Letters From The People

IThlscolumn lsopen totliepeople to expresa ttielr opinión iipun imy nuhjeel of Interest to tUe public, und oorrespoodenM npon ali sidet of all subJt'etH is ilrsuvtl. All we ask of corresponiU'iits M to keep out of personalltles, ana use argument Inito&d of ubuse. Be oonolse, don't UM more word than necessary to expresa Ideas. The publtsher of tUe Coukikr does not bold liunself reaponsible for oplnlons expre.ssed.J The A. S. F. Societj's Eutertalnment. The A. S. F. society held a lunch-box social, last Friday evening at the residence of Mr. Tommy Geer, in Salem, and nothwithstanding the bad roads, they had quite a gathering of both old and young. Among the number, might be seen the jolly fnce of our townsman Thomas Leonard. For the benefit of those in the neighborhood, and vicinity, who could, or would, not attend, we would say, tbat tliis i-ocicty is gotten up by the young people, for the express purpose of improvlng tlicir time, and talent. I esteem it a grand idea, for too much of our time, is now given to the votarics of fashion and somc of our young ladieB and gentlemen are endowed witli sense enough to view it in that light, and ereate in thein a desirc, for BCtmethlng more substantial, more work tor the mlnd. But they need more patronage from the father, and mother. Glve them more encouragement and they will repay you by striving harder, after what should be one great alm in life - selfimprovement. Let us see a goodly number ut our next entertainnieiH. Tara out, good folks, turn out, show those ladiea and those gentlemen, that you are Intereeted in any good (uu-e that interests them. Certainly, you would rather fiiul your boys and girls at a neighbor's bonaa -wlure the eveuing is passed In readlng, singing and declaiming, than in the balt room or at the gaining table, wheie all ire admitted. They will have enjoymeiit, give them a chance, open your doon to them, let them have it in the precincts of home. It is the intention of the society now, to give a public exhibición sometime during the winter, and we hope to se a crowded house. We must give them praise for the exercise last evening. The playing was excellent, the singing good. The pieces were well rendered, especially "Annt Iietsy's Beans," and "All's not Gold that Glitters." Taylor, any one not acq'uainted with you, would certainly have though you list over from me, 'Ould country." Unknown. The Hon. Eosvvell G. Horr thinks thae there are at last 50,000,000 silver dollarst ín the United States coined by private parties! Tliis coin is f uil weight, not bogus, but private parties make abom f 17. 00 on every $100, and what is the government going to do about it?
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News