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A Happy Family Reunion.

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A Happy Fainlly Keunion. Salem, Deo. 86th, 1885. The niiith l'amily reunión oí the fainily of Orson Packard, mot it tiie rasUeace ol Harvey C. Packard, SUem, U Icb., ai whic h time after various exerclse oonaUUng oí siiigiii by thc yuung people : Ut, Mein ('hrií-tuias. Ünd, Prayer. 3rd, siiiging, ¦'Aluiiys Clieerful." 8d, HUtoiïaiis report. Number in the fainily 81. Tota! age of famlly, 870 years. Average, 27 years. Oldest, 79; youngest, 4 montlis. Number óf faiuily prottnt .". Invited guests 7, among tliein Mrs. L. A. Howe, of Ann Arbor, others from Howell, Stockhridge and Ypsilanti. Durinjí tho year, no deaths, 1 birth, no mirriagcs but a fair prospect of one. 6th, Severa pieces were spoken by the chüdren, also a biograptiy read of II. O. Packard, narratio sorae of the sad events experienceel in army life, and tlie Hiography of Orsoii Packnrd, descrlbing incidents añil privations of pioneer" life. in the carlj settlement of Michigan, tben f-nring "Don't Forget the üld Folk," following thls the distribution of gifts or presentí wliich were numerous. And last but no least a boiintiful repast, and an enjoyable time, ndjourned to meet in one year, al Levi Quaekenbuah's n Huperior. TheT. A A. A. road Rlnce the buralriK o thelrcar h1ii.k ut Toledo, are lunkinx for a new locatlon. South Lyoa Is blildlug lor the name, and ofler 30 acre of luid to bui Id the shops on. - Saline Observer. Of course Ann Arbor doesn't wan anythiiifr of the kind. She doesn't care for workshop?, and business booms, atu bustle and hurry. She could not give a few acres of land and a little money to secure sucb an enterprise! Of course not ! So why make the cffort? Whj talk about it f And the Ann Arbor Democrat peaka wisely and well when it says: "It is siu rular tliat young meo who lay claim to respectabllity cannot oondud tiicmselyes in a respectable inamier wlien att'ndinï the salvation anny meetings. SiiihIhj aftcrnoon it was necessary for the captain to invoke the nid of the polloe t tnalntaln order. Perbapa if the Jaw was rigidly enforced and say half a dnen o Hic-o boodluraa arreated and jalled, i would have a salutary effect on nthn rowdiot wlio perobanoe mlghl Snd tlieii way Into Hm'si' meetings." Acmrdiny: to astronoiiicrs tht; Utnnus Star o lictlilchcni is lmble to riash its I ilit npon thc wfrk at any moment. It will ippfar in thc constell;ilioi of Cassiopca in thc northern heaven'i. Ktcp you eye out for it. - Ann Arbnr Cmirier. We havo secn similar statements, ï)oforo ( snine of Mtronomen wouid explali wfaat Is "the (kmoni Star ot Bdtbtobem.'1 thai la aboat t appear, it woald be niierestlug :tinl to niany people. Tbe Ypsiiantinn will lind n ileacriptloi of "the famoiis Stur of Bethlehem," in the Biblc. There are aeveral publioatloi hiiuscs whic.h will be irlad to furnlsli our Bro. with a copy - reviscd edltion - oí tli i ancicut and remarkabls wmk in ponsid eration of a reafonable amount of atlvei tising. It is wisc to provide against emergen cies that are liable to arise in cvery family A cold m:iy be i dangerous thing, or not dependlDg upon the means at hand to combat it. In sudden attacks of cold croup, asthma, etc, Aycr's Cherry Fe: toral will prove the quickest and most ef fective cure, and your best friend. All the $18, $20 and $22 Suits at $1j and f 16 50, at the Two Sam?. Me. M. P. Schbock, 672 W. Luie St., Chico, ni Heiess from Rhenmatism. Tl is nhysirinns feared nmpntation of the Ing would h necessary. Ho trwd Athlophobos, and in two daya v. na cured. A professor in a medical college once Ba id to hls clasa "put your hand ín a 1c, turn the Bcrew r. 11 til the pain is all you can le;ir, and that's rheuinatisni; turn the screw once more, and that 'm neuralgia- and gentlemen, the medical professiou knowB no cure for either." That was before the ery of A I nLUl nUilUO quickly cure both rtioumutism and neuralgia, and niany rliysiuiuiia uee It regularly- fraukly admittiug tiiut theycati prescribe nothing else so effective. Many persons have tried so many so-called remedies, without beneflt, that they have no faith to try more, but It Is worth your while to try Athlop horos. If you have any doubtu as to iu uhm Wltta for names of parties In your own KUito vfag have been cured by its uae. Ak your drujttdt for Athlophoros. If you cannot gt it of him we will and itexpress paid on reoolpt of recular price- SI. OO per bottle. We prefer that you buy it from your dniggist, but if he haftn'tit do not be persuaded to tiy somethiug; (¦Isa, but order at once from ua oh directd, ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. TUI -„MUÍ 1 M . I S " f GOOD II ofanyUmp. FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOÜLD HAVE ONE. MANUFAOTURED HV inftqld Manufaeturina fo., "V7-.felaElT, OB3O. No Dropping OH on the Flooror Tablo; No Futiera toLeakorget knockedopento waste Contents or cause Exploslons. No "'orks to Lose. Closes Pcrfectly AlrTight. 'o Leakage- No Kvaporatlnn- Snfo. A PnJTwal iioiisiiioici NeoemiltT. CJJXi iT33 SEE THEM. For Sale in Ann Arbor by C. C. Warner, 8. & J. Baumgartner. Henry Welscli. 0. Eberboh H. G. Hom, F. O. Sclileiclier. Rlnsey dkSeabolt. 1271-1281. A WONDERFUL COMBINATION OF PEPT(MZED BEEF, HOPS AND MALT, Eclnff the OKLY liOWS PKF.PARATIOIV Tor lmpnrting PURE - IAlbumen;To Ihs Body. Tt Is an Absolute Cure for Nerrougneti, Debility, and Insomnia, and wardi ofl those Terrible Erüi whioh aro the Pirl ijtage of INSANITY. For Dobllltated Itlen, Por Enfeebled Uomrn, l'or Delicate Chlldren, For all w li o nerd Slreneth "HOPTONIC IS A BLESSINO." For Uti by 11 DruggUts. Preparad only by th HOPTONIO OO., ÖBAND RiriB. MICO.