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C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Rft, 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. THe oldost agency In tlie city. Estal)llshel over a qutirter of a century go. ReproeHtiny tlie followiug flrat-class compauius, wlth over #00,000,000 Capital and As-tol . HOME INS 00., "I New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN8. CO., of New York. OIRAKD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO.,'t Hartford, c QMMERCIAL UNION, of London. r.IVEBPOOL, LONDON anë GLOBE. WASHINGTON PIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rat'is Low as the Lowest, LoRses Llberallv Adjusted and promntly l'aid. O. H. MILLKN. JONG'SIEVIL VTas the name formerly giren to Scrofula because of a niperatition Uiat it could be cured by a king's touch. The world U wlaer now, and knows Uut r Escrófula ean onïy be cured by a thorongh purification of the blood. lf this is neglected, the disease perpetúate itt taint through ppoi'i'&tion after (reneration. Among tu tarlier ymptoruatic developmentf aro Kczema, Cutaneoni Kruptions, Tumors, Boils, Carbunclos, Erysipplas. I'urulent Ulcer, Nervous and Phyloal Collapse, etc. If allowed to continue, Ktaeumatism, Scrofulous C'atarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, aiil vaiious other dangeroua or iatal maladics, ara produced by it. .. ,.- - Ayer's Sarsaparilla h the onlypowerful and alicays re{iable blood-purifying medicine. It is so eflectual an alterativo that it eradlcates from the systcni Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poúons of contagious diseasea and mercury. At the ame time it enriches and vitalizes the blood, restorinï healthfu) actlon to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. Thisgreat Regenerative Medicina Ii composed of the eenuine Honduras Sarêaparilla, with YeUow Doek, Stillingia, the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other ingredients of rreat potene?, carefully and cientiflcally compounded. lts formula is generally known to the medical profession, and the bo-t physiciaus constantly prescriba Aykr'3 Barsipxkilla as an Absolute Cure Tot all diseases caused by the yitlation of the blood. It la eoncentrated to the highet practicable degree, far bevond any other preparation for whicli like cffecu are claimed, and Is thercfore the chcapest, as well as the best blood purifyins niedlcine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARJCD BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. [ Aoalyticul Chemists.] Sold by all Druegistj: Price $1; Sii bottle for $ó. For Cold. For Croup. For Neuralgia. For Rhêumatitm. Doctor Thomas' Eclectric 07.' 12 " Spent Flfty Dollars In doctonng for rheumatism, before I tried Thomas Ecltctric OU. Usid a 50-cent bottle of this medicine, and got out in one week. For bun and sprains it is excellent." }m. Durham, Lut Perabroke, N. V. 64 Yon Can Depend On It. 11 For severe Toothache and Neuralgia of th head, I used Thtmas' EcUctric OU. Thii is certainly the best thlng I ever knew for the reHcf of pain of any kind. The house is never without it. ' Mrs. A. M. Frank, 177 Tupper Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 106 Speak Klght lip. " Have tried Thomat' EcUctric OU for croup and colds, and find it the best remedy I have ever used in my family." Wm. Kay, 510 Flymoutb Ave., Buflalo, N. Y. 30 Worked Wonder. 11 My daughter was very bad off on account cd a cold, and pain in her lungs. Dr. Thomas EcUctric OU curtd her in t-wcty-our hours. On of the boys was cured of sore throat. This medicine has worked wonders ia our family," Alvah Pinckney, Lake Mahopac, N. Y. THE BEST Hubtsr Overshoes TO WEAK OVER YOUR W0OL BOOTS, aro thoso now mado by the "Candee"Hubber Co ., erprcssly for Michigan trde for the bciisod. oflS85andG. 1ÍVERY PAIR WARRANTED gainst coming apart in eithcr aole or upper and guarantced to glvc Battsfactton in cvory respect. Made for Keputution, giving the wenrer more for hls moncy than he can get in any other mako of goods. Of BEST BOOT STOCK, and not ol ordinary overshoo stock. The Bolea mado tho sime as r.ubbcr Boot Soles hivinj; a thick eolc aud tlif-n a ta) eole upon that. Thla tap solc Is thickened in the mlddlc, and il OUBI.r. TIIIC'K ON THE HAI.I.. This is the great wearing point. Ttie Doublé Thick Boll and the Boot Stuck Dppr, (rive a hoc which s poiiüvdi ontiotu, u,hj otUr hou in the ïnarlcet evuu of the very belt brand. NO HICHF.-f ,ti PRICE. Thonsands of dollars r.aved to Wool Boot wearen thlt ioftfon. Don i1 tíraidofthetptaffiy. THE WARMAU = SEGURES YOU. Cali for the, üanait Doublé 7'Mck Ball guods." Warrant stampt d on tvery ihoe. For sale to the Irade by K. & J. (TMMI M;s & CO., Detroit. I fiTTirn Sl''1(1 l'1 wnt uol:(jp. and we All II I wl" ""?" yoajitt nroynl, valrl iTl P I ""ble' 'nple box of {OOdl U J[ l that wlll ptit yon In Ihe wny of mtiklng more monf at once iiian Huyihint pise In Amerloa. itntii ri of all ni, oad live at home and work 17) tune, or all the tlmn. Unpttal not reqolred. vy wlll start you. Iramenxo pav 8iire iiMT-thosR who Ktarlatonoe. Snsms Co., Portland, Malne. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT I % ANN ARBOR. Should advertise in THE COURIER. jTroyal wij ji B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thispowder oever varíes. A marvel of purlty , slrealh and wnolesomenesti. Moreeoouomtoal llian the ordlnary kluilt,anl cannot I' in competllion with the multitud of low test, sjinri welght, aluin or phosphate powders. s.ilUonly in can. Koyal Kaklns Pvwier . km; Wall st.. N. ï. SKI, SGALP, Blfflffl CLEANSKI, PUU1F1ED AND BEaUÏIHI 1 HY THE ( L'TICÜRA REMEDIES. iOBjOleasalaH the Bkin and Scalp of DisflKiiring Bi. th hutuur-, Mor allatny ltchinj?, HiirniiJK and li.llnuiiritioii, lurcuring lliu flrel ttyinplooie i üc ,,.]n P.4tr1ala. MJlk Cruat, öcald lli'ad, Scroula Aud other uiherited -kin and blood distase. Cuticuru. the ;reat Skin Cure, aud Cnlicura S.ot.p, an exqnlmte skin beautiti-T, exienmlly, and C.uticuiu Ki'Kolvem, the uew Blood l'uriller, lntcrnally are in:tuii'lc. Abaolntely pure. MAPCrflT BUI' GOOD. We hare been selaui; toar Cuticuba Knurau foi the past three or four year, aud have bever heard hul'ih but iiod word m their favor. Your CUTXOt'B üiAi'b decidei'.ly the bestelling medicinal uoiip we handle, and it hilily prizca fit-rifor íts Bootídng and et'frenini effect upou the akiD. J. CLiFTuN WUKAi.Jr., Wlucheeter, Va., Urntjj-ujte. THE LAIUiKM SALE. Our HBle ui Cnlicura art' as lare, tf not largcr, thau auy medicine we seil ; and we assure you tnat we liave iHvef had a aiDirie iüntatice iu which the purchaser w.!s dlaeatlsSed. As to jour Soap, we can 8el no otner, everj holy wants ('uilcura. MIlLKK & CHAIMAN, I.uni-iana. Mo. UrDgictat. SALT BHELM CJJBE Two et t ¦¦¦ or-i ckmh oi Sa!t Riicnni lever paw wcre cured by your t'uticura Kemedief, ami luelr cceed ihone of all other like remediea. I Heil ery little ol any other medicinal soap then Ootlcura ' GEU. A. ANTHuNY, Kewanes, UI. " DrnKgiBt. BAKISEU'S Ut H CURED. I hive been eeiliiiK yoar Cutlcura RiMnedie for the last eir year-, and 1 flnd that tbey ni(e universal ¦ ui-r. etion. Thcy cured me of a veo ' " r CMe ol Itnix Itch unen oiher remedien tai!'d. . C ANDRKW8, DrusgiBt. Coutland, O. DOCTOR'S PREhCUIBE THEM. The Cutlcura Bemedlee excellent remedies for all aklo dll CÜTICÜRA REMEDIES, aresold by alldrugsidts. Price: Cutkura, 50 Cts.; [B8O1.VENT, #1; Soap, 25cts. Prepared by the POTTKR ÜRÜÖ AND ClIKÜICAI. Co., tíOMtOD, Ma. s.ikI Tor "How to care ekln DlNinw' TJTTTJQ Plmile, Skin Bl miihea and Baby Uil W JO, Humor" (iircd by ('uticura Soap. CATARRH -?-,_._ rpiIK Oreat Hal-Hinlc Dis(Lfjr_r, - "KJT 1 tillation ol wttetaHaïé', Vr&Yfe''A ' .TX. Ami-ricari Pinc Onada Kir, $!f 'Vr, ¦ )) ji Viariueld, Ciovor Blo-som WHÍ.--' 1 "te. caled Wanford'H "- "ïafS'V Ka!loal ure, for the Cj rÖ6i Immeduite relief and perL t-sfM uianeit cure ot evcry lorm $] ut Calarrh, Trom u niraple ' - Cold in rhe Ilr 'd to Loniol ¦' Smell, Tati' ai'd Hearing. Congli and Catarrhul Con nmptin. Complete treaiment, cBnxlstine of one liottle Uaiicul Cure, cine box Sulvent and one improved Inhaler, In one parkage, may now bo 'iikI oT all Drugl-ist for f 1.00. Ak for BAMFUB0'8 KADICAL Cl KB. Complete Treatment with Inhaler, $1. "The 01 lv abaolots apeclflc we know Jfed. %7mes. "The xt we niye fonnd in a Hfetime of sufleriiiK."- ttev. Dr. Wf'ijin, Botton. "Alter a lom; srmrele w'th Catar rh the KnicAl. ('i'nibaK conquered."- Rei'. S. W Monroe, Lewiéburg, Pa. I have n't l"un) a caae that it did not relieve at once."- Aitdrfw Lee, Manchester, Maês. a"I MU9T GIVE VP, I cannot bear pain; I ache all over.aud ni'thin? 1 try ttoew me any goud." Back-ache, iréakneM, Dterine pains, SorenefB, Lameneaa, Hacklni? Cou2h, Plcurtsy and chest iainB cured by that new, original anti ek'irant antidota; to pain and inflaiumatioi' the Co icciu Anti-Pai.n Pi.astkk. E-peclally adapted to ladlee by reaeon of lts delicate, odor and gentle medicinal action. At Drngíiíts i")C ; flve for $1. Malled free by Pottük Druo and Ca ' ' ¦ . t . . . SCOTT'S EHULSIOM OF PURE GOD LIYER OIL And Hypophosphites of Linie & Soda Almost as Palatableas Mille. The only prnrat:on of CO0 UTER OIL that cm be taken rradi ly oud tolerated for a, long tim „Ucatenhs. ny roysrypTmi S("iÏÏHTo; S A.H-lt'llON-, ANAKM1A, iir-VÜrrï7Kllll.HV."('H'" AM T11R"T fr.r.Tir 'Ti fflMIMI lUSOHHKlWOr ( Illl llltKN il is in"'lli'ii in it ri-vnlta, ÏTaacrtbed and endoraed brtlUMW rfjaMiM ín tho countrics oí tho world. FOR SAI-C BY ALL DRUGGISTS. - m I Blble at 1-3 and OW f i _") I V TcBUuncntB at li -tu thau etffLL. I A l-3thcprleesof tiieKiiKft ll"O Fdltlonn, and equtU "ttDI D I rl-il " Kngllab In typo, Ml til IJ I I BÊ paper, printing and accu ï ff LJI L-L-L-Mm raLy. Mrtt agrnt sent out tllRFVI irnm.MT'}rt " order at rrrry ËI ÊMcntt for Ivo ¦-. Ha." mËVFR.VTnM Êm ehanie for agent K nink.i mm vinoi 'J"tnmcJ_ senrt l.oo for outmÊmmmÊÊum fit. Tcrma vkry i.irrral. 3 WÊ Th'. H'nry llill ful', f" . V' yf yuT-icirh, Oen. l--it Afin nnn '" pii-""'. e''fri ""i-'j II' (III I II II I Srni hs B cents postas?, and Wil I ' mail í"u w1lí x1 frM " (f)lll IJ II II Pcliafre of eoods ol larffe work that will at onco brlni: you in monv tor han anythinp le 'n Amrlc. AH atnmt th300 000 In prasents with each box. Agent want verywhere, of either ex, of all aee, for all the me, ornpare time only, to work for 0 at thelr wnhomeK. Fortunen lor all worker abaoluiely ured. Dou'tdclay. H. Uallett A C., Portnd, Mili uu.


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