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Scott's Emulsión of Pure Cod l.iver Oll, ivitli II) poplionp'ilte. Is Excellent in Lung Troubles. Dr. E noch Calloway, LaGrange, Ga., says: "I have used Scott's Emulsión with wonderfUl succes in all Lung troubles, alao lind t has no equal in Slimmer Diarrhoeii of children." An Eruption Caused bj Malaria. Mrs. B. F. Fox, of Cambridge, stiffered from a skindisease formany niontha ; the Itohing and burning was somelhing terrible, great cmsts forined on her limbs and body, and every night she suffered mtensely with pain and a general burning of the entile Uxly. Her physician said the whole difflculty was cauaed by Malaria, but all of the usual remedies clid her no good. Mrs. Fox eays, slic tonk tliree botlles of Dr. J, B. Henion'8 Sure Gure tor Malaria and it cnred her. It hus now lx;eii four mouths since she discontinued the use of the Sure Cure, and she lias liad no return of the disease hut reinains perfectly well. Dr. Henion'e Snre Cure for Malaria Is for sale by all Druggigts and only costa one Dollar a üottle. It jou do uot gel along to 'uit you.write Dr. Henion at Roch ester, N. ï, wlio is a phyaiclan of rare merit, and he will examine your case and prescribe for you f ree of charge. Thousands Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Kan., writes: "I never liesitate to rccommend your Electric Bitters to my customers, tbey give entire s:i list iction and are rnpid sellera." Electric Bitters are the nu rest and best medicine knnwn and will positively cure Kiclney and Llver coinplaints. Purify the blood and regúlate tlie bowels. No family can afford to be without them. Tliey wiii save hnndreds of dollars in doctor' bilis every year. Sold at Üfty cents a bottle by Eberbach & Son. "Stcpright Info the parlor and make yourself at home,'' sald the nine-year-old sou of the editor to nis sister' bestyonng ' man. " Take the rocking-chair nnd help yourself to the album, ileleu Louisf is up stairsand won't bedown for ome time yet - has to make up her form, you know, before going to preas." A Walkinsr Skeleton. Mr. E. Springer, of Mtchanicsburg, Pa., wvite8 : "I was afflicted with hing fever and abscess on lung, and reduced to a lonlking Skeleton. Got a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for ConRumptlon, whlcli dld me so much good 1 bought a dollar bottle. After using threc bottles, found myaelf once more a man, completely restored to health, with a bearty appetite. and a gain in flesh of 48 Ibs." Cali at Eberbach & Son's drug .tore and geta free trial bottle of thiscertain cure for all Lung Diseasea. Large bottles $1.00. A gentleman was down cellar Rorting potatoes. A friend called in to see him, asked him If wasn't hard work to keep at tliattlmsiness all day. " Oh, no," hesaid; " but it's a great strain on the Judgment." Captain Mitchell, of the bark Antonio Sala, New York and Havana trade, came home in May, entirely helpless with rheumatism. He went to the mountains, lint recelving no benefit, at his wifo's request begau to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Heiinmediately began toimprove; in two months his rheumatism was all gone, and lic .Huiled in command of his vessel a well man. llood's Sarsaparilla will hel vou: Sold by uil druggUU. Don't neglect a oough and let it remain to irrítate your lungs when a safo and speedy remedy can be had for ïO cents in Dr. Bigelow's Posltive Cure. Rheumatism is primarily caused by acidlty of the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifics the blood, and thus cures the disI'MSC. "Havo used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OU for croup and co'd, and declare it a posi:ive cure." Contributed by Wni Kay 570 PlymoutU Ave., Bofflo, N. Y.


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