
iüiiwc DlKl.ri'diU' Akx A.RBOR CoHiiASDinr, No. IS meeta flrst Tueaday of oacli inouth, W. G. Doty, E. C; W. A. Tolnhiird. K'Torder. WamhtksaW Chai'tbií, No. li, K A. M.- MnM flrst Mondny each month. Isaac Haniiy, H. P.; Z. Roath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. DEALER EH CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common Cofflnfi. Calis attented to Day or Nlght. EmbtilininK a Hpeclally. Storeroom on E. Washington streel. Resldenoe Cor. Liberty and Flflh. BE AL EST Al E INSURANCE AÖEN6Y. OF J. A. SESSIONS, ATTOUXEY AIÍD SOTAR Y PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or renled and rents colleoted on reaaonable lerinn. None but old and nrst-cluss Inmirunco Companles represented- with lnMirunce capital of $10,000.1)00. Rutes as low as any otber Iniu ranee ooinpany and Iossps pioniptly pald. Onice tn National Bank Blook, Maiu Street, Aun Arbor, Mtch. VV. II. JACKSOSI, OilESHNTiiTilIIISIITIL OFFICE : Orer Bach k Abel 's Dry Good Store. Entrancc next to National Bank. WILLIAH HERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Pku-tIdk, Olsilce, onding, and falciminlne, nd work or every dfiscrin(ii)n done in the best Btyla, and warrantcd to (?ive satiefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. & A C. NICIIOLS, Rooms Over Atm Arbor Savings Bank, Masonic Temple Block. GAS or VIT AL.IZ ED AIR A4mlnlstered for the painlese cxtractluD ai teeth. JTOSEPH BEKRt, The Practical TAILOR AiD WITTER, Of the late ñrm Oí WINANS & BERKY. has located hi place of hu'inras at NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITH A FII.I, LINK OF Suitings and Trouserings, And would ay to hl old Irlend ai. il pew one? that If they want a GOOD FIT and a NuBBY FIT t REA8ÖNAULS PK1CES, cali ou hlm and they wlll be Bure tn gvt om-, CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. Secarity held for the protection of the pollcy holdere. CHRISTIAN MACK BeprasenU the followlne firKi-clarii compRnien, of which one, the Etna, has alone paid $56,000,000 Ure loste in Blity-ñve years: Etna, of Hartford $ 0,198,644 Kranklin of Philadelphia 3,1 18,713 Germania, N. Y 2,70(1. 7M Germán American, N. Y 4,060,908 London Assurance, Lomlon.. . 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,590,679 National, Hartford 1,774,605 Phrenix, Brooklyu 3,759,036 Losse libcrally adjusted and promptly paid. Pollcies issued at the loweat rates of premium. 1191tf LUMEERI LTJMEER! LÏÏMBEH! li tou contémplate building, cali at FERDON In li! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and ifuarantee AERY LOW PRICES irGive u cali and we will make it to Tour interest, as our Urge and wcll i(T;tded stock fully ¦ BBtalns our asscrtion. Telephoae ConncLtions with UIEce. T. J. KEKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop W. TREMAIN, GEKERAL OFFICE, Orer Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. HTJRON AND FODRTH ST8., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edinhurg. ICapltal, tl3,000,OOU, Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine Tnsurance Co., Csab Aweu t900,00(J. Mprlngfleld Ins. Co. of MaRtachusetts, Ch Asset $1,800,000. Howard Ins. Company of New York, Cuk Asests il.000,000. Agrlcnltural In. Co., Watertwn,5.T., Cub Awtts 11 ,900,000. Loêtf Llbwrally Adjuitt snd Promptly Pald.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News