
" MMUNITYfromANNOYANCE uHj ' ?9 aJP L. f 0H9KwVluk '80A f , Pat. 03t. SOth, I3G3. f Mrnlponlynf (hu flnoxt nnrl lslnalil.v of Ulass for iili-laiil..i Ueat. Every good thing is Counterfeited, and consurners are CATJTIONED against IMITATIONS of these Chimnoys made of VERY POOR ÖLASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glass. Hnnulnrt nrol OXLT by GEO. A. MACBETH & GO. 1 11 ltslurj;Ii l4'ul k1;ihs M'orkü. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. A l'ennayjviiniii man )mt somc dviini - ite in tlu: kitclicn stove to dry tin: otlicr Oay, und nelthcr the stove ïmr tliiMlynainite can be found. Snme mea are awfiü waHteful. _ Tlicre is a maa iierfl in ïTarsaw whó has moved so often tlmt wlien ;i covered Wagon comes neir lú bouM the chickens fnlloHtheir baoks and cross tlicir lops, reftdy to be tied and carried to the ncxt stopping place. Consiiinptioii Ciirotl. Au old physlclan, retired froin practice, haviiijf liad placed In liis bandt by au Baat India missionary the formula ot a simple vegetable reniedy for the speedv aöd permauent cure of Cousumption, Bronchitis, Cntarrh, Aslhinaand all throar and Lung Affections, also a positivo and radical curo for Tíervous Debilily aud all Nerveus Complaints, after haviii;; tcstcd ts uonderful curative powers i 11 tlum.-ands ot' cases, has feit it liis duty to make it known to his suflerin fellows" Actiated hy I bil motive and a desire to relieve human suffsnnL, I will send free of charjfe, to all who desire It, this recipe, in Germán, French or English, with fit 11 directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with itamp, naminir this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 l'owers Block, Rochester, N. Y. 1270-i;!22. The untidy, dirty appearance oL a vr'u zlybenrd should liever be allowed. Bocklnham's Dye for the Whiskera will readily chango thcir color to a biown or black at discretiou, ind tlius keep up your reptatlon for neatness and good looks. It is by copying after nature that man gets best resulta. Dr. Jones' Red C'loTer Tonlc is nature's own rempdy, is putfly vegetable, can be taken by the most, (iclicatc. Cures all stomach, kidnoy and liter troubles. öOceiit-. SDBSCRIBÍFttrCOÜRIEi
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News