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, Robust Health) r Is not always enjoyed...

, Robust Health) r Is not always enjoyed... image
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, Robust Health) r Is not always enjoyed by Ihoso who neem to possess it. Tut titint of oorrupted blood may be secret ly the eonstitution. In time, tli' poiion willcertatnlyghowitsi'n'i'i-t", rad wit li all the more vlrulence thn leuker it lias been allowed to permeate the lyïtem. Kach pimple, t.y, boíl, kin disorder and -rmu of unnatural laisitude, or languor, is one of Nature' j Waralngs oí th; cousequeuces oí neglect. Ayer's Sarsaparilla II the only remrdy that can he relied upon7 In 11 case, to pradicale the tainl of heredltary dlsease and the, special corrnptloni of the blood. It h the only alterativa that is ufBciently powerful to thoroughly cleanse the, system of Scrofulous and Mercurial Impuritirs nnd the pollutlon of Contagión Piscases. It algo neutralizes the poison left. by Diphtherla and Scarlet Fever, and enables rapid recuperatioH frotn the enfeeblement and deblllty camed by these diseasea. n : Myriads of Cures I Achieved by Athr's Sarsapakilli, In the put fort'v yeai'9, are attested, and thera Is no blood diseusc, at all possible of cure, that will not yield to it. Whatever th-' ailmenti of this clnss.and wherever found, f rom the scurvy of the Arctio circle to the! "veldt-sores" ót South África, thig rem-j edy ha afforded health to the sufferers by whotu it was employed. Dniggteta eTerywhere can cite numeroua cases, within their personal knowledge, of remarkable cure wrought by it, where al! other treatment had been unayalling. Feople wiU do well to --- .Trust Nothing Else than Atkr's Sarsaparilla. Kumerom crude mixtures are offered to the public u "blood purlfiers." which only allure the patiënt witli the pretense oí many cheap doses, and wit li whiih it is folly to experiment while is steadily becoming more deep-seated and difficult of cure. Some of these mixtures do much' lastlng harm. Bear in mind that the only j medicine that eau rdii-'ully purliy th vitiated blood is . Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPAJUtD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mam. Sold by all DruggisU: Frice $1; , Six bottles fur 5. y ANN ARBOB SAVINGS BANK, ANN AHBOH, MICHIGAN. Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $BO,OOO. Organizcd ander the General Bankiup Law ol this State, the etockholdorn ari' itittividuxll; lialile for an additional umount equal to the stock held by them, thereby creating OurmntM Pnnrt for Ule benefit of Depositora of $100,000.00. Thras pr rent. Intereat in allowtd on uil BbtIbci Depmiti of ona dollar and npwmrd, accordlnr to the rules of the Dank und intei-e-t conip tindod wt'iiii-aiitiually Mncy to Ioan on uninctiml"Tr(i rcnl etau: anil other good MCOtlty, DIRECTOR8: CIIKISTIAN MACK, Wu, 1). II.VKKIMAN. W. W. WINKS, DAN1KL I1IMOCK, WTU.IAM OKDHKL, WIL1.AKD B. SM1TH. DAVID RIN8EY. 0PFICÏR8: C. HACK, Pre. W. w. winkn, ,'cc-Pri. . c. HI8COOK.OaaUr, WEBSTERS UNABRIDGED. In Sheep, Russia and Turkey Binrtings. f{i] ''jfh '¦¦&¦¦ .-) H The liinliridc-'l i nnw snppli..,, at ¦ smull nddltioml root, with IENI8ON"8 PATENT REFERENCE INDEX. "The Kniateuf imprnremeni in lxvk multing liial ns- been made in a liundred year." TheCutgive.sliiitKaiucunipleteidcaof its utility THE STANDARD. iTPrpWrbtr-it lias 118,000 Word, XXX 3O0O KngravlnK, n,l ft New ltlnKraphirnl llrtlotiary. 'IllTX' Standard in Gov't Printing office X JElXi í copies in Public School. ¦JI 20 to 1 of any othersT) JÏÏ'CjrWlni'ltoinako a Family intelligent. 1 MJtjX '¦-' help for 8CHOT.AKS. I K u il I lis nd SCHOOLS. Webster i Standard Anthority with the V. 8. upromc Conrt. Reeommended by the sute Mil'( „f Bohooll in 36 States, and by over 60 College I'residenU. "A LIBRARY IN ITSELF." TlielHti-sl i-.Minn, In the qtlnntity of matter it eonUIna, 1 beHered to he th Urgnst volume pubhshed. Ii, hu 3O0O more in it( ro-nbulry than are. found in ny other Ain Diotfr m,1 nenrly 3 times the nnmber of Engraviugs. It i the beat practical EnKllii Dictlonary xtant. - tondnn Quarterly Rnirir. It ii an erer-prxseiit and rellable achoolniantr to the whole family.-S. s. HeraUi. C. k C. MERR1 AM k CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mass.


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