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Circuit Court Proceedings

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The following cases bave been disposei of since the last report: John WUner vh. John Trlpp. i'orcclcsure Oecreegrauted. ffm. D. Burchanl vs. Mary Burehard. Dlvoroe. Deoree granted. Win. Deering A Co., vk. I! V. Tuttlr. Defendant (Iven utitil 15th day of Jauuary t prepare for a now trial. Krank H. KIIIn by Stephen Bills, guardián, va. Leuter S. Pryer aud wlfe. TuNtiuiom xubmitted. TlioniiM Wilklnson, adin'r, vs. ('al.liarliie Conaty, et al. Testlmony concluded and case Rubmttted. Uhelaea Savings Bauk vs. ( 'liauncey W. HllOi, t al. TeRtlmony partially taken. Court 8tnr.dH udjniirncü uutil U-mortnor inoi niiii; ut S o'clook, sUadard. The Smiths, is tbc name of a new puper publishvd at Rlehmood, Midi., said to be in the interest of every one of the Smiths living. Black-Suiiths of course included ? A. V. Kobison bas bad two stand pipes erectt'd from wbich to j.rocure water for sprinkling purposes, one at Fireman's hall, and one at the high school building Sawyer & Knowlton will move into the opera house building Jan. lst, haring had the south rooms in the second story niccly fitted up for their reception.


Ann Arbor Courier
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