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Amono the bilis introduced in the Sonate on the 2J3t wero the followlntr: By Mr. Cullom, to provlde for the establishment of a postal telegraph; by Mr. Logan, to the eracieneyof the anny; to equftlIze bounties f soldlers, etc.; by Mr ('ok tu c'-ikIim-Ii a National Uve-stock hijthway. Bills were lavoiably reported to goveru prosi'cutmn!? for polyainy and to esttthtish un fonn tystoin of bankruptcy throujfhout the Unite-1 States Adjourned tint I Jnnuary 5 In the House one thousand and fout bilis wore introduced, inoluiimtf the foilowinK: It" Mr Wheeler (Al.), for the roliet of Fltz John Porter: by Mr. Mcltea (Ark), to prolocl homoBtead settlers wtthln raihvay limite; MMr Hendeisonilll.), to establmh a Board of C'ommia-sionersof Intar-State Comme ree: bv M.-. Townsheuil 1 1 , to orsainze a TerrltoriiU Ifovernmont in ludían Territorv: by Mr. Holman duel i. to limit the disposition of the pulilic land iidapicil to agricultura to actual ,-i.ttlers; to torfeit certain uneHrned bind irrants: by Mr.Weuverdowai, for the estnhlislnni'iu ol a postal telegrraph; bv Mr. Murphy (lowai, for the construction of the Henncpln Canal: by Mr. Krederick ifowa), to eDalile the people of Dakota to fonn a constitution; by Mr. McC'rary (Ky.), for the c-iention of a Dcpurtinent of AsriouUur by Mr. Wall (Conn.), to suspeml the coinaxe of the sllver dollar; bv Mr. W 'eavcr iIowh), for the freo and unrec'.rlcteü coinaye ot tho silver dollar; to creafe the Terrttury of Oklaho ma: by Mr. Thomas (HL), propos ing n ('onsiitutional ameortnient prohloitmu proWtfftny In the United States: by Mr. Matson (I'nd.i, pro vidinnr for tho election of postmatilei'S by tlie people. Artjourned to .laniiari :¦. DOM EST IC. It was reported iu .St. Pauion the Hul that the log-cut in the Northwest this season would fall from fifteeu to twenty per cent. short because of the continued wai-in weather. John Li:k, a white man, was taken from thejailat Rockingham, N. C, on the Bist by a mob and hangod for the inurder of Solomon Welch. Edwin Goode and William Wheeler. rcsiiling near Jackson, N. C, fought a duel on the 'lst with pistoln, both men being fatally wounded. Timnaraesof the United Htates Qraml Jurors recently discharged at Balt Lake City have been puhlished by the Mornion papan so that t-hey raay be'boycotted. Tuk hotel, post-ofllce and a dozen buildings at Bartlett, O., were burned on the Sist, entailing heavy loss. Tuk explosión of a boiler on the 21st in a distillery at Beaver's Station, O., killed two men, wounded three others, and destroyed property worth Í5.000. Rich discoveries of iron ore have recently been made by accident iu the Vermillion district of Minuesuta. Kicu'iMi coal gas suffocated Simon Steinberg and his wife at Indianapolis, Ind., the ot lier night. Mrs. Presslv Berict was burned to death at Spring Hill, Ky., on the 21st, her clothing taking flre from the stove; and Jamos Starling, a farmer, feil into a vat of boiling water near Chattanooga, ïenn., and was roasted alive. The issue of standard silver dollars dnr ing the weok ended ou the l'Jlh was SüB,311. The issue during the corresponding paHod of last year was 454,9(15. The recent billiard tournament in ChicaL0 between Schaefer, Slosson and Vigniuix for the championsbip of the worldresulting in a tie, another contest bogan on tho evening of the '..'Ni ANOTHEHcave-in on the 31st stopped the work of the men who were ondeavoring to rescue the twonty nine buried minors in the Nanticoke (Pa.) colliery, and all hope of taking them out alive had been abandoned. The State Veterinarian of Ponnsylvania on the 32d found six cattle infected with i pleuro-pneumonla in a herd at West Wil j 'OW. COMMitMllo soldier of tlin late war who deserted in th face of the eneray and tn dishonorabl; discliaiKod. but afterward ro-enlisted am was roonded o action, is entitled to a peí siou for the woiiii'l so reoeived. Mi; Parnbïx being unable to attend th Irisu Ntitionnl film gnu Convention ai nonnc "1 to bp lieM in Chicago in Jnniinrj 1 tlie conventdon Ins heen ]iostioned. Javks O. Ki.. on distrlbated ifi.000 amoni tl"' chai Itablc instit atloni of San Francisc on tlitj J :i as a Christmas present. FOREIGN. To nnfEintsK parlies who obtained liqno lioensea tn Canada under an unconstitu tii. nal act will require $100,000 from th treasury of the Dominion. The lnriiatiB in the Province of Ontario Canada, have been badly duped by a swir dier who tradeil frniidiilent Indian Terri j tory land nrip for good Dominion 5 bilis A tn vol' ano, one of the largett ai most lateFMting in the world, has reeentl; been discovornd in the Pacific Ocenn, neai the Island of Honga-Tonga. Paknell infoiined his colleagues on thi 21stthathe woold oppNMe all schemes af j fecting Ireland which did not allow th , Iiish to control their own polioe. The Orange Lodge of Ireland, at a mee ing held in Dublin on the 31st, issuedaman Ifeeto addresspfl to the Orangcmen of Greal Britain, proteating against oomplyhuj witf the demands of the P Fdiit cliililicii who werp woentlj bitter j by rabid dogs in Newark, N. J., were onth Sist placed In tha resident ot M. Pasteur, in Paris, who expressed cdulldence that h could cure them. The funds required foi ! the voyage were oontribited by citizens ol : N'ew York. Tin: Catholic pri.'sts if Montreal have re j ceived orders from Bishop Fabre to meddle in no ivny with politics. OlSDABIue in Paris on the 32d captured memben of a band organized to ¦windle tradennen on a large scale. O. W. LüPTON, a wool merchant of Bradfonl. Eng., fallttdon the i:M for #300,000. Aoomraui i to ettabliib a republic in Spain was dlsoorered at Tar on the 22d. lx Vonice, Italy, people were fleeingfrom the city on tbe 22d owiug to an outbreak of cholera. Spanish oftlcuals captured a man on the ] 32d named Hnnison, who was extensively engaged in drcolating forgod Bank of EnK'land nott-s of the deaomlnatdon of L100. A tkkatt of peaoe lia. been concluded letween France and -Madagascar. Frene troops are to occupy Tamatave unbil an inclrT.mity of 10.000,000 francs is paid, and France wil; ¦ ! V ,::li a protectorate ovei the wholoconniry. Bobolabí Lnvaded a Milton (Ont.) jewelry store on the ! and carried off a. cart-load of jewelry, illverware aud other vahiables, completuly cleaning out the shop, Ax (zploalon j:i the 28d in tho Forndale pit, in Wales, Intombed foiir hundrod miners. TweWi bad been taken out, and thirty men were rescued in an injnred eondition. A fihe at Bt. Johns, Newfoundland, a few days ago daatroyed ihe Colonial ï-ope-walk, the most extensivo ia the world, valued at 1-10,000. Advii-ks ,,f the lih say that during the recent stonn twenty-two vessels were wraeked at or near Colon, on the Isthinus of Panama, and sixiy Uves were lost. Tin: recent ennrass of members of the Britlfh Parllameni ;iv5s Oladstone an as8ured majority orer any possible combination of Vhlgi and Tol Choi.kha wa raging on the 9Stk at Cay"jnc. theoapita] of Praneh (iuiana.


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