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The Saline Presbyterian Udies netted ilOO by tlieir recent fair. The wife of Rev. V. M. Campbell, of luxter is dsngeroraiy 11. G. M. Coon will cut 300 ords of wood or V. IÍ. Druse, of Norn. One Silinc inercliiint sold 1,000 lbg. of andy the day betore Ciiristmas. Nelson Rice and Fannie McMulle i, of lilan, tvere married at Toledo, Deo. 0. December 27, Thomas Herlcy and Miss day Osboin, both of Augusta, werc mar!Cd. A Sharon farmer is introducitifr a m:w ariety of oats - not Iiohernian, it is to bc loped. George W.{Dais, of Milan, and Miss rena Munson, of Úuodce, raarrled, L- ember 27. O. D. Lamphe'-, f Webster, is makiiiK nme flue sale of RegUtered Politnd'hinii bogs. Mrs. D. W. Dudley, of Dexter, lias jone to Jackson to reuiain all Winter, at J0' rieasant 9t. Sniuuel Boyce and MÍ98 Anna ilariley, were inurrieil at the old Hadley homestead i Lj ndon, Dec. 30. Mr. and Mrs. T. Prénley, o( Deiter, ill Spend the winter with tholv i!hu;1i¦r, wlio lives near Maeun. Alexiindcr Baker, of Pittsfield, Biid Hiss Catharine E. Hoover, (if Aui;n-ta, ï.uried Dee. 21 al Ypsilanti. Nexl Krlday nii,'lit, .lamiHiy xtli. Ihere b cd bc sn öyslor lupiter al tbo lumsc of v Keyas, in Lima. 7" cents tbr two. The lyocnni at North Like is one of M pleasant institutions of that neiiihorliood, and is hlghly appreciatcd tor ie good it does. The M. B. cliurrli at Clinton, i ld to rttve 16 people by the name of Brown :itMküUig il. Tlmt knoc:Us ou( tli' Siniths or mie owu, al least. Accorüing to the Picket tbey have a ieie- ot Ku Klux in that vicinity who end out deatli's head notices to people vlio ill treat their wives. C. M. Fellows, of Manchester, is luokng tor the person lio has a pair of uikeys that can beat a pair he bus that veigh 43 pounds, of thi'i year's - 1885 - rowtti. After the address of A. O. Crozier, at ne opem house, Tuesday evening, an or;anizrttiou was eftucted, of the I. C). G. T. nier with 4$ charter memben, - Milan onrnal. !.,;!'! see ! What is that little story bout "asking tor bread aJld reeeiving stone f " The editor of the Sio.-kbridge uu takes stone ou subscription. How is lint fot bard. Tlie Saline Observt r wants some of ts itizeus - city fathers notably - to fall olT he sidewalk into a mud hole some dark ibt, so Ihal street lumps niay bc put up i tiiat place. Mojreville- the young city of churebas -bas 150 population and lire edifices of vcHhip. The place was settled im 1830, nd lias gained only eighl houaes in 38 ¦ears. - Saline Observer. Rev. T. W. McLeau, rector of 8t. iUke's will spend tite comming week, bezinning Monday evening, in aiding the astor of St. George's church, Detroit, in evival work. - Ypailauti Commercial. The Sharon M. K. cburch society was ugmeuted by the addition of seven new lembers recently, making 31 for the ear. A jrrand good record. Wlmtchiircn n the couuty can excel or even equal it f According to the reporta in the county tapen Old Santa Clause raust have been lively old fellow to be in so many itawot at once, and a liberal one too, for ie dealt out tlie present with t prodigal nd. The foundation of the uew creamery is )ein}r built tliis week, and work ou the mildiiig will proceed as rapidly as possiile. Ypsilauli is to be cougratulaunl oq ecu.riu{ tbis valuable unterprise. - Vpakantian. Thomas Loooey, who was killed at thu atal cj1 li.-ion on the AI. C. K. K. near ïaglnaw, last WpcIiicmiv, VU a =n ot iilin Loouey, who lives ïbout 3 inilc vel of Chclseii, and l lic leinains werc iWKgbt home for iuti ¦nuent. ine unniese iiuet, willen otir lauuarynau, Uintr Lee, presented to several óf our citi.cns amoulbago, havo blossomed. i'he bulbs ({row in olear water, put out ïumerous ouion-like stalko wlncli bear white blOHsonis with a yellow center, and mit a sweel perfume. - Yp.silantian. Tuc boys are mproving thcir vacation o llie best of their abffity, and if llu: trength of their bralns correspond witli he ttren;th of tlieir lunjps, tliey must lave good ones. But, that is riffht, have all the fun yon can, for you nover can be 'oung bilt oso. - Mm:Uet.r Butorprfac Hev. Mr. Joslin, DMtkUug eider of bis district, preached a very able dis course at the unión meeting in the (Jongregational chureh on last Suiiday eveuug. Without any di.sparagement to our own Clerjfy, we must say the reverend entleman ;ave out of tlm best sermons noaclied in Dexter for a long time.- Dexter Leader. Man y ueighboring towns are agitating ,Ue subject of crejiineries, and not a few jave organized stoek eoinpanies for tlie ptirposé of operathis sucli enterprbes. Wliy cannot Saline have h creatuery en:erprise? It is a spleudid field, and there is plenty of capital for Investmeut, if there II only the will to invest in such ao enteipiise for both personal and public [roüt. - Saline )bserver. One of our absent-iuindcd business men stood on the platform at the Michigan Central depot the other day and permitted the train for whicli he had been aiixiously waiting some time to come and go, and had started to return to his place of business before it occurred to hini that he had urgent business in Detroit, and hal intended goinjf there on the train tliat as tben MTtnü miles away. - Ypsllantiau. On Saturday last, the lad who acts as jauitor at St. John's was surprised on gaing into the chapcl to build the lire, by a 8tranger who wanted to "say inass." He Immtdtatelj went to the house and in Cormed Kr. Deliever, who repaired to the chape], and loiind the stranger partly ciad in vestments, vigorously rlnginfr tht bell for a congregation. Vith a littlc cottxing Fr. DeBeversucceeded ingetting the vestnicnl.s away and locklBg tliem ti in the vestry, and inaking an excuse to get liim out of the chapel and locked it A little later he again presented himscl at the residence, and demanded breakfasl but departed on jeceiving a few smal coin8, and made iWfarther trouble. Il seemt'd wcll poated in Catholic eustonii1 and is no doubt a lunatic ut large. - Ypsl lanti Sentincl. A reunión of tlic Boyd family tiok )lace at tlic residence of AI. M. Boyu on hristinus day. Five brotbers and one ster were present: Ilarvey, of Sylvan, ged 76; Miles M., of Che I sea, aged 70; ieorge, of Limi, aged fix ; Kobert, of Jheteca, ajed 65; Mimi, of Saranac, aged 3; and Almila LMchfield, of Webster, ged 61. Thrce generatious were repreented, theyoinifrest beiiijr a(rranddangh;er of Georgc Boyd. 'Diere were present ,iro nieces, froui Jackson, Mrs. Prutik imitli nul Mrs. Edward Kninions. Tlie ¦Ccasion as onc of great interest and wlll be long rcineiubered. - Clielftea Her Id. ín 1808, J. 1). Kief, ihen lUwrishtnx msliR'S.s man and larra real etate ownef n Hila villHge, bouglit :i large tract of and and water power at Norvell and milt n mili, hotel, etc., tliere. FlDding nunself unable to meel hia obligatlonn be n ide an assignmcnt to Messrs. Golt ifc rterriman, hut understand tbat his wite did not ussuni lier interest in the property and it la claiuied that neither he nor any of the Credltora have been aki the amomit of thtir cliiims. Mr. üef died about tbfee yeats ugo, :ind wc nderstand that Mrs. Kief is now making ïrangementstofiecure hCTTlghtof dower i the property locateil n, tliis county. is sooii as procecdini; are begun we hall endeavor to give tull psrlicalsn. - lanehcster Enterprise. Don't blarae ua for broakiug a liinb. It vas to be. We slmply opent -d tlie hall. ince that we have not taken tip a paper lint h:is not contained one or more accipntgof thokiml. Even DohaJd MacLean, 1. I)., had to join tlie danet1, by tallin; 'rooi steps and brcaking bia cuitar bone. 'herc are not leos than lialfju dozen casea f bone fracture in thiscity, and of all ours nly occurred in the skating rink. One udy feil in her kitohen, and broke her lef; u two places. Another feil from her iack steps, and broke her ui in t-lose to the houlder joint. In fact i general hospital niight be furnislied now at once. Ir the nfortunates can"t go to the places where tiese accideuts happen anv more, where hall they go?- Ypsilanti Sentinel. Of the Christmas doings at the M. E. luireL in that place the Whitmore Lake Sun bas this description : "Never bas the d. E. cliurch been decorated more beauifuüy than it was for this occasion. Across the front ot the church was built stage, in the center of which stood the Christmas reel. This was beautifully ecorated with evergreens, tinted paper, gilt stars nnd preseuls, and reachcd to the eiling of the church. On the right of he reel stood a small tree on which were hung candy bafifi for the linie ones and muil tapers. The doors and the Windows were decorated nbove with evergreeus and before the wlndows on the stage were hung curtains of stars and stripes. ppropriate uiottos adorned the walls of he church. All the seats both below and n the gallery were occupied long bet'orc he time for opeaing the exercises carne, and benches were supplied in the aisles."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News