
C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. EslalillHhcd over a quKrter of acentury ago. Keprefjentlng the followlug tlrst-class companles, wlth over 60,000,000 Capital and .m-ih. HOME INS. CO., or New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIAQARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO.,or Philadelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL. LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston.' Ratos Low as tlie Lovrest, Loases Liherally Adjnsted aud p romp tl ƒ l'aid. C. H. MILI.EN. THE BEST ITalr rostorativo In the worUl Is Hall's Hair IIknkwkr. It cures all diseaxw oí tlie sculp, und Btimulates the huir glumU to hcalthful actlon. It utops the falnng of the huir; prevent lts turnios t;ntv ; cure baldne, nd restores yniithful color nml freübneM of ppcnranro to heads alreadv white with airo. Tlie followinu; are a tevr Illuxtrntlons of whut is lonc by HALL'S ¦yegetabla Sicilian HAIR RENEWER: - Mns. HtmsBEHRT, 344 I'raiiHin Jr'., Erooklyn, y. l".,after a wvero mttark of Eryipelaa In the head, foiinct lier hair- alriady gray - fnlling off io rapldly tbat he ftomi hoonmti quite baid. Ooe botllo óf Hai.i.'s Hitn Rknkwir brought It bark ft. brown anti thick ba when aho wan a girl. &3 Mr., tn oM fnrmfr, nrar Wnrnir, rul. had cftrcIy any hair Icft. ami what little tlit'ro vu of it had ooconio ncatly white. One bottlo of IIai.l'h Hair Kknbwek Ujpped its fnllin out, and gnvo him a thle.k, luxurlant head of hair, as brown and freahaa he ever had. Mrs. A. T. Wall, Grtenjltld, Chetliirt, Eng., write : "I havo found tho crcateMt benellt from tho on of Hall' Hair Üimii:, it buving rcatorcd my hair, which waa raplly fallIiiK off, and retnrned lu original color." Dn. Emr. 8rp, Detroit, JftcA., ertlfle that "Hall' IIaik Kcnewkr la iceilcnt.for hair rrowlnR, and glvts back the natural color lo faded and (ray hair." Mr. H. E. Elliott, GUnrilU, W. Va., aya: "On bottl of Hall1 Hair RiKinit restored my hair to iu natural, youthful color.' No lnjurious ubstancpi entpr lnto tho composftion of Hall's Hair Renewer, and it is not a dye. Its vegetable lngredients render it In the hlphest degree beneCcial to the calp as a preventivo of disease. Its effecU are natural nd lastinjt, and it does not make the hair dry and bra-shr, like thc so-called restoratives compoumled with alcohol. Buckíngham's Dye FOR THK WHISKBRS Is, in four rpspccts, superior to all others. lst - It will produce a rieh, natural color, brown or black, as desired. 2d- The color so produced is permanent, cnnnot be washed ofl', and will not soil anythin with which it comes In contact. 3tl - It is a single preparation, and more convenient of appltotlon thaa any other hair or whlsker dye. th- It contalns no deleterlous iTjjrredlfíits, as do mauy preparatlons offeiid for like use. PltrpAMCD BT B. P. HAT.I, & CO., Nnshim, K. H. Soltl by all Dealen in Medicines. WHAT ÍS DYSPEPSIA? Among' the many symptoms of Dyspepsia or indigestión, the most prominent are: Variable appetite ; faint.gnawing feelingf at pit of the stomach, with unsatisfled craving for food; heartburn, feeling of weight and wind in the stomach, bad breath, bad taste in the mouth, low spirits, general prostration, headache, and constipation. Thereisno form of disease more prevalent than Dyspepsia, and none so peculiar to the high-living and rapid-eating American people. Alcohol and tobáceo produce Dyspepsia; also.bad air, etc. - BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, will eure the worst case, by regulating the bowels and toning up the digestivo organs. Sold everywhere. "cTndee" aëcïïcs" - WITH - DOUBLÉ THICK BALL. TwoYearsÉ - The "Candhr " Hl-bbe Co. glye n beur nubber than can be obtained elsccluTO for thc samo money, with tiieir Lrefit imprevcment of the 1)01 BLE THICK BA1.L. Tho c-'-a tlrflti t of rubber rightnnder the Utad,givesl)ontl.i;W KAK. Ank to ec the " CAVDDE " Dnnble Ttilck Boll Rubbers in Boota, Arutitc, LFvérahocs, Aluskas, &c. A Common SenseJ É BBS ír For sale to the trade by R. k, J. CUKMINGS & CO., Detroit. 1 f TTim Send 10 cent postaR. and wc 1 II I li'lll wlllmallyourearoyKl,VHlI Tl H I uable, sample box of goods I that wlll put yon In the way of making more monty at once than anythlng else lu America. Botl sexes of all ages can live at home and work iu spare time, or all the Mme. Capital not requlred. We will tart you. Immense par sure for tnose wlio start ut once. Stiísson t Co., Portland. Maine. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT IN ANN ARBOR. Should. advertise in THE COURIER.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News