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;Uiortadvortlsemeuts Dot to exceed Urna mes, of Lost ana Fouud, Houses for Sale or i'-eal. Wants, etc., luserted three weeks for S cents. Hltuatlons wanted. free. CtTRAYEDOR 8TOLEN -Kitclipñp. Black k p and Tan Fox Hound. Welght about 4Ö ios. A liberal reward will be given to the luider. Apply 54 Washington treet. 80'3 TOUND- At Qooeyear'8 Urug Store, some X money. Owner can have the same by provlng property and paying for thls ad. FUR BALK OR BXGHAKOB-A Cboice Urain furm of onc hundred and tliirteen ñores ou Dexter road, four miles west of Ann Arbor. ü. H. 8t. ülalr, Aun Arbor. 808 npo RENT. Second story of No. S. Main JL Street, over m , ; Clothlng. Inqulre of A.L. Noblo. 7T-.;v Qood HouRe and two Ix)ts for sale very Y oheap on Detroit Slreet. Apply to John I luuegan or Matthews1 Real Kslate Agency. 7")-6w. HOUHE and Lot upar )iost office. Locullly convenlent. Wlll be sold cheap. Apiy to O. L. Muttuews, Real Estáte Agency. Aun Arbor. 73 6 WANTED AGENTS-Energetlc Men and Women to Cauvnss for Dr. E. Woodrutl's Family fhyslcian thronghout the ?:ast. He Circular in Hits office. Address Marlau 1-. Whltney, VU Andaraon htrect, Stocktou California. IC-72 i POR SALE! A House and Lot on Thompson streel (N'o. 11), Goodlocation. Fine Nelguborhood íind a BARGAIN. See i W'JV-_WñED0N,_or J.E. BEAL. I THE B ARRY HOMËSTE A I) ForSaleor Rcntwholeor In part, Centrally 'cated, Convenlent to the Unlverslty, Public Hobools, Markets and all part of the City. Kor Abstract ol Tille and othcr Information, pply to V. W. Whedon, Ann Arbor or C. A, liarry, Jaoksou Mlch. A Fine !2" Acre farm good buildings, near 1. Grass Lake to sell or trade for smaller larm. O. L. Matthews, Heal Kstate Agency, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 6-' ÍURNITURE- Good bargalns In bed room X sutt, bedding, etc, at the Courier office. I ÜANING- Money to loan ou flrst-class Xj Real tétate Morlgage at Current rates of Interest. Satlsfactory arrangemen ts made wlth capltallsts deslrlng Bach lnvestments. Ê Kwt7 conveyance and transactlon In absi niets of Ut les carefully examlned as to legal ¦ eflTect. Z P. K1NU. Ann Arbor. TOR SALE OR RENT- Barry Homestead, I X No. 28 4th Street Apply to W. W. Whedon, Ann Arbor or C. A. tíarry, Jackson, Mich.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News