Old Names And New Places

1 ho wisdom of the poliey sical na mes to American towm and cono tira mny wtll be questioned when one tin; anomalies of expression to whieh they gi vcri.se. ïhus, New York State, V has most sinned ia tliiri respect, hú ;ilsurdname3Íbr towns, an N..rth Héctor, South Homcr, East Bomolus aüd many other similar ones, for which thera fia bino defense. Exactly what part of Homer South Homer is, v. i;M p an antiquary to say, aiul i; eijiially difficult to assign part-, of the roaipa8 to the persons oi Héctor. OvUl, Virgil, Ulysses, Scipio and other worthies whoso namcs are s, ; I h a lavish hand all through Central and Western New York. The West has not affeadtd against good taste, and it is ther toseewhy the name of a portion of Minor, Ionia,should have beentronsferred to the interior of Michigan. It'í ;i ". pretty name, howevcr, and lorna pretty tiwn. The people are pi ifnot particular!}' hke the an.ieni toni: and it is therefore only natural that they shoulil appreoiate tho good pointsofAthlophoros as a remedy for rhaniat.im and neuralgia. H. Van Allen de (o., dmggWts. sayg of its iiccpss in Tonia : " AV hnrp hindlfd the medicine for bro years and bear only good rej it. A section boss on one of th i hare, whn, bping pipoeed to all kind weather, ha3 long been troubled n maticdifticultiep, now thinks hinuelf perronently cured by using Athlophoros. A lady, Mrs. L., of this city, ha (¦?ivedereat benefit after "tieina; : tien of the medicine." Taylor & C'utler, who are Uso druggists ia Ionia, hay : " We Utrodncod Athlophoros in tlii town and have had a good trade on it 6 the start, with sales increasing. 'We b heard good reports from it and accept the fact of its increasing sale as evidence that it is giving satUifaction." _ " f was severely araicted with i lieuniatism for a number of years," says J. H. Williams, of Hobart. " About a year ago a friend who had a lot of Athlophoros in the house induced me to and trv it. After taking two-thirds of the medicine 1 stopped beeause of the sensation in my head, but have not been troubled ith rheumatism since." Dr. L. J. Kimball, of Nbrway.Mirh. says : "I reoommended Athlophoros in tho case of _Mrs. A., who has sufleroJ with rheumatism several yeai-s. Before she had taken half a bottle she was entirely free from pain, and a dose now and then eutirely relieved her. Mrs. B. was indi ed to try a bottle with similar results. Aftar itir. i . naa tneit every known remedy tor rbenmatisin two bottlesof .Athloph. iros enkblad him to pursue his oocupation. I eau most cheerfully reconimend the i for rheumatism." 8ays Dr. B. S. Armstrong, of ! 'hilsea, Mich.: "In eightecn year6' experience in the drug business I havo had no remedí rheumatism which gives such gener:il satislaction as Athloplioros." " Athlophoros gives perfect s:it 1-ï.i. t u ui, " Dullam Brothers, of Flint, say. " h helped and cured in some cases where atl other remedies have failed to do anv good." If you cannot gH Atolophoros of yaarüraggist, we will send it exprews paul. oii regular price- onedollarper boitli' W, prefer that you buy it from your drugirist. but if he hau't it.do notbepersuaded to iry omethlng Ise, butjorder at once from h' jinetea Atulophoros Co., lü Wall Streei ,
Ann Arbor Courier
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