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The Old Depot

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The Detroit .loiirnal hm tliitt imprraIve desctiption ot' Anu Arbor'g old depot belonginjr to the M.,0 K. R. (Butit inifflil be well to ïetncuiboMImt. it has not yet disappeare0: One by one chcrlshed landmarks disup[)Hr trom the familiar face ot nature nü ¦wnebody i lcft ittiiij 'trouod on the cilge of a vel vel upholici-el nota trying to strike up a spcakiníj acrjimintanoe with uimsett as a rcprfiSPiuHtive of modern progreso. Tliat U the way nihiicrs Wlll soon be tixcil for the Athrnian residence o! Ann Arbor. Tlie Michigan depot, .it whtell IK-iuostlienes and Cicero have alitu-l with their spelling booka under thcir anus and a ehunge of grub packcd wy snusly in the culiimry depsnmenl oi thelr gripsacks for lo, 'Mteen jreueratious, is aboul to reiolve itself altogctiier into clfttBic histoiy. U Iihm stood griiuly and griiuily between the burtlfnjf worli) and Ann Ar()or'rt jfrand aggreif.itioii .f f oot-bullian and mtcllec; while seosons Imve waüed nd wanud, liolli in thin nountrr and Romo. Spiders canie forth froni mystcrious tiooks and corners and embroideied Oreek and Hebrew characters hII over th vIU aud ciiilinj; That dtpot was ub a vutter, ot.ancient history a were the rulnu of olden Troy or the water of the Helleepont. The railroad company hss for yeaw Keemed quite willinjto let it go at "that, bnt now somethinsr has truck them and the depot will have lo íu. Il ih an oflensive paiüsati und paet service couuu tor littlc In looh cases. Thf new atracture wlll go trp u 8Oou is iiaviffHtion opens ulHcicntly to u( puttcrus trom lionir. The stille board of health, in view of the arrivnl of the geasou when coutMgious diseases are apt to spread and tloui-i-li, adopted a nuinber of rulea regjiniing the care of dead bodies, among whioh are several regarding the transportaron of the 9ame by r.-iil. These rules take effcot January lst, 1886. In all cases persons intending to sene] bodies by railroad, must have u pTiysician's oertificate suting the diseaee causinjr death, and also the un dertaker's certificate, stating that the body lias been wrapped in a sheet thoroughly saturated witli a strong sokition of chloride of zinc and water, then place it in an air tight rubber sack, and the coflln placed in a bnx so as to adtnit of being entirely surroumled with sawdust satui-ated with the chloride of zinc solution.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News