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Michigan Engineering Society

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The animal meeting of the Michigan Engineering Society convenes in this city on the 20th of Jan'y continuing for three ünya. The sesnions will be held at the university, dividin nto sections, each one of whicli will be rovi()ed with a separate room. The headquartera for the local committet will be In the basement of the court house. A short address of welcome will be made by President Angell. The society is one of tho most flotirishing of its kind in the Union, and said to be in the best woiking condition of any. It liaa soine 300 raenibers upon its rolli, and there will be at least 150 or 200 in attendance upon the Aun Arbor meeting. Prof. J. B. Oivia is president of the society, and Prof. M. E. Cooley chiiirman of' tlie executivecominittpn, and tlieir well knowu energy and activity will provide well for the wants of the meeting. The following is the published program: Tuesday- Reporta of president and cominltteee and organlzatlon of sectlous; evenIiik, address of the president on "Tecunical Eduoatlon." Wednesday- Cooslderation of papen offered ; meeMiigs of Uie sections of urveylng, civil euglneeriug and mechanlcal onglneerinK. 1'hursday- Secüona! work anddiscussionaeveniriK, address In uuiverslty hall. All those interested in mechanical or engineeriiiff art are invited to be present, whether bavtug a inembership in the society or not. Any one deslnng can secure ndnoed rates over any railroad by writing to the secretary for a certifícate to be used in purchasing the ticket. The offlcerg for the coming meeting are : Prof. .1. B. Davls, Ann Arbor. Vice pre8lUeiH- Uco. E. Steele, O rand Traverse. Secretary- R c. Carpenter, Lansing. ExecutiTeComraltiee- Prof. M. E. Cooley, Anp Arbor; W. 8. Hussel, Detroit, and C. K. üollister, Laingsburg.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News