Michigan Indians

A Washington diipatch gives a aynopbík oí Capt. Alien' aonual report to tlie Commlseloner of [ndian Affaire, as Indias agent in tii st;it. He taya tbat tbe lnili.ms ín Michigan are DOt known or rtcognfzed by tribal relations, eithet by .-tiiio law or treattea; they uro in all respecta on un equality wltli tlie whites betoro tlie law, and aro Fcattered over tbe en tire átate north of the capital in stnall ííroups, no one aettlement exceeding Jim souls. There are :.(K)(I In all, who ure vciy poor. Had they licKl on to tlie lauda given tlicm by tlie governme&t thoy would now be cqoifortable, hut the whites crowded intotbelr aeiiihborhooda, boujjlit tbelr landg at nominal prlcea una crowded lira [ndiana to tbe wall. tt is too lato to reniedy the evil and, as a result, tlie ruco will dlsappear in Michigaa in litly ycHis. Uurlnjf the yenr the agent umlerlook to establish night schools, but the experiment was only partiiilly tucceufu] and the resiilts do not jnsiily the extra work ot' the teachers. Eleven dav hools have been niaiutained d uring the jrèiu and were tairly wnoaiifdl. In a test case tho United States district conrt held tliat the clanses in tlie Michigan treaties forbldding the salo of intoxicatins li(uors to [udUna con Id not lo enton.id, tliey being, to all inteuts and parii)-i's, citizens. Tliis decisión let down tin hars, and manv dealers who bad heretofore niralned fron seliing, aought the eiLilom of the Indians, and yet the agent Is sattslied that drnnkiMiness hns
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News