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Michigan Central The JJiagara Falls Rov.te. Ontral Mtandaril Time. Time table taking effect Nov. ü9ih, 1885, CHICAGO T0 DKTROIT. U S 5 T I i W_ O _ X a fc Oö A.M. A.M. P.H. P. M. P.M. p. M. '.. Chicgo..Lv. am 9oo uw 400 k -,.-,.. Michigan City H 18 II 11 .M7 B82hll8l02 Ntles ;1U.' 1215J 818 71 I25s 120. '" Kalnmazoo. ..¦ 142. 7 23 80: 2 00 J 08 0 45 Btttta OnskJ"" 2 23 8 01 : i 50 3 5o 7 31 Ma"b"} &::::: l sa.:: aïg-ïro Albion PU. 3S2 83 3 43 440,820 Jackton 3 10 4 15 9 15 486 515 915 Omes Lake. ... 333 517 gal t'helsea 355 60H ! .07 DWU 4 12 6 22 10 1a Alm Arbor.... 4 .'M 530 1009 .... 5 45 8 40 10 2H Vwllanli 4 50 5 15 10 21 ....6 00 6 55 10 4.-, wiyneJnne. 5 15 605 11 0; .... 02u 7471105 Detroit.. „Ar. 6 00 645 1115 j 7 00 8'O.U 45 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. m . . i _l g " STATIONS. ?, f g& L A.M. A.M V,u PM. P.M. P.M. .. Detroit.. ..Lv. 7 00 9 10 130 4 00 8 00 !) 15 WayueJnnc. 740 958 208 445 840 955 ïpsilanti .... 80110 1.1 2 20 5 lï u. 111 21 Ann Arbor... 8 1H1028 232 530 923 103s D.-ster 835 550 955 Cheloea 8 4S 6 05 10(1.. Orans Lake. . 9 10 -7 lu :;;; ¦tHrkon 1 935 11 43 32 7 15 11 H 12 03 Marchall 1 10 38 H 45 4 22 H 22 1155 1 lH . ." Battle Creek.. 11 03 1 31 4 40 8 52 12 20 150 a.m Kalaiuazuo. . . 11 Si 116 516 v r 110 2 1 445' Nile 147 3 45 6 32 3 05 1 13 6 40 MirhiKanCity 310 4 57 7 301.... 185 0 40 8 03 Chicago... Ar. 5 451 7 10 9 80 1 7 001 805 1038 Canada Dlvinlon. DETROIT TO bcptalo.- Standard Time. _____ 1 P. M. p. K, A. . A. M. Detroit.. ..Lv 7 30 11 2" 6 00 7 10 12 ft", p.m St.ThomuAr 1110 Ztf 10 20.10 4513 40 A. M. P. M. Tnroiito...Ar Ui 5 05 8 20 p. M. Ottawa pm62ö 4 38 a. m. Montroal 10 00 8 18 Quebec a63Op.m. a.m 220p.m. hi.lhomu?,Lv 1115 2 45 100 10 55 3 55 Weiland 153 5 17 5 12 I :l ti 2s frail View 545 ! 8 2.. . N. FIK Ont. 2 22 6 4S L' 3.3 6 56 Sucd',, Bdw. 2 35 6 00 2 M 7 10 p. u. N. Falie.N.Y . Eaetorn tii'iu A. M. A. K. r. a . P.M. P.M. BmT,ilo....l.v .150 8 10 9 00 4 45, 9 OU Koches'er.. r 6 50 9 55 11 00 B 45 11 00 SmeoM :io 12 15r 180 9 30 1 iioam L'tica 1130 2 ltt 3i 11 8S 3 (Mi Albany pa 2 20 5 00 B 10 a 2 30 6 10 Troy r 2 35 6 55 6 45 2 00 1 Surlngflel.-... 6 30 1240a 10 57 0 16 10 r.7am Worcester.... 8 28 5 0 1 18p 8 20 1 lgpm liocloil 9 45 6 25 2 45 I 9 40 2 4.". N.'wYorkAr 7 00 9 00 p 10 30a 7 HO 10 Wam rbiua-ipiiia. 10 :5 10 35 7 0d'...' iiifPAU) To dethoit- Sandard Time. stations. a 3g. _B=! -z S j en s 33 Hl-a == H e a.m. r M Phlladcl'a.i.v 00 f.m K' jo' New Yrk... 10 30 6 00 .... ' a Buston H 30 3 00 7 k, Wo'Cetr... HM 4 20 Hprluülleld... 11 35 ti Uó .. ju ',,, Albany 3 OOpm 10 05 "# fi Utica 6 45 12 33im ... 7 40 2 00 ... 7 u Rorhester.. .. 55 400 muy lintnio ...Ar 12 15 5 50 12 lap a. m. a. m Uufl'itlo. ...I.v 11 30pm ö :0 (i 05 100 11 S5 N. KallH.N Y i. ob'd B'd'ac '2 3! 6 30 i ís N. Falli.,Ont. 12 51 6 48 .... j-.. :,: Falle View 6.56 ..... 1 u W.Hland 7 16 7 21 10 16 181 St.ThoawsAr 4 10 9 50 11 15 1 m 1 :,; Qoebec... L. a go Moinrcal, g (.1 u of W' 1140 ta S Toroüto,.... 1 g 30 -nj St.ThcuiasLv 4 15 9 55 2 6.Í 1 U 1 r, Uetr,,it....Ar HOlmm 1 UOpmj 8 45 f Stupc only to let off pacaen' I Í Stops only on ciuals. ü. W. HUOOLBH, H. W. HAY ES G. P. A T. Agent Airt.. Ann Arbor. Chicago. Detroit, Macklnae & Marquette R. K. Takingeflect September 38. 1886. Over 300 Miles Bborter tlian any oilier Line to all Points East. _W EST. STATIONS "S 3 D., M.AM, RH. a OÏj Q ,3 . L. r-p- r. M A M. 6 10 1 8-"i Marquette 4 w) 7 80 4 5r 12 43 OnoU. 9 17 9 05 4 28 12 23 Au Train. 8 01 il :t7 3 40 11 48 MnnlalDK. g 40 10 ;iü 12 10 2,5 Seney. ó 00 .! 10 11 35 . 9 41 DollHl-Ville. B (10 2 48 II 30 9 37 Newberry. 6 06 fc2 55 15 8 20 l'alius. 7 28 5 10 8 00 7 35 lv. Bt.lgoace. a. 8 15 6 30 Train s run by Central Standard Time. D. MCCOOL, F. MIIXIOAN. Gen"l Sup't. Geni Frt & Pass. Agt Marqaette. Mich. Marquette, Mich. Toledo, Ann Arbor ét Nortii Michigan Hailway. TIME SCIIEDULE. To take ettect at 12 o'clock. noon, on Siidday, Septeuiber 27, 185. (Southern División.) Tralns ron by Standard Time. QOING NORTH. GOING 8OÜTH 42 1 1 T -7 S. STATIONS. -S.oa - $ '¦ &B& a.m. p.M A.MlLeave. Arrive . p.. PM. t 9 SOtS 40 7 05 Toledo 9 30 5 00.5 00 9 54 3 45 7 14 Manhattan Jnnct'n i) 'Jii 4 66 11000 352 7 2! Alexis .Innctiun lf 4 47 "10 07 400 7 35 Hawthor,. 9 10 4 40 lü 134 07 7 48 Suim.ría VW 4 8(1... .10 2514 10 8 0B Lulu. 8 4742U... 1030425 8 15 Monroe Junctlon 8 42 4 14 .. 1037 4 33 8 30 UunUee 8 80 4 04 4 04 '10 43(4 40 8 37 Macon 8 26 4 00;.. +10 47 4 45 8 4ti Azalla 8 20 3. tlIOO 455 8 59 Mllan .lunction 8 05)13 4 a.m, 500 9 09 Milán Í8 063 4l'p. 5O8 9 22 Trama Í7 52 3 80i 5Ï3 9 32, IMttitleld Junctlon I4IHI9 5 35 9 50 Aun Arbor 7 27 3 10 6 56 10 i I. lan.l 7 12,2 :0 t6 ar 10 30 W orden 7 06 2 40 30JP_45 8onihL)on i_SOJ! Counections: At Toledo, with ratlrokdl dlvergng; at Manhattan Juuction, wlth Whueling St Krie K. K.; at Alexis Junctlon, wiih M. C. V. K., I.. s. ,t M. 8 Ity. and F. & P. M R. R.; at Mmiroe Junction, with L. S. M. S. l(v.; al Donla, witl. U S. M. S. Rv.. M. O. ttj.; al MUnn Junction. with Wabaeh, St. Lonis & Puclfic Ky.; 11 Pittflltld.with L.s. M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central K. K., and at South Lyun with Delroit, Lancing & Northeru H. K., and Mich. A. L. Iiv. of Grand Trunk Ky. Tralne 6 and 3 runs between Detroit and Toledo, daily except Sunday, via Milau Junctlon; N. 6 irrivfl ai Detroit ÜOO noon. ho.31eave Detroit a' 2:3ö p. m. Kluu's'ations. t Daily, except Sunday. Trains do not etop, H. W. ASHLEY, General Supt. W. H. BENNKTT. Gen'l. Pawi. Aeent. rfTIT f" for wotkini: penple. Send 10 cent I Ij I II portage, and wc wtll mkll yoaree a r] p I p royal, sample box of giwdri I thnt will put you in the whv o( mahing mor1 nion-y in a few days tlmn 'ou ever thought poscible at any huinei?. Capial not required. You can ÜTe at home and work u sp re only, or all the time. All ol both 'xeu, of al! ages, {randly flucceaftul. 50 cents to ó eaeily earued ivenlug. That all who wart vork may lest the busluegi, we mahe this uiiparllel-d off: Toall who are not well satiffledwe ill end $1 to pay for the tronble of writing at. Kuil partkulare, directiou, etc, sent free. lómeme jtty a soHitely ure for all who aturt tt once. iíon t elay. Addrtas Stinsoh & Oo., Portland, Maine. Obtaincil in the United Sutci and Forcignrounrie. BKO.H.I.OTHRor, . 70 Griswold St., Detroit, Blich. Mmoreiuoney than at anythlneelie br Ut Ing an anency torth'' bet selllng nook out. Beginners meceed urandly. None fall. Term free. Hallbtt Book Co., l'urilauil Main.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News