in St. Baitholomew's Episcopal Church, was very simple in character. FOREIGN. At the opening of the Munster assiies In Ireland on the 8th the Judge announeed an alarming increase in the number and graTity of crimes. Cholera had become epidemie in Brittany on the 8th, and was committing frightful ravages, the scourge being worse at Auiiiriii" - it gTaa at iiLr'xillaa i THE COMISO ÏABHIOW&BLE TOCE f The tour of the great lakes has not yet - m-auueso i;uliooljle a the tuur of the i '.itinciit, bul wh'-n Aniorirans lcarn tr ' ipreÍAtie tbcir couutrj botter the Umim.iy, pcrtin[w, come when it will bc ae ''cjuitetno tliiiig" toniakca trip toDnluth, Maekinaw or Sault 8ainte Marie, as it ík I now lo take a run over to Paris, where all euoJ Americana are sujpposed to go when . the die, Duluth, to be sure, has not realidad those splendid dreams of commercial supremacy to eloquently prophe[ sied by Proctor Knott in his famous speech iu Cougress years ago, but still it is young and h.vs plenty of time to grow. Just as W. D. Howell's "Wedding Jouruey " has niarked out a benten track for young couplea in their honeymoon, down the St. Lawrence, up the Saguenay, through Montreal and Quebec and home again, a novclist is wanted to paint the glories of the lakes, their connecting rivers and the uiany beautiful cities that lo 1c out upon the waters; BufBUo, Clevelan.l and Detroit, and of these Detroit is the prettiett. lts üplendid st reets and inany handsome homes nmke it one of the mosl attractive cities in the West, and the tourist will want to stop off here íbr a linie while. If he does, perhaps hemay chame to stroll into Franklin strect, where, at No. 217, Mr. E. O. K liards has the office of his planing mili and box faotory, and perhaps the gentle tourist may happen to meet Air. Richards and the convereation, as it often does, may turn upou the many evils and weaknesses that flesh is heir to. If all this comes to pass, Mr. Richards may teil hira this story of his recovery from neuralgia as he tüld it to a recent risitor: " I had had it for several years, and the attacks were moét violent. At last they became so frequent that they were almost daily oceurrences. All my efforts to obtain nythiiiff like a permanent cure were fruitless. I would sometimes get temporary relief by resorting to hot applications, but the neuralgia would come right back again. I had uned almost every remedy I could hear of, and had also had physlcianx to prescribe for me, but none ot these did m any ffood. I have probably spent two humlred dolUrs in various ways without any tanefit whaterer. "Athiophoro took hold of the diseaso qiiickly and I got relief in the first two dowa. Three bottle effected a j)erfect ure. I hnvesome in the house now and hall certainly always keep some, it i worth ju price, if it did no more than -ivc mé rílicf. Whether it has cured me permaurntly I caanot wy, bat I do know thnt :it the time I bcgan nsing it I was sufFerDg utensely, and tbat within three inonthi 'from the dar I rtopped taking it to this) I haT not feit a partiële of notinlgii. It wh Mr. Blair, the train disimtcher at the Detroit, íirand Haven and Milwaukee Railroad, who recommended me to ose Athlophoros after he hal tricl it and tiired bim-'ell' of a rery sevcre case of lng ntunding." If the frentle tourist still doubt the efficiency ot Athlophoros todo what is clainied for it, let him cali uron Mr. Blair, who will mort willing add histestimony tothat of Mr. Eirhards in support of the sovereign rowedy's curatire jxwers. U JOU cannot Ept ATHLorHORo of jrour ñnig([lat, we will sena it exprcM pi'I. on receipt of rgular prire - one dollix per bottle. We pre)r tbMTan baj It from your drogRist, but if He hinoH K. do not be penraaded to try something else, bat order at once from us, as direotod. Atui)phoros Co., 112 Wall Street, New York. Tos latest return un the Uth from the lection in Oruat Britain indicuted tbat in the new Uouse of Coinmons the Libérala would have 334 members, against '12a üouservatives and Nationalist. Th war preparations of Bulgaria continued unabated on too 9th. Overonohundred thousand Servians were encamped at Nlssa. 6BR7UM troops on the lOth attacked the Bulgarian outpoaU at tbree points, and were speedily repulsed. King Milán notiflcd the Powen that he could not accept the dUhonorable oonditions imposed as the prlce of peaoe. Korty Servían soldiers were ¦hot for mutüating theinselves to escape military fwrvice Advicj ol tbu lOth from Berlín announeed that tfce aged Emperor William wu seriaualr ül. MoKBÍlfp$nded over $100,000 in figbtlng the imllMtx. Two deatns occurred on the lOth Id theeastern extremity of the city. Owií to the activity and increasing strengh of the rebels in the Soudan, orders wcre oh the Uth issuod forthe reoccupation of DongjoTa by British troops. Thomas P. o Consor, Mr. Parnell's political lieuUnant, declared In a recent nterriew that what is sougbt for Iieland is a Government similar in character to that of Canada. The forcea of the acting Governor of Nuevo León, Hez., fired on General Royes and party at Monterey on the Uth, killing an officer and three privates and wounding ii meo. Knolisb cablegrama of the llth reportcd the coldest weather known for the past flve years. Tbc Irish National Leagne, according to a cablegram of the Uth, has returnod eighty-ix memben of Parliament and ij absolutïly master of the situatioo. LATER NEWS. Kx Oovïrnob B. Oratz BrowiC dled snddenly at bis residence in St. Louis on the morniog of the L3th, at the age of flf ty-nine vars. Mr. Brown waa United States Senator tn 1863, GoTBrnor of Missouri in 1870, and candidato for Vice-President on the ticket with Horace Qreeley in 1872. He leavea a wife and nine unmarried children. Th funeral tervicei over the remains of the late Klng' Alfonso, of Spain, took place in Madrid oa the 12th. Mits Jinxi Hbaols, a mnsio teacher, of Dayton, O., committed suicide by poisoniug on the l'th, and a husband's neglect drove Mrs. Hutchinson, of Aberdeen, D. T., to a (uicide'8 grave. Tbb will of the late William H. Vanderbilt was Bld for probate in New York on the 12i. By th terms nis eight children reoeive 10,(TJO,000 eacb, the widow is given the use of the family rendence and peronal property and an annuity of $300,000 per year, about $J,000,000 is devoted to charity, and the remainder of the property ia divided between the two eldest sons, Cornelias and William K., which makes thelr bare of the estáte about $00,000,000 each. Wmi.1 R. T. 8mith, of Mlnk's Prairie, Tex., was abgent from home on the 12th unknown pei'kons entered bis house and murdered hi wife and two children, aged siz and even years. A Finí on the 13th in a teneineut house at Plyniouth, Eng., burnod twelve persons to deatb, and many otbers were Beriously injured by leaping from the windows. The burial of Louis Riel, the receutlyexecuted Northwest Territory rebel, took place on the l"th at St. Boniface, Manitoba. Tbere was a large attendance at the funeral ceremonies, but no disturbance took place. Thr new Mehdi's followers were being massed on the 12th in great foroe and the advance of the melu army on Bgypt had begun. The British and native outpoKts were falling back before the advancing hordes of Araba. At twenty-ix leading cleariug-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on tbe 12th aggrogated $l,031,7i6,649, against $1,071,874,388 the previousweeb. A compared with the corresponding week of 1384, the increaBe awounte to 30.5 per cent. Theri were eighty-di deaths fcom smallpox in Hontreal and adjoinïng principaliUes during the week ended on the 12th. Th number is the same as for the previous week. Tn United States Senate was not in session on the 12th. In the House the Speaker presen ted a large number of Executive comtnuuicaüons and a resolution was introluced from the Connecticut Legislature wkingthat a by-law Iw passed for the asjertainmpnt and connting of the Electoral rote. Adjourned to tbc Uth.


Ann Arbor Courier
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