New Goods For The Holidays

MACE & SCHMID Have opened a magnificent line of Worsted Dress G-oods, Silks and Satins, Two-toned Velvets, Black Brccade, Striped and Fancy Velvets and Plushes, Latest Styles of Wraps, Seal Plush Sacques, Ne wmarkets and Shawls. Novelties in White and Colored Linen Table Sets, Napkins, Towels, and an entirely new stock and exceedingly choice patterns of Lace Ourtains. Newest and most desirable styles of Ladies' Plain and Fancy Handkerchiefs. Elegant line of G-entlemen's Silk and CashmereMufflers, Special Styles of Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs. Come and see. We will show you the best assortment of New G-oods in every department, and our prices will please you. They are below the lowest. Very iecided bargains in Blankets, Cloaks, Silks ind Velvets.
Ann Arbor Courier
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