Weekly News Summary

Bit.T.s wero pa=sed in the Senate on the 15th (liviiijt to Mrs U. S. Grant a pension of i.ï.000 per tnnum and the franking priviloun. find rellevlnK from politioaldisiibillties General A. R. Lawton, of (oorifla. Among the bilis tutroducod wero the followitiff: By Mr. Hanison, lor th admlssioii nf a portion of the ' ritory of Uakot.i as a Statu: by Mr "est, to Incorpórate the Atlantic and pacittc rthip K lwy Company; bv Mr. McMillan, providing that certaln lands granted to nM in the constructioti of tho Sionx City 4; .it. l'aul Kallrond sball be resumed by the United Statos; by Mr. Georirc, to pension soldiers of the Morieiin wnr. A Joint resolutlon wa introduecrt by Mr. Jackson for an aniondmont to the Conatitutlou of the United StKlre providlnK that tho President and VirePresidont shall hereaftorbeelected for n term of slx years. and that they hall lie Inelitflble to a re-eleetlon, and that the Vlco-I'resuieiit ¦hall be Inetigiblo to the office of President ader W shallhave nlled the saine in case óf a vacanev thorein. A proponed iWïiendinent to the rulos proridfnir that no Uquor be sold in the Capitol was defeated by a Tote ot -16 to f. .... In the House a ooueurrent resolutktn was offereJ by Mr. Morritwin 'lll.i provldmtf for a holiday recesa froin Tuesday, Deeeinber 22, until Tnesilay. Jaiuiary fi. The remiundcr of tlie aesAlon was taken up wlth the discussion on the revisión of the rules. . Thk lollowing bilis were Introduced In the Senate on the ltith: By Mr. Teller, to ald in the trriicatlOD of the public lands. to provide tor thp free and unlimitod oolnatfe ot the silver dollar; by Mr. Manderflon, relatin to I pensions; bj Mr. Pluiub, extondintf the no ! visions of the Bounty act to noldlers dlachared withia two years from the date of their fiiiintineiit on account of disahillty inourrad in tün line of duti'; liy Mr. Ih-kIK to provKie for detrnniniuti: the exlstenoa and reinm-Hl of ir.aliility of the Presiiient to ilischarjfo tho Dowers and duties ut hi office. Mr. Butler otfrrrd a rosolutlon a dirocting the Coiniitfe on Territorios to reI port hy what anthontv a tefr'8lature has been organred in the Terrltory of Dakota. A iim-ssaite from tbe I'rt-sident was roeeived. asklntr autli(irit) tousecertam funds for the reBel of tht' Cheyenne Indians. Tho romainder ot' j the 3'4sfori was tuken up in dlscussInK the Pi-esIdtnünl-Hucees-ion blll In the House the Sennte ttill removing1 the political disahilItles of Alcxander It. Lawton, of (Joonrla, wa paaflad. Debates upon the proposed revis on of the rules extended throiitrh the rcmainder of the day's sossion. ld the Senate on the Kth Mr. J. H. Mltoholl was sworn In as Senator from Oretfon. BIIih wcre lntroduced: By M. Sewell, to encourasre the erootion of monuments on the few important liattle lields of tho Hovolution; by Kr, Mandenon, to lócate a branch soldiors' bome. cogiinfr $35(I,(KX), in the nnrthwwit; by Mr. C'ullom. to oxtend til'1 nu hts of pensions to stennv bOHtuien and othcrs actiiiK under orders froni l'nite.l Slftirs offlaera durlntr the war; hy Mr. Teller, to prov.de for the insue of sllver certifícate?. The l'residential suocession Ulll was piie-ed a9 roported from the eoimnittee . 'I he time of the Hohsp wns prinoiiially i occtipieil in tho discussion of tho rovision of ' the ruif. Amo.no the bilis lntroduced In the Seríate on the lKth were tho foltowinir: By Mr. Hampton, iiuikinï it unlawful for Senators and Representati's to recommond or solicit apI pointments to office; by Mr Fry, in relation to the departments of the array of the United State"; by Mr. inKUlls, to prevent the unlawful inelosuri! of pulillo lands. The blll vantiPK ft poiiHtim of f 't.ÜOÜ a year to the widow of General Grunt wns reported formally and passed at onco, wittwut debate. A dlscuflsíon was had on a resolullon of iiKjulry offored iv Mr. Butlnr, relativo to tho allejfed orsaolzation of the Territory of Dakota into a Siate. Arijourned to the ülst ...In tho Hoiir th proposed ncw rules woro further conRidered.,'aud several amondmeut wereditposed of, a testvoie on ono of them resultlng inTnfnrtoüü atrainst. Tlie rules were tlien adopted as flrst reported, with a lew slight amtsnd monis, iiie appropriatiim bül8 belng: thus dintrlbuted amoiiK eeven eominittees. A reoolution was passed for a holidav reoess from Docembor h to Januarv 5. Tho Senate bill to ifivo Mrs. Gimit a pension of 5,0UU porannuin was passed. Mr. Frice tWia.) alone votíiib in the ueirntive. DOMESTIC. Wiin.u attempting to ford the Chattanooga Rivor, noar Tallulah. Ga., on the Mtli Kniest Atwood and bis brille, Miss Stella WatlswDi'th, whoni he marritnl the previous day, wcro drowned. John Thomas, of Haddoek's Station, Ga., mistook his father the other night for some troublesome cow which bad been breaking into their l"t, and shot him dead. Aftkk i.u reling on tho Htb Mis. Tberesa Stock, wife of a St. Louis polioo sergeant, shot and Ulied taereU in lbo presence of her husbitnd. Nlie was a biautiful woman, aged thirty-three yeurs. The Htoniner Hndsun went to pieces on the 14th torty miles below St. Louis, causinp; a. loss of $100,000. Twei.vk ptojile were killed ontright and numbor of othors were badly injured by a collision of traína on the. 15th on the Georgia Paciflc Koad near Atlanta, Ga. The Supreme Court of the United States bus mstaiirad iho Nythwaatern Road in refusing to transport beer into Iowa, in violation of tho I'rohibitory Liquor law of the State. For a purse of $1,000 Joseph McCann defeated YV. C. Barnes in a type-setting concest at New York on tho l.ith. In fourhours McCann set 8,00á ems, Barnes' string mtasoring f,961. The type used was min011. Cottos from New Orleans, to the amount of twenty-one hundred bales, was burned )n the wharf at Havre a fow days ago. SMAi-L-rox was prevalent n the 15th at Fort lavi, Warfa Prosidio and Murphyille stations on lbo Southern Paciflc Railvay. In the Gunnison country in Colorado the now was six feet doep on the 15th, and at lilverton its depth was two feet. The j ireatber ws [ntentely cold. The Ailington Cotton-Mills at Wilraingon, Del., were destroyed by firo on the .5th, causing a loss of $100,000. Three cars of the Utah & Northern exii e-.s train were thrown trom the tr ack on he 15th ncar Hawgood, an emplojebeing astuntly kilhl and eight passenger riously wouuded. A HANoiNH-i.AMr feil from its fastenings pon Mrs. Joseph Horrick at hor homo in Jnneie, hul , tbo other night and herclothng taking flro she was burned to death. Ifr iufant child was also probably fatally nrned. AocORDnre to the New York Produce Ex;hange, the visible supply of wheat and ora on the I5th was, respeotively, 58,149,"17 and 6,966,728 bushiala. The National Convention of Coal Operayors and Minéis mot at Pittsburgh, Pa., on he 15th. Maociie Bkhonv, ten years of age, living ïear tho railway track at Yatesville, Pa., it up p.ll night recently to xignal a train, ¦nd sved it from going into an abyss. A fiiïM at Newark, N. J., is ougaged in ..he manufacturo of eggs. Tho whites aro ate from albumen and the yelks from 'jminil carnit'. and Raffron. An agent who oldsereral 0aaesat Patei'sonwaa on the 5tli (ned tifty dolían aad costs for adulerating food. W. L. Cm vmbekuun, of Milwaukee, la his .nal estimóte ou tln Iftth as to tho tntire whoat orop cf the United States, estlmatod t at 810,000,000 bushols. Font dynamiters who belong to the German branch of the Anti Coolie Longue were arrested at San Kinncisco on the löth, upon the charge of plottiug to kill mauv prominent oittsens.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News