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An Outraged Community

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At the Princesa Rink in Detroit, a boy 18 vean oíd, Frecman Ward, whosc pareuts reside in thie cltv, had won h wager, eouiing off victorious last Saturday eveninj;. He relia Iris parents tbat l'iix net gain was f50.00. Freeman Is a morleit, auaasuming boy, brought up in :i Chr8tian household and taught to recaní the Sa'jbath. TireJ of remaining m Detn it, he took the train Sunday aflernoon, -hich reaehes here at half-past two p. m., not dreamiuy of anything bevond :i quiet w;ilk to hia father's house. Hut no sooner had he landed th:in l'e was seized aml earrled to a hack, a band plyiu at itt best. A rope wat fastenril (o tbe tougue ot the hack, un upen carriar aiid a bevy of boy pulled at the rope. A brooin wat displaved, a few oarrisges in procession, and the sidewalks crowded with boys aud ahameleos men, the b:ind pl:iy liir tunes ol' triumph ; and thns was Ward condueted to the HawklM Ilouse. Diuner not obtainable liere, he as tronted t tliu oysters iit a restaurant. The whole proceeding cannot be cbaracterized in too stroDfr lnpu:igc as an outrage upon íiot giniply a tiiiniHter's conscience - a churoh conscience - tlie oonscienee of the respectable moral cotiimunity but an alruost universal public eongcience. It niukci all tlii-cs of men and woiueu cry out for very shanif. 'l'he leaders, we are glad wc do not know who they are, and don't wmit to know, probably not orer a half dozi-n, coald not have attempted a thing ot this kind without possessing well níjth total deprayity, und beyond shameorany re gard to )iiblc sentiment, Th:it the band on the 'holy Sabbath day should lend itself to sucli au outrage 8 beyond our compiehension. A good and well ordered band 4s feit to be almost a public necessity; bnt a ihou-and times better have no band than one that will nllnw itelf to aid and give eclat to such a performance as tbat of last Sunday. It should waken the actlvities of the chuich that o inany boy6 stand tronad on uur .ir.'. t corners on the S ibbatll, reaily to particípate in such a drama. Tliere were mimy small boys, in fact, the majorily trim ten to twenty years old Not a few, it i feared, graduales of our schools of vioe. The voice of reprehensión iu our prayer cirnlos Sunday cvoniup - frota the pulpit iu behalf of all oor ministers - by the city council- denunciations in the f nuil v. In the business places, on our streeta, aud every possible way will rencler such another attempt at public outrage of the moral well nitfh iinpo8sible in the future. Thc párenla of younjf Ward, lovers of God, of the Sabbath day, and so deeply pained, have suffered most. Thelr prayer to God and yearniiif; desire is that their sou may be weaned from tbi srambliii career on skates and becorue a noble and useful man, ihe honor of his parent und society. li thls wicked, open trampling on the sanctities of the Sabbatb .shall be the mcans of awakin dormant public cnoseience, and especially 0i increaiiug watchfulness and care of ijarent as to where the childrea ;ire on the Sabbath. add iiicreasinL Mal to ('liritnian eñ'ort to ave our youth, It will not prove hii unmixed evil.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News