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i-ror. Lady has gone to Urand Kapids Pcsidont Angelí has jone to Indianap olis. (i. WMhlnptDD Mülen leayes to-day foi Chicago. Will Condou is home from D etroit, foi a few days. H. S. Warner, he of the new bazaar, ia quite sick. Mi Mary L. Wood is home from DeJaware, Ohio. Will Becker Christmas-ed at bis home in Brighton. Mrs. A. Kearney went to Monroe Monday to visit friends. Miss Qrace Minnis of Milan, is in the city with her brother. Mrs. Chas. Ludlow, of Detroit, ia visiting friends in the city. Robert Wetzel, of Worceater, Mass., is home for a few dav's stay. Prof. Demmon is attending the tetcher's association at Lansing. Misses Nellie Ames and Bessie Dunster are visiting frienda at Niles. Miss Lona Sweeney is visitinj; relativos and old friends in Marshall. Mr. I. N. Payne, of Detroit, spends New Years with Dr. Darling. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Blitz will spend New Year's with friends in Detroit. Miss Mary Costello has been ill for a few day, is non convalescinpr. W. I). Church, of Zanesvüle, Ohio, is visiting bib father, C. C. Church. Hoorn Drake, of Marquette, dent. of '85, is in the city visit tiur friends. I'rof. Perry has oue to Grand Kapltis to is.-ist at the teacher's institute. Mrs. Uussell, of l'aw Paw. is visiting at Ch8. A. Hendrick's on E. Ann st. Chas. Kaichen, of Detroit, is visiiing friends in the city duriup: the week. Proi. J. H. Di ake of the Battle Creek fcliools, is Titlting friends in the city. Miss May Breakey and Louie Craig are taking their vacation in Delaware, O. Miss Mainie Kearney 'lea vts to-day to altend St. Mary' school at Monroe. Kddic Quiulan returned to Bay City yesterday after a brief visit to his home. T. H. Sedina and bride, of Lansing, are Yisitinjr the former's motheron Fifth st. Miss Clara Kustererof thiscity, isspending the holidays with friends at Cliclseá. Mrs. A. M. GarrilMI reads a paper bcfore the teacher.-' at Uraud Rápida to-morrow. Frank Angelí, of Harvard college is visiting his uncle, President Jas. B. Autrcll. M. O. Graves has {one to Lansing to take in and the state teacher's institute. W. 6. HUI, one of Mnrquetts' lawyer?, is rialtiog his father, Carlos HUI, on Liburty st. Min Lncy A. riilliendou is vislting her people in Ueadin, Mich., this holiday va:ation. Mrs. I. N. Payne. tu Nellie Stanley of lit. clas, 'SI is in town. Her home is in Detroit. Dr. W. J. Herdman and wife went to Zant'sville, Ohio, last Thursday returning Monday. Miss Ulara Stafford of Muncie. Ind., 19 expeoted at lier uncle'g J. M. Stafford's to-rnorrow. Jas. J Quarry and John M. Parker will go to Chicago to-moriow to spend New Yrar's day. Prof. C. H. J. Douglass. of Milwatikee, Wis., 8 seiHliiifir a day or so in towu wilh oíd frieuds. Will iiurk, 1 Anjroln, Ind., s Fióme for a week or so visitiug bis parents and other ('rienda. Artliur Beebe and Oeorge E. BIísí, of ¦lautann, are vi9tlng the liitter's father for New Yenr'8. Miss Abbie A. Pond -pi'iuls her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Cupt. R. M. Barker, in Fliut. Mrs. Will 1'. Payne has gone to her father's home near Adrián, for a stay of a few days. Mrs. A. W. Hamilton and sister Miss Hale, are in Grand Rapid?, for the New Year'8 season. J. M. Aubery, agent in Chicago of the Merchants' Dispatch Co., spent Sunday with I)r. Rose. W tí. Cady, lit. '83, was elected last week secretary of the Mmsonic lodge at Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mr. Stephen Pratt, of Detroit, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Belser over Sunday. J. C. Morse and wife of Toledo, Ohio, were gue.ts of Mr. and Mrs E. A. Phillips over Hunday. Chas. W. Parsons, editor of the Druggists Circular, New York city, was in the city over Sunday. P. Bitch and wife spent Ohristmus in East Saginaw, the guests of Mrs. Bach's bister, Mrs. Gillette. John Miller is at home for a few weck' vacation, wliich he spends with hU family, on Williams st. Miss Hattie Ailes Is home trom her school dutiesat Marshall. She will return again next Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robeson, of Port Huron, are viking her parents, John Moore and wife, on División ut. "Shamrock" Rowell of Ann Arbor in pending the week among his Dundee trieiid. - Duudee Reporter. Miss Alice Hunt improves her vaeatlon by viaitiugand studylng in the Aoadeuiy of Design in New York City. Prof. T. J. Wramplemeier and wife are visitinj; the former's parenU in I.ouisville, Ky., during the holiday season. Geo. Pnlcipker, wife and two children, of Toledo, are visiting liis parents, Z. Pulcipher and wife in the 5th Ward. Prof. Wn. H. Pnyne hts gone to Topeka, Kansas, to assist the pedagogues of state in their institute work. Ben. F. Martin and wife, of Bay City, are Bpending the holidaya with his mother, Mrs. O. M Martin, 011 Liberty st. Bertrán! Baur, of Bay Port, Huron Co., spent several day with his parents ProfE. Baur ard wife during the week. Geo. Alfel went to Chicago Monday for the Nw Years. It Is rumored- but then, we won't gire George away. Prof. J.R. Pattengill and wife are expected hone this week from a two week's stay with friends in New York state. Judge Jóseph H. Steere of Sault Ste. Marie, hal been vixiting Prof. J. B. Steere. He is a gradúate of the univeraity lit. class of '74. MissJeisie Armstrong liag resigned her place as [jreceptress of the 3d ward school, and expects to be Armstrong fora short time only, Ernest Maun, wife, and two children will be up from Detroit to-day to spend New Year's with his parentg, Emanuel Mann and wife. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fred. Wood of Pittgburgh, Pa., are in the city the guesti of Mrs. Wood's mother, Mrs. John F. Nicbolg, 011 N. Ingalls it. ' Miss Clara Kingsley, of Milford, who has been visltin? ber sister Mrs. C. A. Hendrick for a week past, retnr ie 1 home yesterday. David Hyde, wlio carne from-Monlreal with the remains of lila hrother, Clarence, and atteuded his fuueral Saturday, return: cd home yesterday. Mrs. Chas. Le 8uer and son Frankie, of Toledo, are visiüiifj the foruier's sister, Mrs. C. B. Dnvisoii for a fewdays, returnlag home next Monday. Mrs. C. O. Willis of Blizabeth st., feil Thursday evenlng and fraetiued her hip. Being a lady well advarmed in years, the accident is a serious oue for her. Mrs. E. A. Keith of Big Uanids, and sister Miss Beardsley, of Uoivell, who have been visiting relatlves here and In Dexter, returned home last öaturday. Auditor Gen. Stevens and fainily wlll entertain as guests to morrow,a nnniber of relatives from Green O.ik, Briyhton, Ypsilanti. etc., at their reskience on N. Ingalls street. Will T. Wuedon has accepted the position of associate editor to the Kbrwood (Mass.) Advertiser. He was recently elecUd Foreman of the A. O. U. W. society. Secretary J. H. Wade, who has been spending a few days at hls old home in Jonesville, has returned, btit liis wifc and dauffliter who accompanleil liim, remained for a time. E. C. Darrow, of Jlinneapolis, is payina his wife, fonnerly Miss Jennie Oornwell, and young son a visit for the holidays, at the home of Harvoy Corawell on N. Iugalls st. Mr. and Mrs. A. 7,. N'ohlc assistcd liy Misse May Whedon, Kannic Kailey, Minuie Kempt, Louise liandolpli and Majr Breakey, ill entertain the JapanMe students at dinner e Y 's day. The fnmily of Hou. John .1. Robison, OOOiisUng of Hiildren and uraad chlldren, to the number of abottt 20, bad a happy reunión at the home of Geo. V. Kotisoii, Wayne Co. 's prosesilttng uttotney, on (Jhnstraas Iay, at Detroit. David Preston, esq., of Detroit, nccompanied by Mrs Preston was in the city over the Sabbath, the ftueit of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hanisay. Mr. Preston led the younjt people's prayer meetinj ut the M. K. ohureh, in a very enjoyahle inanner , Sunday evening lakt. A " nonsense scandal pop-corn party " was held ut Prof. H. C. Adams last Drday evening, Every guest wa xpected to fürnish not less tlnui four or more than seven poems upon others present. ' Soine are said to have been very fuDiiy. The entirc list of killed and woundtci not yetgivun lo the public.


Ann Arbor Courier
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