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CURES ALL HUMORS, from a oommon Blotch, or Ernption, 1o the worst Scrofula. Sal t-r h cu m, "Fevcr-sores," Scaly or Kough Skin, in short, all disensos caused by bad blood are conquered by this powerful, purifyinfr, and invigorating medicino. Círoat KatiiiK l'lcerü rapidly heaJ under its benim intluence. Especially has it manifc-sted iis potency in Tetter, Row ICash, Kolls, Carbunclos, Soro Eïck, ScroruloiiH Sores and Swcllines, Ilil-Joiul Dlsease, White Swelïlugs, Cioitrc, or 'l'liiik Nech. and Knlargcd Glanda. Send ten cents ín stamps for a largo treatise, with eolored platos, on Skin Diseases, or the same amount foratrrntiso on Scrofulnus Affeotions. "XHK BLOOD IS THK CIFK. Thoroughly cloanse it by usinir Ir. Pierce's (lolden ifledlcal Discover), and eood digestión, a fair akin, bnoyant spirit, vital strcnglli, and soiindneits of oiistitutioti, will bo establiBhed. CONSUBMPTION, whleh is Scrofnlous Diseasc of the 1, unas, is prompUy and eertainly arrested and eured by this üod-g-iven remedy, if taken before the iuM ttageaot thediseasearereached. Froin its wondci lul iKiwer over tliis terribly fatal disease, when flrst ofifering: this now cef ebrated remedy to tho public. Dr. Pierci thoujrht Beriously of calfing' it nis "Consiiinptloii Ciire,"burnlandoned that name as ton Umlted for i medicine which, from its wonderful combination of tonic, orstrengthening, alterative, or blood-cleanging, anti-bilious, pectoral, and nutritivo proporties, is unequaled, not only as a remedy lor consumption of tho lungs, butr for all CHRONIC DISEASES or the liver, Blood, and Lungs, ' If you feel dujl, drowsy, debilitated, liave sallow color of skin, or ycllowish-brown spots on face or body, frequent hoadaehe or dizziness,baJ taste in nioutli.internal heat or chi lis, alternatlHg wlth hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy Dorebodings, lrrefrular appetito, and coatí ¦. loriim', you are suffering frorn Indigestión. Uywpepsia, mul Torpid Livcr, or "Uil ioiisness." ]n many cases only part of these symptoms are exporicneed. As .i rmedy for all sueh cases, Dr. Pierce's 4oldcn Medical Discovcry kas no lid. ForWealt I.iiidí-, Spittins of Blood, ShorliiCKH of Breath, Bronchitis, Sevcre Coughs, CouHiimptioii, and kindred affeetions, it is a sovereigrn remedy. Bend ton cents in stamns for Dr. Pierct-'s book on Cousumption. Sold by DriiKists. PRICE$I.OO,?orVSTS-S World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 063 Main St., Bcfpalo, N. Y. EVxfcVCe'S LITTLE oolkOS PILLS. ANTI-BILIOUS and CATHARTIC. Sold by Druggists. 'L cents a vial. ñ _$500 REWARD B ÊÊ is offcred by the proprietors Mr vfeBI ' dage's Catarrh Kemody Wf f iW IoT a case of catarrh whlch thoy ¦ _y a cannot cure. B H you have a discharge from ¦upk ii the nnsf, offensive or otherwPt ; wise, partial loss of smell. taste, orhearing,weakeye8,dullpain or pressure in liead, you navo Catarrh. Thoueands of cases terminatp in eonsumption. Dr. Snge's C'ATARnn Remedy euros the worst cafsnf Catarrh, "Cold in the Iluud," and C'Miurrlial Ileadache. SU cents. Uuckit'ii's Árnica Salve. The Iíesi Salve In tlic world for Cuts, Brnlse, Bores, Ulcero, Snit Rbeum, Fever Sores, 'i'ciler, Ctiapped Hanüi, CliiUihiins, Corna, ainl uil Skin Kniptions, Blid positivi-l y f res Piles, or nn pay required. It is puarniitcod to Ive perfect satlefaotion, or bioik'v refnnaed. Pric 25 cent) por box. For Sale by Eberbach it Son. Tl'. Hurdock pliint sonoof the best dl np.'iics of kidney rc;iilator8 in the vogetnble world. and tlic componDd knowu as Burdock öVood Bitten, is unrarpMied In all diMaM 0Í the kii.lneys, liver and tilnod.


Ann Arbor Courier
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