Gold And Silver!

The Newest Designs!! The Latest Styles ! The Best Coods! The Neatest Patterns ! The Most Substantial Material ! The Best! The Cheapest! G-old, silver and plated ware to be found in the city, is at the Jewelry Store of JB IFÍ TVATTS NO. 10 S. MAIN ST. In rich jewelry oí every description, in gold and silver watches, in silver and ülated ware, new goods for the coming holiday season are constan tly arriving. A special ty is made of Spectacles, and the fitting of the same to the eyesight. The verv best makes kept in stock, and all goods warranted to give perfect satisfaction. If yóu wantanything in myline be sure and examine my goods and obtain prices. It will pay you. B. F. WATTS, - The Jewulcr.
Ann Arbor Courier
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