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The following article, taken from lasi u...

The following article, taken from lasi u... image
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The following article, taken from lasi uuek's Ann Arbor Oemocrat, coming as it does from an entirely disinterested source, gives the sltuation as a large majority of the people view it. Of course it doesn't coincide exactly with a distor titl account written through the green eyes of anotlier contemporary : "Jacob A. Polhemus is at present engaged in tbe llvcry business, and also oarrles on a saloon noar the post office. When the late R. A. lii'ul sucoeeded In getllng the office site located on the corner of Main and Ann si reets, a number of property owners at thls end of the town gave their notes for various amounts In oouslderatlon of a building belng erected for the post-offlce. Of course everyiiue knows the result. Allof thesubscribers, save one. pald thelr notes and were well satïsfled with the luvestraeut, for their property had been benetlted, but Polhemus xquealed and refused to inake hiH note good on thfl ground tliat the contract was against public policy and thal the court shoula not euforce lts provlslons. Now when It is known tliat t hts man Polhemus was beuented largely by the locatlon of the postofflce uear hls property- more so than muny othem who long ago pald thelr obllgatlons- that the contract was ugalnst public policy seems to many as belugasmalfhole toattempt locrawl outof." Tbe Toledo Blade relates the following good one on the Brooklyn divine whieh is of local interest. Rev. T. DeWltt Talmage was booked to lecture at Ann Arbor on Krlday evenlng of last week on "Ia the World Better or Worse?" He carne luto Toledo from the east, and was unloaded at the Union depot. He lmmedlately went to the Ann Arbor depot, but arrlved therejust In time to flnd out thal he was too late for the train. Tuis placed the noted divine In a predlcament, for be was advertlsed to lecture and hls train was gone. He, no doubl began to tbiuk the world was worse. An klea entered hls uranium, and be Immediately made use of It. He telegraphed to iuv. Jainea M. Ashley, president of the road, to hol,] the train at Aleils, the nrst station out, untll he reached tbat polnl In another ;raln; he signed the dtspalcii "Talmage." When Oov. Ashley read the dlspatch he held he train; the slgnature was tallsmanlc and DeWltt got to Ann Arbor all rlght, and probitjly patled hlmself on the back tollilnkhow mporlant a personage he was. He would ïave feit better had he heard Uov. Ashley's exclamation when he learned tliat the tallsmanlc "Talraage" was the slgnature of T. UeWltt, Instead of A. A. Talmage, manager of tlie Wabash. Thegovernor'sexclamutlcui, ïowever, was one which some ministers ulght use 1 11 counectlon with thefulurlty of slnners. A Washington special says tliat Don. M. Dickinson, when asked In relation to he rumor that Mr. Bancroft would not be confirmed collector at Port Huron, aid : "There never was any trufh in it. 'he responsibility for the pissmire war in Bancroft resta on coyotes, not on men." Iiat's the correct thing. There's nothing ke brotherly love, peace and harraony he civil service reforoiers. "On with the anee. Let Joy be unconflned," etc.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News