
Il PATENTS MTTÏfN & CO., of the SriENTiiio AlMMMV, continue toaot u BoUotton lor Patenta, Ciiveuts, Trade Markx, Copyrights, for the l nlted BUtM, Canada. Knlüiul. fYun'P, Germany, etc. Hand Book about Patenta sorit tree. Thlity-sovpn yrar' ctperienoe. PatcntiKihtainndthnniiiliMIINN A CO. arenotioed IntheSriKNTiFic Amkiiican. tho larifeat, tost,anl most wklely cirru]:itcrt scicntltlc paper. í.í.20a ïear. WiHskly. Splendul enumvlnfs uní intorpstln In. forniatiiin. Specimen copy of tl Ncirutitlc A mer. ! Icnn sent froo. Addrefs MtlNN & CO. SciFNTIIia ' American Office. 2C1 Broadway, New ïork. l "
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