Mrs. John Whitlark of Ann Arbor town is dangerously ill. Miss Rose Colby will pass the holidayi with relativea in Detroit. Miss Carrie P. Bell is home from Flint during the holiday season. I. K. Pond of Chicago, will spend thi holidtty vacation in ttiis city. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ramsay and son are visiting Detroit friends this week. Mrs. Normuti Chapul is in Detroit, visiting her sou Charles tor a few days. Mrs. Amariah Hammond of the 5th ward is seriously ill, not expeted to lire. Ed. Comb has gone to St. Louis, Mo., to help Will Watts in.the skating rink business. Mrs. Rev. E. A. Spcnceji nd family will spend the holidays with friends in Battle Creek. Miss Macready. of Akron, Ohio, is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Clemente, on State st. Miss Mary Ferdon goes to Grand Rapids to-day, lo attend the wedding of a frietid. Miss Olive Paul leaves here Christmas morning for Cleveland to visit Rev. R. B. Pope. Mrs. Williams and son Burt, of Jeft'erson st., have pone to New Jersey tor the holidays. Mr. E. C. Reynolds of Detroit, paid Ann Arbor a flying business trip last Thursday. Mrs. F. M. Conover will spend the holidays with her daughter Mrs. Prof. Hamilton, at Bucyrus, Ohio. Profs. Bronson and Butts of the Military Academy are in lown. The latter is accompanied Ity his wilc. Today E. E. Kellogg accompanied by his son Courtland. loavt's lor El Paso, Texas, to reside in the future. Frank E. Lansing, wilh the large mercantile firm of McPherson & Sons, of Howell, was in the city yesterday. Among the Milanttes present at the Oud Fellow'a bariuet last Thursday evening, was Editor A. B. Sinith of the Leader. Ê Mis Ida May Cook who is teaching at Middleville, Barry Co., Michigan, returned home Saturday to spend the holidays. Mrs. Dr. Billmeyer, of Chattanooga, Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Lasher, of Saline are visitinir Mrn. M. Blisson Maynard street. Mrs. A. Rice and daughter Lillie, f Akron, Ohio, are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. Jas. M. Staflord, iti Aun Arbor. Carl W. Bolser, of Carthage College, Carthage, 111., is spending a few days with his parents and other relative? and friends in the city. Prof. C. B. Cady is to read a paper at the state teacher's associntion at Lansinü on the 30th inst., upini 'A Probleui in Kiliiciition," J. A. Case, formerly scribe on this paper is home from Washington, D. C, for a short stay, looking happy and hearty, as of old. Hiere 18 to be a family gathering at Hascall Laraway's in Northfield, oa Christmas. The family includes the Lelands, Wordens, etc. Mrs. Adele M. Garrigues is on the program for a paper upon " Ktliit- of tlie School,'' i; ;xt Wednesday at the state teacher's association at Lansing. John T. Kenney, of this city, left Tuesday evening for a few weeks visit at Greenview, II!., with his sister, Mra Moloney, formerly oí tilia place. Mrs. S. V. Clurkson luis gone to the home of her father, L. ü. Watkins, In Manchester for a few ilay's stay. Mr. Clarkson will join his tamil CurUtraas day. Hon. John J. Robison has been oyer to Shnron this week, probably consulting with aome of the grauwere thereabouts as to the quality of chaff President Cleveland is givinjí the democrats now-a-days. County Treasurer Belser received about $9,000 Saturday froni various town Ireasurers. H. C. Clark was made happy last Sunday p. m., by the arrival of a 11 pounder of the male species. Services at the Unitarian church next Sunday oiorning, conducted by Rev. Jas. T. Bixby. Subject of Sermón: '-The Book of Life." The evening service will be ouiitted. There wais a goodly attondance at the Xew Enjrland Dinner given in the Conregationiil church last night, and an enjoyable time had, socially, aud intellectually, as well as gustato-rily. Some one has said that the weather of this day and two precedinjr days govern the weather of the eutire winter. If such be the fact, dear reader, the coal ruen will have a very black look for the remainder of the season. The Ann Arbor Polo club went over to Mt. Cleineus Thursday night to play a game, and the baggage man oa the railroad dropped their paraphernalia off at Ypsilanti, leaving the boys without thelr uniforma. This so disconcerted them that they lost the game, which, by-tbeway, was only a practice game, anywsy. Mrs. Satia Hyde, daughter of S. P. Jewett, Esq., of this city, was called by telegraph to Montreal, Canada, Monday night lust, because of the dangerous illness of her son Clarence, with peritonitis. A later dispatch announces his death at 10:40 a. m., Tuesday morning, before his mother's arrival. His remains will be brought here for interment. N. II. Winans has a U. S. gold coin that is a singular piece of money. It beiirs the date of 1806, Is in a perfect state of preservation, and weighs $5.25. Upon the obverse fide is a spread eagle with a crest in front of the body, bearing a streamer in its beak with "E pluribus unum," and surrounding the outside are the words: United States of America." Upoa the reverse is the goddess of liberty, over her being the word "Liberty," and surrounding her the 13 stars, one for each of the original 13 states. There are no figures or words to denote the value of the coin. If the saloon keepers desire to avoid the public agitation of their business they can easily accomplish it by obeying the law. There Is no reason in the world why they shouldn't obey the law. There is no reason why they shouldn't be satisried with doing business six days in the week the same as other business men do; and a certain number of hours a day. All this agitation going ou now the saloon keepers are to blame for themselves, by openly, persistently and tlagrantly violating and defying the law. We do not include all in this category because there are a luimber who do obey it, and there are several others who would do so provldinjf all would be made to live up to it It is the .greed or lawlesëness of some of their number that causes trouble for all, and trouble for othera as well.