
POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlupowderuevpr vnrlrs. A marvel of punty, strengtli nml wholesonteueaa. Hereeoo uomtcttl Mían tlir nrdinary klixln, itirl caminí be solcl iu compeUtion With tlie multitud of low test, short wclght, slum or phosphate powdorK. SoMnnly In cvins. Royal Raklnc !... l.r o . IM Wall st., N. ï. TÍ, SGÁLP, BLOÖD CLEAU8ED, PURIFIED AND BEAi:TIFIF.I) IJY TUK ( ÜTICÜRA RrHKEDIES. FOK.Cleunsing the Skin and Scalpof Dlsflijurinc Birth llumr,ilorttilaylngltchiuK,Burulugana lutl mmrition. lorcuring the flri symptome -1 Eczema, Paortaais. Mük Crnet, scald Uead, SiToiula and ulher lnherited r-kin and blood dieease. Cuticnra, the zrrui Skin Cure, and Caticura Sor.p, an eiqaisite skin BeantWer, exiernally, and f.'uilrm.i ttesolvenl.the ucw P.loód l'nrifler, luteruaily are iiiialllnle. Abnolutely pure. NAUGHT BUT GOOD. We havu been sellinK your Cctci:ka Kzxnnu for the past ur Tour years, and have nver h-!ir(i auiiht but ííood wordt ui their t&ypr. Your Cutioï'RA Soap is decidt;i)y (he best sellinjj. me dicitiü! poup we handltt, and ii hijhly prid here tor it soothint,' aud softenini; ttTi'ct upou the skin. J. CLlKToN WllEAI.Jc. Wlncheatür, Va., UrtigglsU. THE LAUÍiEST SALE. Onrsale ui Cmicura art' in largo, if not largor, thau any medicine we eu ; and we acíure yon thiit we hnve never bad i Diñóle lnstauce in whtcn the purcbaserwiw - ' uuroap, we con rit n. tnh r, everbody wants Cuilcura. MIlLÉR A CHAI'MAN'. Luniniana. Ho. DruggieU. SALT RHELM CÜKE1. Twoof tlie om cuse ui Salt Rheum lever aw were cured by your Cutlcura Remedie, aud their sales exceed thoee of all oiher like remedies. 1 sell very liule 01 uny oltKT medicinal soap then Cuticura UKO. A. ANTHONY, Kewanee, 111. Druggist. BAIMU-U'S IllH Cl'RED. I h ive boen sclliiiK your Cntlchra Rimedles for tbe Insr six yi'Hr-, and I Itud that they iive untverkiiI sui-frciion. They cured ioe o( very .luven ciee or 'n llch hen other remedie falled. W. ('. ANDRtSWB, UruüRint, Coktland, O. D0( TOU'S PltE.sCUIBE THEM. TheCnticuia Himedies are excellent remedies for all ckin dipeaaea. CUTICÜRA REMEDIES, nresold hy alldrugi;iti. Prlce: Cotici_hí,50 Ct.; Kehc.lvent, SI; hoAP, 2rts. Prenared by the Pottbr ÜBUn and Chemical Co., Boston, Mapc Nt-iitl lor "Hon I. urr Skin OltMP" PT5TTT3C Pi'ni'1, Skin Blcmishi'B and Baby WXVU JJO, cured hy ('nticura 8oni. CATARRH -spsa-. TIHK Oreat Balmic Disii-TCvT-QP) -I tllliiion ol WitcbHMcl. iíwifS"' " VX Ami-rican Pine Canada Kir, OrTI Marigold.Clover Blossoms i-ijiv; ¦¦) etc, calicd Sanford - í Kadlral 're. for the Li rJfgZ immediHio relief and per&v -t manent cure of every form TTJ ' T "' Catarrh, from a simple ' ¦ - Culd in the Hnd to Los of '' I muil, Taste aud Hearing, Cpagh 'uul Catarrhal Counnni.tiuii. Complete tnatment. roaolf tint' of on hottle Kaulcal Cure, one box SolVcut and one improved Tnhler, in oue packni?o, may now be 'iad of all Urugiristx for $1.0(1. Ak for SANKORD'S RADICAL CÜRK. Complete Treatment with Inhaler, $1. "The oiily ibsolnta apeclflc we know of." -Afed. 'l'itnrs. "Toe hest we hy found lo a lifetime of snfl'erins."- Her. Dr. Wiggln, Ilanton. "Aftcr a long ütrníriíle ivith Cntatrb the Kaoical Cürb ba conqu.Ted."- Ri:r. S. W. Mbnroe, Ltwiebury, ö. I have notfound a cascthai it did not relieve at once."--yl(rfrU) Lee, Manchetter, Mats. a"I MCST GIVE UP, T ainnot bear thto pain; I ache all over,and nothinf I iry aoes me apy ;ood." Back-nche, wénliiics-, Uterlne pains, Sorenèm, Ijnnoner, Hacklne Couth, Pleurisy and cheit pains cured by that new, original ana elctrantartldote to pain and tnflammnHon the CtrriciTP.A A.nti-I'ain PLA8TK. Eipecially adapted to indien by roaaon of IIh delicate, ndcir and gcntle medicinal actton. At DrOcrists 5c ; Ove for tl. Malled Irce hy Pottib Dbdo SCOTT'g EMULS10I 0F PURE COD LITER OU And Hypophosphites afLime & Soda Almostasalatabloas Milkï Tho only prWraSoo of ¦! I.IVTK OU, that can be taken roadily aud tolerated for a long tlmt bM?g"rsTil5h.T ron rossnhtiro, S(ÏÏ(HTrl S A) tf:tTHs. ANAIMIA. OWMtnrTKBIMTÏ. CAI'OHS AM TBBOAT FFKÏÏfTÖNS. ml all HAsLlNd msORPKltlTOr' (IIILDKKÑ it Is marwlloiis in Hu rvltt, ITeatribi-d and .'iirtnrm-d hy the kü 1'hyslclmo In the countrics of tho world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGOIStS.' ejTt i T5Jb"Jcs at ï. "mul ('ld sfriUL I .3thprl-wftheKr.if ligt A,"wlili ..cliU"ii, ii't rgunl SlDIDI rf I x" ""' f-"Ki'i 'n 'vi. f tlll tJ I lll I '1 ¦'. prliitlnnaml ncou i Si '-" "' " JV riMJ'. jfrtt aa'itt '¦¦' '"' '¦Ff RE VISE D BÊr'Port' art ortlrr al nvru V SMcaU fyr tiro wc. Rur Tl 'l''!X!t) V Êm uYaaux for BKfBt t makr Ml 'W'M tnmt-j. Snd T.iW fc.r nut MBHBMMa UI. 1 KHM-i VTRT LrflRRAL. H WM Tht llinry BW Puh. Co.. S(i_ . .' jq Ayriri. Conn. l'M II Sond u5cout poftaitf.aen 0 I I Mi r ma you Ui set f ré a üUjUuu f.nSr.v-'K work tlial will at orce briog you in raocy faater than anytbiiifr elêe In Amnrica. All abt th $JOO,0(IOin prenTitdwltheaebbox. Agenta wanti-o .vrrywbere, of eilher ex, of all asee. fr all tke time, or upare time only, to work for a at thelr n homes. Fortunes lor all workeri aotolutely ured. Don't delay. H. Haliuti C., Portnd, Malne.
Ann Arbor Courier
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