Literary Notes

Canon Farrar bus an article o the Churcli in America n the January namber of tlie Xorth American Review. The twobaí-reliefs modelled exprcssly for tlie WUtc Awake by the Low Tile Co., and reproducid In three tone, huve oreated a remarkable dematul for the suporb December imniher. Tlie Keiiding Club. parta 15 and 10, oiieh cnntainluK 50 vleetioiis in proac ;md,poetry, )}tl hyGeo. M. fcaker, publishecl by I-ee & Shepanl, Boston, i'or sale by Andrews fc wltherby at IR cents rnch. For sehools whcre tbc (tood oíd practica of declaunitipn Ustill in vogue, tiiesi tic parñphlets ure thc triing. rfiimrá mcn will tiiui knióng tíapoems in "December' tlie tirst volume of "TLrough tho Year WIUi I'O(ts,"afrraeelul bit of verse by . Harvard junior. The ipüders of the Harvard Advocate w íll readily rccognize tlie poem referred lo without itft title belnp nientioncd hcre. D. Lothrop & Co. wijl issue the series in monthly volumes during tlie oiiiinryear. Wiilc Awiíkc bus socúfed une good truc stories of adventure from the pen of John Willis Haysol' thu V. S. Cfeologic Survey ; tho first, a tale ot' Western North Carolina. "Au Adventure in a. Miea Mine," appears iu the Jim. nuuitier. A trae Nortlj Carolinítory of the Kevolutiotyiry War, a pf} of tlie author's fainily bUtLrv."A. Revoliitionury l'nrnCoat,', is also giveu in tlie same nuiuber. Gao. i;emieanl will jivea historv of the Shiloli CíiiHfmiffn in the January number ot the North Auu-riean Heview. He claims tnat Gen. Alpernon Sydney Johnson acted only as a cors cominauder at Shiloh. (cu. JleaurcRard einpbntfcally asserts (cootrary to common belief) that he ¦- i Ice solecomniander of bullí da.v. and, without naminc them, controrerla thc reporta of Grant and Sherman as to the nations torees belns taken by surprise. A trnly artístie, rlct;;nit and convenient work in chroinolithojjraphy and letter prwt is the Columbia Bieyele Calender for 188(!, just issued by tlie Pope Manufacturinif Company, of Boston. Each duy of the year appears upon a seperate slip, with a quotation pertayjg to eyeling froui leading publicHtiooa acd prouiiueut writere op both .sidt-a tl tlie oee n The notable cycliiu; eyeóts are mentioned; and concibe opinión of tlie higbest medical aiithorltleh; wotds froni practicnl wlieeUnen, ineludinj; thoín of clergymen and ether professional jjentlemen; the rlghta of cyclers upon the road; general wheelltuj statistics; and tnuch other matter intc'resfT'ng to the public in general, and the eyeler in particular, appear (rom day to day. In faet, iut n lime uioasme is erowded in a higtily attractivc way tlie pasi, present and. future of cvcIíhr; - a virtual eneyelopeilia upon this universally utili.eil "steed of steel." The Magazine of Art for January has a curióos frontispiece, a study of cranes painted by Morí Ippo, a Japanese artist In 1830. Tlie opening article is one of s series on Artlat' Homes, and Kivea a descrlption wit ii pen umi pen cli of the pks turetqne house and studio of Herry Fenn nindng (ba Oraojte Uountnlss. Tbcaiticlc is written wit h a uien to ahow tbe bent of modern architecture na much as lor the sake of describlng Mr. Feiin'a domeatlo environment. A paper by E. Ingresa Heil on "Arctiasolojtj' v. Art," follous and precedes one on Franz lienbach, h popular Germán paiorer t men. Lenbach II at sen hen paintinji a vomini's tare, biit witli a Btrong hca.l. Bnoh as tliat of Blnmarck, Frnnz l.i.t. hr t'airlj' reveis. Capital wood pDKravInfts of his portraits of uiese two dlstlnjsuished men are glven. A page la al 80 glven to au sngrnvin ot' Lenbach'i Pope beo , XI II , u liieli is a clevcr pieee of portraiture. "Art In Assyria" i? dlBCQsaed by Vm. Holmilcn and lllnstrateú; o i-"Some Art in Japan." l'reiking away from these old coun tries comes n llintrated paper on "The Upper Mcdway," frivlne all its rural béautles, The paper on "The Eiomanoe of' Art" tlii montli is devotcd to the Borglm and the "alontino. "Beds and I'.edrooius" are described, anti the reader leaves tlie axtlcle, with its numerous Illustrations, feellng that a modern bedstcad with a fjood spring raatiress has aa ailvantage "vv the ben 'il anüquity. Th page "t petry nul picture bia raouth Is de vo teel toa "Hal lade. of a Idoice ol 1 -ii" ; . -. 11 j ('., N'íw York, $3.50 a year In advance.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News