"voltagal On Electricity."

llic. i'asscnjfcr uooajrfmeut of the Chicajro, Rock Island & PaclÜr, Railway auiiouncc the publicfttion ol n new and valuable work - wbMt scope hiuí iutent s best espnatod on its title page, whicb readl 88 followg; "VoaiaV, Genius of Klcctncity," or Kod Bonson's Advéntures and tRlk witli one ot' tlie Oenii, by "A Man" ol the Rock Island Route - respectfully dudicatud to Ihc boy aixl pirls of America, by the General Ticket and PasBenger Acnt Of the Clilcago. Rock Islund & I'icilic risilwuy. It is atl appropriate setUel to Watt-Stcphens on steara aud its naei utiicli ttained such a (opularity a vearago. It is acareTully wntteu pamplilet of 80 pages, clcgiintly printed, and will be sent to ny appltcant on recupt of 10 cents in pontajre stamp.". Akiresa E. St. John, Gen, TcketilIltl Paeseníjer AgL C. 1!. 1. 4 I'. FJy., Chicago, llls. I" in. 8. GlLMiT, a vetai-sn hutik oaxliior ot Fonda, N. Y., lost his life on tfce I6th by n dow of aconite given throngh mistAke by his wiftv A n'ecko living near Cartei-srillc, 6., was caiiitht by a train the other evening on the high bridge ipanning the Etowah River. To save his life, be jumped ninety fet to the ice-covered wmter below, aud escaped unhurt. At 8pringwell, a Detroit subtirb, flre early on the morning of the lilth destroyed the dweiling of Frank Knoch, wbo, with his wife aud two children, perished in the ñames. Thomas Rowsson (eolored), who uríminally assaulted Mrs. Joseph Brown, a white woinau, at l'okin, Tenn., was clubbed to death by a tnob on the lüth. A kich vein of ilver, covering noarly two acre, was discovered at Leadville on the lOth, and great ezcitemept prevailed. Jerrt Bardwell (colored) left his house at Starkville, Miss., on the lth and locked the door, his toree children being inside. The house cuught flre, and the ehildren torished in the flames. I'ntil Jan. 1, nnx'mlior Umt tlie KinbroVduing Attncluurut will be given witli :i I):iv's or Domcstic Sewlng Machine. Yon can niake no bcttcr investment for i Christrnas gilt. ól . Main strect.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News