Embrace The Opportunity

The time of our Great Sacrifice Sale has been Extended to February i 1886. Don't make any mistake, for Our Stock is Going to be Closed Out, IF POSSIBLE, BY THAT TIME. LOOK WMAT -VITES ARE DOIMG : A large lot of Men's Suits at 1-2 the former price. A large lot at 1-4 off the former price. A large lot of Youths' Suits at 1-2 the former price. A large lot at 1-3 off former price. All Single Coats at 1-2 the former A Great Cut in Overcoats and Underwear, in short, on everything, at TI FI1 B-PB flUIM Bil, Í & Ë III SI F AMJL & mSNimiCIi , Proprietors. P. S.---This Great Sacrifice Sale is made in consequence of the retirement soon of Chas. A. Hendrick. The store will be open in the evening until 9 o'clock for ten days. Any who are indebted to the above fïrm will please cali at once and settle5 and thereby confer a great favor. F. & H.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News