
THE LINE SELECTED BY THE U. S. COV'T TO CARRY THE FAST MAIL. It Is the only line with lts own track from CHICAGO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha, Pacific June.. St. Josepti, Atchison or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots with throuqh tralns from NEW 1ORK. PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON and all Eastorn points. It is the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND & CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the six qreat States of ILLINOIS. I0WA, MISSOURI. NE8RASKA. KANSAS, COLORADO with branch lines to all their important cities and towns From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS, It rum every day In the ycar from one to thrce clegantl; cquippcd tltrough trains over ts own tracks between Cnicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Council Bluffs, Chicago atid St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Rápido, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoria and Council Bluffs, Peoria and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Oenver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points in Northwest, West and Scuthwest. ltseqjipment is complete and flrst class in every particular, and at all important points Interlocklng Switches and Signáis are used, thus insuring comfort and safety. For Tickets. Rates. General Information, etc, regarding the Burlinnton Route, cali on any Ticket 1 Agent in the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 18T V.P. L Gfn. Mgh., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, Asst. Gen. Mor., ChicaOO. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pass. Aot., Chicago. M(Tifio Sale. DBFAULT havlngheen made in thecondltioni oí a certaln mortgaee exemred by Jacob 11. tl'-t.-tler 'd Gertrude lloft'sf tter, hií lau II ffítft er, dated the flfin day of Ma, 1-SI.hikI racurded in the office cl i!. iriffr of . ¦ huw in the S'at.'Of Mlcblffan, on Uu: Blxth day ol May 1884. to Lltwr 64 01 Mortgages on page 8li, hy which -aid i'etttult üic power ol Bale coutáiried if ttinl mordare h"W hi'come oporutive and no procredingu in Law or Kqnitvtitwu heen InstHuied t" n-c.iver th i by a lid mortiragc. or any nan iherfof. and the (nm of one ;h"tirMna :ind nineiy dolían bt-mí '.uw cliíih'i in !.' ,,n ¦ ou smh niur'L'aiii'. The füid iU'rtgiKiJ htrtïbv declHriu.' hls inieniion to c:i-t(ier to wnoltí tríiouiii of tbe priticipal turnia mía m'irtgace mentlonud tu accordiiir lo tho COTfti'am tereln e ntalrj (i. Notice i. 'ttcn?e e v gtven, !-iiid nur iuge w!l bfl ri ¦ ' (i by 'i Huie of ilir murtxaged prt-míífS ¦. ii rein dfsertbed or sonepan thereof, fi ' A" tlmt OTliiici plece or parcH uflaml niruHte an1 Mn? in tbe Cnunu of v ;i!-M-imw ancl srw tb ' M '&' n'miil dcecribed 'is iiIIowk, io wit : Bein L01 in locu two(2) Suutb of Hu ron Sirci'. Ranè six Kat accordinK to tbe recurdcd plt of ii" village (nowcilj) of Aun Arbur. imb'ic vendoeat the Easi doornf the ( otirt H"U In the Oity ol Ann Arbor on tbe twenty-elRbth iiy Dl Janoary uelt. t ten o'clock in the fnri'nooiiof ihatduy. CUhI.iïlAN 110FFS1 KTI ER. Munagee. .1. F. I.AWRVNCK, Atcru y lor Wurtgagce. 1271-13W Da'rd. Nv. X 1SHT). , H. U I T XJ E ! . EOAN'8 IMPERIAL TBUS3. ¦¦HT t l'Himi. i yiflili l . -n..l - " ll.r hemi lwvi om day nd mp ilb 4tBÊg% Int. Snl n Trtal. ËnHowtunpforCtmlu. COAN-S IMPtRIAL TRUSS CO.. Box 21S8. Ann Artxr. Uok. Office, Hamilton Block. Ann Arbor NERVOUS DEBILITATED MElM. Tfou aro allowod o free trial of thirty dmt of tij ue of Dr. Dye-8 Celébrate.! Voltaíc Belt w! Electrlo Suspensory Appllanccs. for tbo 'fH relief and permanent cure ufAenoMft f ""tJSr of Titality an.l Jlfanhood, and all klndred trouw Also f or miinv other diñases. Complete rM'" tlon to Honlth, Visor and Manhood ïuTnwejj Bo rlk Is Incurred. Illuntrated pamphlet In"""
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News