We Are Now Daily Receiving

III 1 UIT GM FOR THE FALL TRADE, And shall continue to do so until after THE HOLIDAYS ! We did not purchase very largely during the Summer months, so as to be able to show our customers a nice fresh stock for this Season's trade. If you want to see an Elegant Line of docks, Waíohes, JswBiry , Sik-wars, Opera fas, Etc,, take a look at our stock. As for prices, it would astonish you to see how cheap we are selling- from 25 to 30 per cent. less than last year. No need to teil you we are HeadQUARTERS FOR SPECTACLES, as you all know thatand would come to see us anyway. Kepalring of Watches, docks and Jewclry Neatly and Promptly Done. - __. # O ö 11 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANX ARBOB. C SllSS SC OOll .
Ann Arbor Courier
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