
Short advortlsemeuts uot to exceed three Unes, of Lost mui Fouud, Hoases for Sale or Kent, Wanta, etc.. lnserted thre weeks for L5 cents. Sltuatlons wanted. free. WANTKD- Book Agenta. If yoa want to to imiki' mouey, try onr new Engllsh and Germán magazines. WI11 glve 60 pr cent Addres Inlt'mntlonal Printing Co., Clnelnnatl, ütilo. rrO RKNI'. Seooml story of No. 35S. Main X Street, over star Clothlng. Inquire of A.L. Nohlc. 77-X w FOREST HILL CEMETERY COMPANY. Til: nnnual meeting of the Stoekholders of Forest HUI Cemelery Compauy for the electlon of offlcers aud the transactlon of Kuch other business as may come before the meeting, wlll be IieUl at the office of the t tvuKurer of said compnny on Tuesday, the ïth il.v of Janunry, 1886 ut 10 o'clock A.M. s Arbok. Deoember in. UBB. EMANPBL MANN. secretary. ANTED a live man to take charge for us in ttiis County- experleneed canvasser preferri-d. Good Indticement to rlght party. Llvlngstonc I'ubllsulng Co., Detroit, Michigan. 75S AOood House and two Lots for sale very clie.ip od letrolt Street. Apply to John iMimegan or Matthews1 Real l'.stute Agency. 7.'.-6w. IjOR RKNT-t;ol room for olllce on Main street, J.').(X) por monili. Two story frame hun' on Fouiuaiu Street, ird ward, and one OU Mosily stieet, al ward, and two story In lek house on Aun street, I8.U0, $12.00 and f 11.00 per inontli Enqulre of J. Q. A. Hes¦lons, Attorney and Ki-al Kstate Auent.OfBce In National Itank Block, Ann Arbor. 73-3 HOUSFi and Lot near postofUce. Iyooallty oonTeaient. Will bo sold cheap. Apply to O. L. Matthews, Real Estáte Agency. Ann Arbor. 73 (i WANTED AGENTS- Energetlc Men and Women to Canvoss for Dr. E. Woodrull'8 Family Physloiim throughout the Kast. See Clnuilar in tlils office. Address Murían U Whitney, l'Jl Andersou Street, Stockton California. 9-72 TTÍOIÍ SALE- A cholee Vacant building Lot. I Also a quantity of bousehold furnlture and four Stoves. Rufus Cate, No. i Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 37a FOt SALE! A Houso and Lot on Thompson treet (No. 11), Good location. Fine Neigbborhood and a BARGAIN. See W. W. WHEDON, or J. E. BEAL THE BARRY HOMESTEAD For Sale or Rent whole or in part. Centrally located.Convenient to the Unlverslty, Public Schools, Markets and all parta of the City. Kor Abstract ot Tltle and other Information, apply to W. W. Whedon, Ann Arbor or C. A, Barry, Jackson Mlch. AFlue J0 Acre farm good buildings, near Grass Lake to sell or trade for smaller farm. O. L. Malthews, Real lístate Agency, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 6-' FURNITURE- Good bargains In bed room 8ult, bedding, etc, at the Courier otHoe. LOANING-Money to loan on flrst-class Real Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of Interest. Satisfactory arrangements made Wllb capitalista deslrlng sucn lnvestmenta. Every conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tltles carefully examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. KINO. Ann Arbor. TOR SALE OR RENT-Barry Homestead, -V No. 2W 4th street. Apply to W. W. Whedon, Aun Arboror C. A. Barry, Jackson, Mich.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News