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. Robüst Health I not always enioyed by who seem to posseNS it. 'l'ho taint of corrupted blood may be secret ly underminiue the constituí inii. In time, the poison willcertalnly show it-icit'trt,. and witii all the more Yirulenee tbe onger it bas been allowed to permeate the system. Each pimple, sty, boíl, skin disorder and sense of unnaturai lssitude, or languor, one of Nature's Warningi oí the cousequences of neglect. b " ¦ .i ƒ i Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the only remedy that, can be relied upon In all cases, to eracUcate taintof heredItary disease an1 tlie special corruptions of the blood. It ia the only alterativo that la siifficieutly powerful to thoroughly eleanse the system of Scrofulouo and Mercurial impurities and the poUutlon of Contagious Pispases. Tt, also neutralizes the poisons left by Plphtheria nd Scarlot Fever, and enables rapld recuperation ƒ rom the enfeeblemcnt and debility caused by these diseases. , Myriads of Cures Achieyed by Ayer's Sarsíparilla, In the past forty years, are nttested.andthere la no blood dueaae. at all possible of cure,: that will not yield to It. Whatever the, allinents of this claxs,aud wherever found,' from the scurvy of the Arctic circle to the "veldt-sores" óf South África, this remedy has aflbrded health to sufierers by whom it wa.s cmployed. Dniggists! everywhero can cite numefous cases, witu- In their personal knowledge, of remarkJ able curea wrought by it, where all other treatment had beeu 'unavailing. People wlll do well to - Trust Nothing Else than Atkr's Sarsaparilla. Numerom crude mixtures are offered to the publicas "blood purifiers." -which only allure the patiënt with the pretense of many cheap doses, and with which It is folly to experiment while disease is steadily becoming more rtnfin imttnrt and difficult of cure. Some of these mixtures do muchi lasting harm. Bear in mind that tbe only medicine that can radically pnrify thé vitiated blood is ., Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPAREI) BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mms.' Sold by all Druggists: Price (1; Six bottles f or $5. TIHIIE ANN ARBOR SAVIN&S BANK, ANN AHBOK. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $SO,OOO. OrennieJ andar tbe General Banking Iaw of this State, the slocklmUiors arf individually linble for au additiunal amouni equal to ihestork held by them. thereby creatitid llaanntM Kuurt lor the benefli of Depositors of $100,)00.00. 'l'hruc per eeni. loteras) ie allowed on hII Harlnfri DvptwU f one ilollar and apwardtf, i i úrdiBji tfl Uu' ruioa ii the Dank .iml Interasl comp ml-annuallj ': v to mi ooinc imberod real etate and other fbod mcoi n . RIRECTORS: 'IIKISTUN MACK, Um 11. M.VKUIMA.N. W. W. WIN ' DANIKI. H18C0CK, WII.r.IAM DKIlltKI,, WILLA.RU B. SMITS ÜAVIll KTNSKV. 'ii i-;i:s: 0. MACK, frat. W. w. xvi.m;:. ,ce-PreV . f.. HIBGOCK.Ouhter. WEBSTER ÜNABRIDGED. In Shrep. Russta and TurKey BimJinqs. 'ff - t-tt ƒ !V ijff -Tv' J" m The Unabrtdged Is n mhIM nt : amaJI uUdltlonal onst, with IIKMülIX'S PATENT REFERENCE INDEX. "The prentenf iinpinvrttinl in book-maklnK that has boon n)uie in a handred TheCutgivcsbutiiu Inoompleteidftsof ltaotilltj THE STANDARD. f Pin Webuter- it 1 1 8,000 WordH, VTÜX ;ic(O() BuTBrlan, nd a New BlocrspGloal Oictionary. ril fj TC1 Stiintlarl in (.irï't Printing llffioe. ' X XlXi 33,000 copies in PubUo Schools S ÏO t.. 1 i-f sny oiIhts. i: WVOnP"1' tomakoa Family intollieent nrilJX IS-st help r„r SCIIOI.AKS, TIOACHKKS aiui SOHOOU. WaMra l Ptan.lar'l Anthority with tlio ü. S. Suprema t'ourt. Reoommended by tbe state Sabti f Behools In M States, and by over 00 I College l'resldentg. "A LIBRARY IN ITSELF." The l:iies( edltlon.ln tho quantiiy nf maüor it eontalns. Is beliered t" be the larñtt roíame publishsd. It has 3000 moro Wi.r.ia in ita ( caonlary than ara foond hianyotber Am. Oiet'y ' and iieiu-ly 3 tunes tli" nnmber of EsgjmTings. It it th bent practical BncllsD nictlonary London Quarttrly Bi It i hm fvi'r-pri-s'iii üii.l srhnol¦naatar i h.. vhil fai.iüy S. S - ' G. A C. MERRIAM i CO., PubTs.Spiinffletd, Maas.


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